Deanna Davis

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Deanna Davis

NYC gal. Works in corporate comms. Loves DMB, hip hop, jazz, jewelry, stones, beaches, pools and local farms. Long Covid since early 2020 😷💙. Mother of Cats (who think they’re 🐉). Embraces kindness, love, compassion and joy. Created a secret wine club.
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Fun fact: when I was eleven years old, I met Richard Simmons in the Crystal Court in downtown Minneapolis. He told me a story from his childhood and gave me a kiss on the cheek and told me, "Whatever world you step into, do your best to make it beautiful."
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Just so disgusted by the (all but 2) Republicans and 62 Democrats (see below) who voted to ban US officials from acknowledging the death toll in Gaza.
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LOL remember when Democratic Congressional leadership were like “Anyone who helps a candidate primary a Democratic incumbent is blacklisted from the DCCC” Guess that’s only for folks coming from the left!
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Even for those who currently have no medical vulnerabilities, or who don’t mask regularly, wearing a mask should be as simple as using an umbrella when it rains or a bandage when you’re bleeding. You can protect yourself from flu season or smoke, or others from your cold. Easy, practical, courteous.
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The Heritage Foundation is the Fourth Reich.
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If you haven’t been masking in public since 2021 please mask the fuck up in solidarity. We’ve been begging for years and everything we’ve said would happen has happened and is happening bc you’d rather disappear disabled people than listen to us when we see the fascist warning signs
It’s killing my spirit thinking I won’t be able to mask in NYC. Please don’t ban masks anywhere in the USA, especially NYC. This city where I live and pay taxes would suffer by not seeing my pretty masked face.
“Immunocompromised people shouldn’t be gathering in large groups anyway” is making me cry today, man. They’re saying the quiet part out loud and the only people I see really making noise about this are those of us who will be completely shut out of public life if these bans go through
Any tax is better than zero. This two percent plan is a good starting point.
@Reuters: Taxing super-rich debate should start with 2% levy, says economist behind plan
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So many people see this and get a moment of amusement and surprise but never think more about it: This is all of ancient history and archaeology: All of the fatty nooks and crannies lost to the decay of time until we take what remains and reimagine it as a leaner, purpose-built, brutal existence.
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One of the darkest days on Twitter was when people started riffing on a picture of one of the Jan 6th protestors by pointing out that it looked like that one guy from Mr. Show and then... it slowly became crystal clear it was indeed that one guy from Mr. Show.
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I am unironically thankful that the Cybertruck exists what other vehicle can provide us this level of schadenfreude day in and day out art comes in many different forms
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Do you know what the 22 countries ranked ahead of the U.S. in happiness all have in common? Universal healthcare. Turns out people are happier when they don’t have to choose between food and seeing a doctor.
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wild what can happen when a government actually makes an effort to combat pollution and climate change would be nice if some of the bigger polluters (like the US) learned from the example and implemented things like this
In Medellín, a city of 2.5 million people in Colombia, the Green Corridors urban restoration project has planted 880,000 trees and 2.5 million plants, reducing pollution and bringing temperatures down by 2 degrees C. #ShareGoodNewsToo
How a Colombian City Cooled Dramatically in Just Three With “green corridors” that mimic the natural forest, the Colombian city is driving down temperatures -- and could become five degrees cooler over the next few decades.
I’m just Ken. Epic performance.
Four years ago today, I woke up sick with a fever and a bad cough. It was Covid-19. I’ve had Long Covid since then and got a vaccine booster today. Stay healthy out there.
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We absolutely need an alternative to Twitter, but Threads, Instagram, and Facebook all being down at the same time shows how dangerous it is to consolidate all social media under a single corporation, and people need to stop encouraging it.
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Facebook, Instagram and Threads are all down. Happy Super Tuesday everyone!
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How long are you contagious with COVID-19? Here's what the science says: ➡️ Most people are infectious for ~10 days ➡️ ~80% of people test positive for 5 days after symptom onset ➡️ Only ~30% of people who test positive have a fever ➡️ Presence of symptoms is an unreliable indicator of infectiousness
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Listening to ‘s burn book. It’s fantastic. Highly recommend.
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I’m gonna fix twitter you guys
I’m trapped. He’s so cute but I need to pee and he keeps cuddling more. He’s just a perfect sleepy kitty. I’ll just stay here forever.
The whole Wendy Williams doc was so much. I hope her guardianship changes and her family is involved in her care. How you doin’ Wendy? Also her current guardian is Sabrina E. Morrissey
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Who wants a black 3M Aura? More would benefit from excellent protection if this respirator was available in black. We've written to the CEO of 3M and provided a template letter for you to do the same. Please repost if you want to make safety stylish.
An Open Letter to the CEO of We think more people would benefit from excellent protection if the popular 3M Aura respirator was available in black, so we've written to the CEO of 3M and provided a template for you to do the same.
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Solving the puzzle of Long Covid Ziyad Al-Aly and I briefly review what we know and what needs to be done
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On one hand, it is rather disheartening to see how companies have just let copyright bots become private policemen that have kangaroo courts for appealing their basically final decisions. On the other hand, Moby just got struck down by Moby
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This is good advice that the public needs to hear. The two-dose vaccine schedule for measles wasn't introduced until 1996. Anyone born before '96 who hasn't had measles should check their immune status—you might think you're immune, but not be.
Check you're fully immunized against measles, Public Health Agency of Canada urges 🍁 The most important health news, in one place.