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Thence we came forth to rebehold the stars
Probably Taney, idk
Between today, Chevron, the reversal of Roe, and Citizens United, I feel like it would be pretty tough to name a more destructive Supreme Court than John Roberts'
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(there's just also people making 5-agent DGSE models, fitting them to loose demographic stuff, and also saying "2008 might've been good for young people, because of home price decline")
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but doctor, pagliacci is out of network
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Oh I should let myself be vulnerable? Sounds like something my enemy would say
Tax land, AJ, cuz God ain’t making any less of it
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Quinnipiac finds Dems start strong in the Gov race in North Carolina: Josh Stein (D) leads Mark Robinson (R), the far-right LG who you've surely heard of, 52% to 44%. Trump up 48/46 in the same sample, tightest poll there in many months.
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Eclipse started early. Sun went away entirely a few hours ago and still hasn’t come back. Starting to worry.
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On a morning conference call with state governors, Trump suggests they get medical supplies on their own instead of looking to the federal government. This will end up pitting governors against each other in the bidding for ventilators, respirators and protective gear.
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Guys, hear me out: Catholic and Apostolic House of Pancakes
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I don't know how to convey to some people that you don't make the big policies by winning an election, you make it by winning elections repeatedly for decades. So yes, you do have to keep voting, forever, or the other guys will win & they will make the big policies
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BREAKING: The Mississippi House just passed Medicaid expansion by a 96-20 vote. That's more than enough to overcome a veto from Gov. Tate Reeves. It now heads to the Senate. Background on the bill advancing out of committee yesterday:
Medicaid Expansion Headed to Mississippi House Floor For The Mississippi House is preparing to debate expanding Medicaid benefits to hundreds of thousands more residents in the poorest state in the nation.
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Y’all are missing the obvious: Trump throws for +6,000 yards and establishes himself as a real running threat his senior season, garnering offers from blue chip SEC programs. He then plays each off the other for a $500m NIL deal
Libertarians love to point out in painstaking detail all the ways that Big Government Bureaucracy is inefficient and rent-seeking, its clear that none of them have spent any time in a large legacy corporation Private companies have a tremendous capacity for inefficiency too!
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I can't think of a single policy priority today that would more effectively address economic insecurity, inequality, and climate change all at once than a major effort to build more (and denser) housing in America.
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Inventories are also on the rise, eying the highest since 2020.
Housing affordability has started improving, with falling rates and rising wages offsetting further home price advances. Hours of work at average hourly earnings required to cover the mortgage payment on the median existing home at average mortgage rates dropped 6% from October's peak to December.
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*data showing the biggest group of newly employed are Hispanic service workers* Bloomberg: “is this because of George Floyd??”
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The arc of the moral universe is long but it bends towards justice
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modern society is so divorced from our food sources that most people who eat pop tarts have never actually killed one themselves
The Colorado petition to disqualify Trump was filed by Republicans, one of whom was a former state senator, and the legal theory that underpins this challenge was thought up by Will Baude, a conservative FedSoc law prof at UChicago This is an intra-GOP dispute if anything
I’m calling BS on a narrative that’s become widespread: The idea that liberals hope the 14th amendment is the “magical cure-all” that finishes Trump once and for all. This NYT piece leads with this claim. 1/
Doing anti-democratic stuff is the raison d’être of this SCOTUS
One of the arguments I don’t like is “the decision is undemocratic.” I guess Section 3 of the 14th Amendment could be seen as undemocratic. So could the impeachment power, or the age and birth requirements for Presidents. Not sure a decision implementing it is undemocratic.
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One of the arguments I don’t like is “the decision is undemocratic.” I guess Section 3 of the 14th Amendment could be seen as undemocratic. So could the impeachment power, or the age and birth requirements for Presidents. Not sure a decision implementing it is undemocratic.
Most of the dialogue about the Colorado Supreme Court decision is deeply obnoxious. It’s all either “this is obviously the only possible outcome” or “this is completely made up,” neither of which is a serious take.
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The thing that is the most ridiculous is that, with a reasonable close reading of Keynes and the newspaper, basically every turn in the pandemic economy was call-able. It's designed as a dynamic theory that works in dynamic situations. The phillips curve isn't.