Leanna Renee Hieber

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Leanna Renee Hieber


Author of gothic, ghost-filled fiction & ghost-filled non-fiction centering women's history. Goth. Playwright. Actress. Ghost Tour Guide. A HAUNTED HISTORY OF INVISIBLE WOMEN and THE SPECTRAL CITY (Kensington Books) STRANGELY BEAUTIFUL (Tor Books).
45 Hrs Left to get your Virtual Tickets & unlock pay-what-you-can tickets at the door so that theatre can be accessible to all! LET'S MISBEHAVE is a brand-new play by a trans playwright focusing on joy & found family, founded by a brand-new production company, it's darling & I think you'll love it!
LAST DAYS TO GET YOUR VIRTUAL TICKETS FOR LET'S MISBEHAVE! If we get to the next 1k, fun new things unlock! Every $50 to the campaign unlocks a pay-what-you-can ticket at the door Aug 23-25 in Cambridge, MA to allow all income brackets to see live theater! Support a show about trans joy & survival!
Apparently, Freydis Moon (racefaking, abusive grifter) is trying to get people to pay for publishing advice as to how they grew their pen name in 2 years. A) do NOT give this asshole money B) they leveraged all they learned and all their pub industry connections from Taylor/Brooklyn to make FM
There is never any shame in using the library, and much benefit in doing so. They are the closest thing to an unmitigated social good that we have in these United States, which is why the hard right is gunning so fervently for them these days. A world without libraries and librarians is a poor one.
My book-buying budget is not what it once was, which is precisely why I’m using the library more. It also gives me the opportunity to read books that I’m not sure I want to add to the home library (not that there’s a lot of room to do that anyway).
Seattle friends! Know how the city has been planting saplings to replace trees that have died from heat/drought/age? The city does not actually water them regularly! In this dry heat, a lot of them are dying. Gator bags say they need 15 gal/week. If you see one in distress on your street, adopt it.
Be Nice to Bugs Day! I love this! I've let a patch of yard go wild and the bug buddies love it! Here's an amazing Katydid, I think, and if someone can identify this beautiful big white fuzzy moth boi, I'd be grateful! 😀
July 14 (to my surprise) is Be Nice to Bugs Day. Repost with some of your bugs! Here's a ten-line June beetle, trying hard not to be seen and failing.
If you’ve shared this but haven’t read it yet, you should. PEOPLE isn’t pulling punches. Just printing “Christian Nationalism” in relation to the platform of a presidential candidate is more than many pubs have done.
LAST DAYS TO GET YOUR VIRTUAL TICKETS FOR LET'S MISBEHAVE! If we get to the next 1k, fun new things unlock! Every $50 to the campaign unlocks a pay-what-you-can ticket at the door Aug 23-25 in Cambridge, MA to allow all income brackets to see live theater! Support a show about trans joy & survival!
Darlings! New LET'S MISBEHAVE goodies! Get yourself remade as a Jazz-age star in a glamorous poster! Drawn as a Matinee Idol! These tiers come with virtual ticket access! If you've already pledged, you can adjust your tier with these fun add-ons! All to support independent theater! tinyurl.com/lmlrh
Let's Misbehavewww.kickstarter.com A Queer Jazz-Age Romp coming to the Foundry, Cambridge MA
According to the Center for Strategic and International Studies—an eminently respectable, bipartisan think tank—right-wing political violence accounted for more than 90 percent of all attacks or plots in the first half of 2020, far outpacing terrorism from any other source since 1990.
We’re in an epidemic of right-wing terror. Won’t someone tell the press?www.motherjones.com More than a decade of media malpractice enabled January 6. Has the media learned its lesson?
Every time a story comes out that a violent boy or man was bullied in school, I really wish they’d talk to the girls and women who had to be around that guy. Killings are rarely a first act of violence.
Dears, if shopping is a helpful distraction, good news: I've new 1-of-a-kind batty goodies in my shop! I have to take the shop down until Mid-Sept. due to work & travel, so go forth & snag something BEFORE midnight tonight! Using this link helps lots, thanks for your time! torchandarrow.etsy.com
Dears, if shopping is a helpful distraction, good news: I've new 1-of-a-kind batty goodies in my shop! I have to take the shop down until Mid-Sept. due to work & travel, so go forth & snag something BEFORE midnight tonight! Using this link helps lots, thanks for your time! torchandarrow.etsy.com
Good illustration of two points: 1) American political history is a lot more violent than we're taught in schools, and the era that's ending now is the aberration 2) one reason why that higher baseline level of political violence is left out of the narrative is because of who the victims were.
#tdih July 13, 1863: New York City Draft Riots and Massacre “[Rioters] set the city’s colored orphan asylum on fire…[and] shot, burned, and hanged African Americans…[and many] people were thrown into the rivers to drown.” www.zinnedproject.org/news/tdih/dr...
July 13, 1863: New York City Draft Riots and Massacrewww.zinnedproject.org The New York City Draft Massacre (“Riots”) were the largest civil insurrection in U.S. history besides the Civil War itself. White mobs attacked the African American community — committing murder and ...
ZOMG. FINALLY. Senators Cantwell, Blackburn, and Heinrich have stepped up and written legislation to stop AI from stealing creators’ work without permission. As Cass Morris says, call your Congress Critters!
NEW: Not one but TWO major US media outlets have been taken over by Brits who previously headed anti-trans culture war obsessed outlets in the US and UK. Robert Winnett of the psychopathic Telegraph and Hugh Dougherty of disinformation-peddler NY Post will head the Washington Post and Daily Beast.
Uh Oh! Conservative Brits Take EIC Roles at Two Major US News Orgs — Assignedwww.assignedmedia.org The Washington Post and the Daily Beast have featured responsible, factual coverage of trans issues. That’s now threatened as two editors who helmed culture war focused papers have been put in charg...
Night crowd, thank you for signal-boosting & supporting this venture. When I walked away from professional theater to work on my books, I retained my union Equity membership, knowing someday I'd return to a full production. That it's this sweet, meaningful show about representation means everything.
Y'ALL DID IT! THE KICKSTARTER FUNDED! We get to pay trans & non-binary actors in leading roles of a brand new show Union & Union-comparable wages! You've funded my role as The Countess; an Equity Special Appearance contract! NOW we get to share with you some adorable and cheeky stretch goals! 😘
Junior Scholars: Project 2025 is now breaking through to public consciousness. The more people learn about it, the more they hate it. Now is a great time to search that website, go to the section of your expertise, and write an oped. Keep the drip of bad news for them coming, all the way to Nov.
I'll repeat what I wrote in my book. People going after others should ask themselves: Am I going after the appropriate entity or the *available target*? A LOT of latter goes on. But cruelty laterally/downward does nothing to the entity that created a situation &ensures creation of a truly awful vibe
I think a lot of people get into a bad space here because the people with power they actually want to yell at would never in a million years be on Bluesky so we end up yelling at people who aren’t that bad and it makes everyone pissy and weird
THANK YOU for being part of our Let's Misbehave crowdfund process, it takes lots of shouting to get a project funded these days. But I haven't forgotten about the ongoing traumas out there. Just donated again to the Palestine Children's Relief Fund & hope you will too: www.pcrf.net
PCRFwww.pcrf.net The Palestine Children's Relief Fund was established in 1992 by concerned humanitarians in the USA to bring injured and sick children for free medical care they could not get locally
Y'ALL DID IT! THE KICKSTARTER FUNDED! We get to pay trans & non-binary actors in leading roles of a brand new show Union & Union-comparable wages! You've funded my role as The Countess; an Equity Special Appearance contract! NOW we get to share with you some adorable and cheeky stretch goals! 😘
Darlings! New LET'S MISBEHAVE goodies! Get yourself remade as a Jazz-age star in a glamorous poster! Drawn as a Matinee Idol! These tiers come with virtual ticket access! If you've already pledged, you can adjust your tier with these fun add-ons! All to support independent theater! tinyurl.com/lmlrh
Let's Misbehavewww.kickstarter.com A Queer Jazz-Age Romp coming to the Foundry, Cambridge MA
Thank you, my friend! I'll definitely be quoting myself here in the introduction of AMERICA'S MOST GOTHIC: HAUNTED HISTORY STRANGER THAN FICTION (Fall '25, Kensington) because I really feel this is the most important aspect of Gothic literature & I'm glad to have articulated it in a memorable way.
Came across this note I made in my phone at DragonCon last year (1 of 2): “The engine of the Gothic is dread.” ~ @leannareneehieber.bsky.social
Came across this note I made in my phone at DragonCon last year (1 of 2): “The engine of the Gothic is dread.” ~ @leannareneehieber.bsky.social
Night crowd! $611 away from funding a transcendently fun, important piece of theater that exemplifies "Existence is Resistance". A *historically set* new play about queer & trans joy is a rare thing. I'm honored to be playing a BATTY protectorate character I want you to meet. Virtual Tix available!
Darlings! New LET'S MISBEHAVE goodies! Get yourself remade as a Jazz-age star in a glamorous poster! Drawn as a Matinee Idol! These tiers come with virtual ticket access! If you've already pledged, you can adjust your tier with these fun add-ons! All to support independent theater! tinyurl.com/lmlrh
Let's Misbehavewww.kickstarter.com A Queer Jazz-Age Romp coming to the Foundry, Cambridge MA
Maybe this is the only poll people should be talking about today. jessica.substack.com/p/most-ameri...
Something people are sleeping on: One of the 4 state justices who voted to make abortion illegal in Iowa in late June, David May, is up for retention this fall. This was a 4-3 decision. One of 3 states in which justices who upheld bans this year are up: boltsmag.org/your-state-b...
Your State-by-State Guide to the 2024 Supreme Court Electionsboltsmag.org Voters this year are deciding the fate of 82 seats across 33 states’ high courts. Cases involving abortion, democracy, and other critical issues hang in the balance.
We're in our final week funding this darling show where Existence is Resistance! Get a $13 virtual ticket to our show, watch from anywhere in the world! Get yourself goodies, art, merch, an online queer history class as an add-on & more! Help independent artists get paid Union & Union-comparable $!
Darlings! New LET'S MISBEHAVE goodies! Get yourself remade as a Jazz-age star in a glamorous poster! Drawn as a Matinee Idol! These tiers come with virtual ticket access! If you've already pledged, you can adjust your tier with these fun add-ons! All to support independent theater! tinyurl.com/lmlrh
Let's Misbehavewww.kickstarter.com A Queer Jazz-Age Romp coming to the Foundry, Cambridge MA
i made this shareable version of my one sentence project 2025 summary so it can be easily shared across platforms. feel free to repost.
there are many reasons we need to win in the fall, but one of them is that i simply am not going to abide by letting both the brits and the french lecture us
LET'S MISBEHAVE, a new, queer, Jazz-age Romp of a play has only 8 days left to fund independent theatre! Come see me on stage as an utterly batty Countess throwing wild parties! Watch our Boston, MA performance from anywhere with a virtual $13 ticket, please get yours now! Plus new, neat goodies!
Darlings! New LET'S MISBEHAVE goodies! Get yourself remade as a Jazz-age star in a glamorous poster! Drawn as a Matinee Idol! These tiers come with virtual ticket access! If you've already pledged, you can adjust your tier with these fun add-ons! All to support independent theater! tinyurl.com/lmlrh
Let's Misbehavewww.kickstarter.com A Queer Jazz-Age Romp coming to the Foundry, Cambridge MA
You could get yourself or a loved one done up in a truly glamorous, artistic, Jazz-age manner AND be the one to push us over 10k! The team seeks a modest 12k to fund a brand new production company paying professional actors, most of which are trans & non-binary performers, Union & comparable wages!
Darlings! New LET'S MISBEHAVE goodies! Get yourself remade as a Jazz-age star in a glamorous poster! Drawn as a Matinee Idol! These tiers come with virtual ticket access! If you've already pledged, you can adjust your tier with these fun add-ons! All to support independent theater! tinyurl.com/lmlrh
Let's Misbehavewww.kickstarter.com A Queer Jazz-Age Romp coming to the Foundry, Cambridge MA