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No one's searching so I'm not lost.
I keep seeing evidence that Biden can be moved in the correct direction. And as slow as it may seem, he does so quicker than pretty much any president since FDR. I'll take this over what the other 3 Dem presidents in my lifetime have done.
Reposted byAvatar Brendan
I'm just a boy. Standing in front of people who make best books of the century lists. Asking them to please realize that they are allowed to read graphic novels other than Fun Home and Persepolis.
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If I wanted people to care that I got shot & killed, I would simply avoid getting shot & killed at a fucking Nazi rally
If Biden said "You reap what you sow, motherfucker. Come get me bitch!" Maybe, just maybe, the questions about his age would have subsided.
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This wouldn't have happened if Trump had been where he's supposed to be: prison. Just saying.
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These are the other shootings that happen in America and all of them get one headline and then no one ever thinks about them again because it happens all the time and everyone has stopped caring
Reposted byAvatar Brendan
This is McCain 2008 suspending the campaign weirdo loser stuff
From a Biden campaign official: “The Biden campaign is pausing all outbound communications and working to pull down our television ads as quickly as possible.” — Matt Viser, WaPo
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if the situation were reversed trump would be out there tomorrow morning talking about weak joe biden who was too feeble to dodge a bullet
I get why they're doing this, but it's bad strategy
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Every elite Dem donor: "Oh, no. WE have to eat the same shit sandwich we made you all eat four years ago!"
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NEW: AOC introduces articles of impeachment against Justices Thomas and Alito for failure to disclose gifts and failure to recuse. Cosponsors: Lee, Tlaib, Watson Coleman, Ramirez, Frost, Omar, Bowman Thomas: Alito:
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The true story of the Constitutional convention, brought to you by your friends at the Federalist Society phone friendly format on Tiny View:
Constitutional Brought to you by the Federalist Society.
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genuinely hopeful sign that every big name GOP garbage monster is frantically trying to distance themselves from Project Say The Quiet Part Loud In an Easily-Digestible Bullet Point Format About Which There Can Be No Confusion. this means we should all absolutely continue never shutting up about it
Reposted byAvatar Brendan
Not to make light of a very serious point, but --- I would LOVE to see Trump run on a platform of ending recreational sex. It might result in the first unanimous electoral college sweep since Washington.
Reposted byAvatar Brendan
Wow, real banana republic stuff. I'm glad our presidents can launder money and associate criminally without worrying about this kind of thing.
Reports: Brazil police have indicted Jair Bolsonaro for money laundering and criminal association
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This man is making his evil intentions as crystal-clear as they possibly could be, and everyone who cares about humanity should be blasting that message out in every possible venue.
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be"
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"
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basically I’m fine voting for three pinwheeling clown shoes mounted to motorized broomsticks that come to my house every morning and kick me in the nuts when I open the front door, but I’m not oblivious to the fact that biden isn’t demonstrating any control of the narrative right now
Reposted byAvatar Brendan
look I will crawl across broken glass to vote against Donald Trump but if you're trying to gaslight me that the guy who listened to calls to expand the court and formed a commission in order to kick the can down the road and then never did anything else is actually on top of this now, well.
Reposted byAvatar Brendan
we're all overlooking the important question though, which is are the justices all still friends having fun, despite their disagreements
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Can we maybe get this bullshit updated?
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OK so the public doesn't want either presidential candidate to win, and the Supreme Court says a president has absolute immunity to abuse their powers however they want, so maybe let's just don't have a president
Cool. Now do Trump.
In Opinion The greatest public service President Biden can now perform is to announce that he will not run for re-election, the editorial board writes after Thursday's presidential debate.
Opinion | To Serve His Country, President Biden Should Leave the The president’s inadequate performance in the debate made it clear he is not the man he was four years ago.
Reposted byAvatar Brendan
Exactly how I feel.
The CNN peops are saying what I feel, We are fucked. The debate was a disaster. Even though Trump was insane, Joe was barely competent. I continue to think that a transcript would show Joe as solid and Trump as a lunatic but, it was very bad.
Reposted byAvatar Brendan
Trump said the wildest, most insane, psychotic bilious shit imaginable and he *did* sound more coherent than Biden. That’s how disastrous it was for Biden.
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President Biden’s debate strategy, dropping dead on stage and being wheeled off in a coffin, is unconventional to say the least … but it might just pay off
Reposted byAvatar Brendan
This court is so corrupt that it could be directly solicited by a literal cartoon caricature of a bribe — like this old Thomas Nast drawing of an anthropomorphic sack of money — and the conservatives would just say it looks like nothing at all, even as they fold the money into their pockets.
Today’s Snyder decision almost a cartoon caricature of a corrupt court.