Della Moon

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Della Moon

She/they 🩶 25 🩶 alt for Delphiniumarchangelmoon on tumblr 💜 follow for block people, animals, and complaining about whatever game I’m currently playing
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Friendly reminder that alcohol is fucking dangerous and societies normalization of using it is kind of ass actually Sincerely, someone whose mom nearly died the other day
Making bananba bread. Yummyyyy
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Reposted byAvatar Della Moon
I know Tom, so I can verify this is a real fundraiser for a wonderful kitty. Please consider helping Caroline if you can. ❤️
I just got back from running errands why is everyone saying that blond guy from smash bros broke all the computers?
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Returning briefly to say that the ICJ ruling is significantly better than even I expected. Not only was the occupation ruled illegal, but the Court said it constitutes a racial segregationist and apartheid system. The Court advises the world to act. The Court ruled we are entitled to reparations.
Bsky users: why does no one want to use the site??? The same bsky users: I’m never going to post about anything happy or positive ever. Every time you log in I’m sending 37 skeets a minute of just pure unfiltered depression
Finished the first session of our new dnd campaign! We got hired to find a missing wagon and found a hole full of gnolls! And then one of them, once defeated, WOKE BACK UP SOMEHOW! Gonna be fun to figure out why THAT happened! #dnd
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Me and my son don't know nuthin' about no bank robbin', Sheriff.
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👀 Abortion Justice Now is a new call from repro organizers for an "expansive, federal right to abortion" without gestational and viability limits. They're asking folks to sign on, too:
Abortion Justice
Also I have mosquito bites in identical places on each thigh how tf did I manage that. Just the two, no others, in the exact same place on each leg.
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Whilst in many ways we live in the worst timeline, seeing an ace person lead London Pride has been a real highpoint of my year. Thankyou, @theyasminbenoit and everyone else who made that happen :) #pride #ace #asexual #ThisIsWhatAsexualLooksLike
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My doctor telling me to have better sleep I have to have better "sleep hygiene" by using my bed only for sleep and sex. Me, an asexual playing Little to the Left on my Steam Deck in bed: ...this probably counts, right?
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Pisces: You’ll get promoted this week after you sacrifice a coworker to the gods.
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Meanwhile, Biden HAS quietly delivered $1 billion to communities for climate shocks resilience. 👇 (My previous post had "trillion", an autocorrect. It would be good to imagine what level of funding could do, on the USAID budget too.)
My discovery tab has gotten significantly more insufferable overnight after I followed a bunch of people. Is it just cause something annoying is trending or is one of you causing this?
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TRIPOD WALKER (2016) Acrylic on Watercolor Paper - 19" x 13" Painted on the back of a misprinted Dark Tower image I was using as a mixing palette of mostly white, yellow ocher, and raw umber. The print is on such a fine grade of heavyweight watercolor paper that I was loathe to throw it away. 1/4
Ruin a movie by making it plural: Irons man
Ruin a movie by making it plural: Insides Out
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Here is a nice mushroom
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“What if we kissed..” let me stop you right there. I have never kissed anything, and I am not about to start now
Every time I log in here I’m greeted with a bunch of bs surrounding someone I’ve never heard of
Good morning everyone, I tried to make a mocha frappe in my bullet blender and the goddamn lid is stuck on it now. I can’t open it. My coffee is trapped in a plastic prison
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I can't wait to see how the Bluesky community reacts to the Neil Gaiman allegations after everything you kids have all had to learn recently about the cost of disbelieving an accuser simply because you like the accused.
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Found a crystal booth at pride and brought this baby home! Official pride crystal! #witchsky
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