
I would like to see Biden give an address to the nation from the Oval Office explaining what the SCOTUS ruling on Presidential immunity means and what its possibilities are. Then hit the campaign trail attacking "the MAGA Court" for shredding the Constitution to give felon Trump license to crime.
With the stated intent to engage in a massive deportation roundup, the option to use the Insurrection Act, and SCOTUS-bestowed immunity, I think it's worth noting how fast the total Trump takeover will occur. Weeks. That's it.
Not the main point, but a long-running pet peeve is I would prefer they simply use Trump's name, and derivatives Trumpist / Trumpism, rather than MAGA. It's a cult of personality. Refer to it by name, not by its slogan.
"Fascist" is always available (I would've blanched a little bit at calling the Court fascist prior to today, but c'mon, this is basically the Fuhrerprinzip)
Okay this is interesting. I've taken to saying "MAGA" instead of either Republican Party or fascism. I do say Trump a lot. My thinking is that, while MAGA is fascism, the f-word may distract folks, and it's important to see that MAGA is a longstanding American tradition, not an import or novelty.
I say "the MAGA party" to replace "the Republican Party" because, frankly, MAGA *has* replaced the GOP. Trump of course represents a crescendo of the native MAGA tradition, but the spirit of slavery—what this is—has been with us from the beginning. Open to other ways of labeling these fuckers tho.
I mean it is also an import and a novelty, though
MAGA, properly understood, is older than fascism!
I find more and more that I like the ring of "tyrant," but yeah
I've been using Trumpster, mostly because it rhymes with dumpster. I thought it was just a little bit funny. But this shit isn't funny anymore. I'm going back to one I used from time to time in the 2020 cycle when dealing with a hardcore acolyte: Trumpengrüppen.
First aides will have to help him find the oval office. Biden has never, and will never use the bully pulpit. Hell, when's the last time you saw a prominent Democrat do so?
Several months ago, I argued that Biden should campaign against a lawless and corrupt SCOTUS (instead of Trump), to build a mandate for court expansion. Now more than ever.
He should get out there and say the naked truth... that with this power, he absolutely could have Trump assassinated with no recourse. Stopping a coup is well within his powers.
That, in fact, is exactly what Trump is gonna do, but the list will be much, much longer.
Yep. "Reverse this decision or I will execute you for treason." Instead they'll let them have it, like they let them have the Supreme Court. That failure (and many others) lead to this one. They prioritise decorum over all else, and that makes them collaborators.
You're probably right. They'll play by the rules right up until magas do hang them on the Capitol steps. Fools.
So many easy campaign messages at Dem's disposal and they never seem to put them out. There should have been campaigns addressing the lies, the mishandled documents, the felonies, etc for months now.
Publish a list of ethical justice candidates that he’ll consider to replace Thomas or Alito if one of them dies in his second term.
Nah. You're just giving the right a list of people to target, possibly in the most extreme sense of the word. Besides, it doesn't matter who. Literally any Justice who isn't fundamentally opposed to American democracy would be enough.
The point of the list is to put the the moral illegitimacy of this court and the question of its future front-and-center as an election issue in the media, like Trump did to energize conservatives who otherwise wouldn’t have voted in 2016.
Literally any of the 200 Article III judges he’s appointed so far would be fine.
It won’t matter unless the Democrats keep the Senate
I don't necessarily want him to focus on it on the campaign trail - this is one of those areas where I suspect being politically engaged makes us a bad judge of what will resonate with voters - but I would like at least a major address or two.
He’s speaking at 7:45 eastern tonight.
Akkording to MSNBC, he's supposed to be doing something like that in a few minutes. As for putting a boot in the asses of the 6 MAGA judges, I agree with you
I’d enjoy seeing 6 treasonous judges staked out naked at Gitmo and Biden addressing the nation casually as he tees golf balls off their junk more, but your idea would be a good start…
Yes, agreed, I think he should treat the matter with the urgency it deserves.
Perhaps Biden should order the arrest of Trump and hold Trump in arbitrary detention or order his removal to a black ops site indefinitely. SCOTUS is making the rule of law a joke.
Yep. A lot of people semi-seriously suggesting Biden abuse the power they've nominally just given him. That would be fun, but I think the move here, which he should've done 3 years ago, is plead to Congress to put some restraints on his office. Codify all the norms Trump broke.