
This is why I’ve been writing for years that “nothing in movement conservatism makes sense except in the light of creationism.” It’s the exact same tactics, just repurposed for other causes. I share the frustration.
It is enormously frustrating to know, as an evolutionary biologist with experience from the trenches of the creationist wars on science, that nobody on Biden’s team nor CNN’s seem to be aware of the Gish Gallop, 30y after Eugenie Scott described it and years of Trump deploying it!
Gish gallop -
I've done a bit of public speaking, and it seems to me that the Gish gallop is incredibly difficult to deal with. You have to mentally tear yourself out of the discussion to say 'You're full of it.' But yes, Biden seemed unprepared for it.
This is why we need more peoplewith terrible personalities in politics. I have zero problem doing this, because I have no charisma and don't care what people think of me as a person. Put me up there and I'll make Trump stroke out within half an hour.
It's like that Kendrick/Drake tweet that was going around a bit ago "find your opponent's weak point and maintain message discipline" Which in Trump's case would be calling him a traitorous, broke loser. Over. And over. And over.
Yes! He's just a fuckin common abuser bully. I eat men like that for lunch.
They NEED you to either stay civil and nice or completely lose your shit and start screaming. If you mock them like a playground bully and get real personal they can't take it. Trump is obsessed with being respected. So disrespect him. He's a sad old loser felon who fails at everything and stinks.
He walks out and you just hold your nose. "Drop a load in your drawers there, Stinky?" Totally derailed. Totally. He'd spend a half hour on how he did not shit his pants
YES! Like "did you just fart?" Puerile and childish wins with these creeps every time. I wish Hillary Clinton had done that when he was walking around behind her on stage in 2016
Lest anybody think I'm just talking out of my ass here, we used to get those dickhead mobs of antivaxxers showing up at Sprouts and Starbucks around here until some friends and I decided to show up in masks and tell them they were dumb and ugly and their moms didn't love them and made a bunch of
them break down so bad they couldn't make it on camera to spread their lies. It only took a couple of times and they never came back. One of the ringleaders moved out of state. Another one disappeared and then showed up again with huge new boobs and tats but it was too late for their momentum
Didn’t bunch of middle schoolers in Southern California absolutely destroy some anti vaxxers who were accosting them outside their school? Which really underscores how dumb these people are… what did they think would happen?
the person who punched Spencer will forever be my hero
He brings up golf. "Sorry, bro. I'm too busy fucking to golf, but I hear your weird little mushroom dick can't get hard anymore so I bet you have a ton of time"
"everyone knows you cheat at golf and can't pleasure a woman, you're a sad pathetic loser"
"Who the fuck cares about golf? You're a convicted felon, and not even for cool crimes."
Yeah. You can’t engage with them on any serious level. They won’t acknowledge defeat if you do anyway. “Sorry. I wasn’t listening. I was wondering if your skin or your jumpsuit will be more orange.” “Do you kiss your daughter with that mouth?” “Did you know your name rhymes with Rump?”
It has to be so tough for the felon to stay vaguely on message. Make it clear you don’t take him seriously as a person and piss him off. Let him spin out of control.
People need to start calling him a short-fingered vulgarian again. To his face.
Every rebuttal should have simply been about him lying and just ramping it up. Things like "Man, if you're just gonna lie, why not tell the one about hot models finding you sexier than professional athletes? I get a laugh out of that one every time!" or "Dude, everyone knows you cheat at golf!"
Walks around all a frump in his dump like a chump.
Institutionalists have a hard time accepting that the institution is broken and the rules no longer apply.
The June debates are meaningless except as a workshop for the fall. The lesson to be learned here is that Dark Brandon should show up for the next one.
I think she had the right idea when she described him as Putin’s puppet, which iirc he attempted to rebut by squawking “No puppet! No puppet!” I wish she’d done more of that kind of thing.
"Holy rotten eggs and microwaved tuna!"
"Whoa did a corpse just shit in my nose? Oh, it's just you, Stinky. Might be time to change those Depends. Baby made a boom boom"
When confronted with a bully acting out of sorts, don't be the bigger person - just kick the shit out of them and be done with it
I'm of the firm opinion that more people need to experience being smacked in the mouth from time to time It's happened to me, and almost without exception I had it coming
I’d like to see that, but if Biden did it the New York Times would probably still call for him to drop out for being so unpresidential.
My spouse ripped a Trump sticker off the side of a gas pump today and a senior citizen said “hey! You put that back on there!” Spouse: “I will not,” and dropped it in a trash can. A minute later, we were inside the gas station and the Trumper was *still* whining to her husband about the incident.
it’s exactly what you’re saying though. They have toilet paper egos that are easy to tear.
I rip every one of those stupid stickers off. Good for your spouse. 👊
Every child of a narcissist understands this. trump is just like my mother.
Sorry for your pain and my pain. It sucks.
Totally sucks. But we know how to deal with them
Specificity is what stings, and picking up on what they project. A lot of these balls of insecurities come in the same few basic types. Too focused on the physical because they lack any depth or way to get some is common, and they're never perfect looking.
Just mention his tiny hands. He's on an Uncle Jack from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia level of insecurity about them.
Even better: the “classy” mock. “America is tired of this man and his crimes, his temper tantrums at losing the election, the endless stories of him abusing and offending people and his gastrointestinal problems in court. Everyone around him is miserable. Even he looks unhappy with himself.“
He was furious and obsessed with the “suckers and losers” remark through the whole debate, because that was *his* 4-star general disrespecting him by breaking his confidence, dontchaknow
It’s recorded that his father never listened to him as a teen to early adulthood.
Trump devolves psychologically into fascism due to his own inability & therefore a need for debilitating power structures against his enemies. Trump's psychology of self-worth derived from (i) hierarchical position above others (ii) markedly so those with greater intelligence, cognitive acuity.