David Kaib

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David Kaib


Political education, socialism, abolition, unions, cats
Reposted byAvatar David Kaib
Bartenders, Uber drivers, servers, and strippers in Milwaukee have confirmed one consistent, clear fact for me — RNC visitors don't tip
Reposted byAvatar David Kaib
Amazon Prime Day is actually just a harvest festival reworked to make Christianity more palatable to the pagans
Are you incapable of reading?
What he could do immediately is announce that he wasn’t bound by poorly reasoned overreach, that the Court isn’t the sole decider of Constitutional issues and how he planned on acting on, say, protecting abortion rights.
Biden needed fresh ideas about what to do about the Supreme Court so he turned to…Larry Tribe.
The Supreme Court stuff is the same as all the other announcements—instead of doing things that can be done right now, it’s a promise to do a thing in the future that he cannot make happen.
Reposted byAvatar David Kaib
There are eight billion people on this planet, a number that would have freaked 1970s population doomsayers right the fuck out. There's no reasonable argument that we need more people. All of this talk about procreation is entirely about what *kind* of people they want.
Maybe not the main point, but important to note that Musk's preoccupation with procreating as much as possible is directly linked to the Great Replacement and the other white supremacist doctrines in which he believes (and, here, to colonial frameworks of conquering).
Reposted byAvatar David Kaib
Something I remind myself of regularly is that there are millions of people who care about the same things that I do and/but the gulf between caring and knowing what to do is wide.
Reposted byAvatar David Kaib
Reposted byAvatar David Kaib
"A group of D.C journalists who worked at a local news site that was abruptly shuttered by NPR affiliate WAMU earlier this year are launching their own nonprofit devoted to covering community news of Washington...It will be operated as a worker-run newsroom" www.washingtonpost.com/style/media/...
Former DCist staff launch the 51st, new local news site for Washingtonwww.washingtonpost.com The 51st is a worker-run newsroom that will attempt to fill a niche its founders say opened when WAMU closed DCist.
Reposted byAvatar David Kaib
the yoga instructor tells me to engage my core. i toggle the swtich and feel my power levels rising. core engaged. plasma vents at 34%. within minutes my shoulder mounted turbo canons will be armed. namaste.
Reposted byAvatar David Kaib
McAlevey was calling for a 2040 project for the left seven years ago.
Just following Grover Cleveland’s precedent.
McAlevey was calling for a 2040 project for the left seven years ago.
Reposted byAvatar David Kaib
Why am I being implicated in GOP on GOP violence though? Who is the "we" these people are talking about? Leave me out of it.
The worst social commentary comes from taking an isolated act and turning it into a social phenomenon.
Second worst is yoking an isolated incident to a social phenomenon that it is unrelated to.
Reposted byAvatar David Kaib
Just going to continue to say it's impossible to take in the scale of bullshit in the world at this time. No one should try because it's simply not possible. Attention is a limited, non-renewable resource. I feel no guilt for focusing on a few things so that I can make a small impact on those.
Reposted byAvatar David Kaib
I tend to think the New Gilded Age stuff is overdrawn (history only goes forward) but goddamn
Reposted byAvatar David Kaib
universities: we bought all new software to do the same thing you already do now with ease. It completely sucks and cost us 13 million dollars.
Reposted byAvatar David Kaib
Don't beclown yourselves.
My comrade @elizabethxutang has been talking to 21 Palestinian families in Gaza for the past few months & has recruited me + ~100 others to raise $$ for them this weekend! Learn more: bit.ly/21families DONATE: Venmo/PayPal elizabethxutang (memo: "21 families") Thank you!
Help 21 Palestinian Families in Gazabit.ly Sheet1 Help 21 Palestinian Families in Gaza (view here: <a href="http://bit.ly/21families">bit.ly/21families</a> ) Venmo or PayPal: <a href="https://venmo.com/u/elizabethxutang">elizabethxutang</a> •...
Reposted byAvatar David Kaib
I think most people really don't have any context for the cumulative effect of the constant unhinged low level harassment that comes past a certain threshold of name recognition
Reposted byAvatar David Kaib
Bob Boilen and Stephen Thompson were at SXSW trying to hear a Laura Gibson acoustic set in an obnoxious setting, and Stephen said something along the lines of, “Maybe she can just come play at your desk.”
Reposted byAvatar David Kaib
Dr. Koritha Mitchell has coined a concept called "know your place aggression" and let's just say that this place is rampant with it. muse.jhu.edu/article/715439
Project MUSE - Identifying White Mediocrity and Know-Your-Place Aggression: A Form of Self-Caremuse.jhu.edu
Polls never answer strategic questions.
I find the idea that you can know for certain that what would or could happen false but ‘no one could possibly know anything’ is ridiculous.
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Please consider: Momo the kitten
Reposted byAvatar David Kaib
If you're mad at people for simply describing real things that are happening, then you're mad at the wrong people. If you're vilifying people for describing real things that are happening, you need to shut the fuck up.