Ketan Joshi

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Ketan Joshi

Fighting alongside my friends for the best possible pathway to climate justice and fossil fuel elimination. Anti-greenwashing.

Creator / curator of Greensky: [email protected]
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Read Our 5,000 Word Interview With The Celebrated and Brave Photojournalist Who Snapped What Could Be The Greatest Political Photograph of This Entire Millenium
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These clouds are called Undulatus asperatus and were spotted in Gorham, New Hampshire Sunday July 14th Credit- Crystal Lee
i simply refuse to accept that a hammer and a feather fall at the same speed in a vacuum
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Trump’s running mate, JD Vance, has received at least $352,000 in 'contributions' from the oil and gas industry since 2019. And during that time, he switched from being a clean energy advocate to a climate change denier. Funny that.
Vance’s Scorn for Clean Energy Grew as Ohio Embraced Donald Trump’s newly picked running mate, Senator JD Vance, has grown more critical of renewable electricity and climate change even as his home state of Ohio embraced solar power and clean-tech manuf...
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Congratulations to Bluesky on reaching 6 million accounts and 26 active users!
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The Science Museum has been forced to cut ties with oil giant Equinor over its sponsor’s environmental record, the Observer can reveal. Equinor sponsored the museum’s interactive “WonderLab” since 2016 so it is a major victory for climate campaigners.
London’s Science Museum forced to cut ties with oil giant – and faces pressure over other Campaigners welcome ‘seismic shift’ and urge museum bosses to review links with other fossil fuel sponsors
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I've been digging into how, from the very beginning, the oil and gas industry courted Australian journalists -- and how they sought to use their skills to quell public dissent on environmental issues. Here's my write-up of the latest materials I found:
Raising Hell: Issue 84: Encouraging the Careful Use of Petroleum "My belief is, we will, in fact be greeted as liberators" - Dick Cheney, former Vice President and head of Haliburton, Meet The Press with Tim Russert, March 16, 2003
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One more example of how regulations are mostly a joke in this country. Norfolk Southern, Boeing, Exxon, Plug Power. In the end, they write the rules.
The Hydrogen Tax Credit Rules Are Effectively The “three pillars” are crumbling.
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"Unlike declines in the past, there’s now a credible chance that 2023 could mark a peak in China’s output of greenhouse gases, well ahead of President Xi Jinping’s 2030 target."
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"And it is investing in data center expansion in locations heavily dependent on oil, gas, and coal — like Northern Virginia and Saudi Arabia."
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On Amazon's claim that it will soon achieve 100% renewable power for its data centers: "When we look at the locations in the US where Amazon actually operates its data centers, we estimate that Amazon only gets 22% renewable energy from the local utilities in those regions."
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Wondering if anyone in Amazon management has responded to its employees' scathing critique of last week's sustainability report and PR blitz. Presumably investors and the SEC are paying attention?
AECJ - Our Research —
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This would be a really unfortunate retreat by the Biden Administration. Lots of law firms are undoubtedly watching the energy companies' use of the new Loper Bright SCOTUS ruling to intimidate Treasury. If Treasury retreats, expect the law firm blogs to highlight this new path to deregulation.
This is not good. We're going to pay companies who claim to be making "clean hydrogen" but cause emissions to go up. Sigh. Good piece about bad news by
The Hydrogen Tax Credit Rules Are Effectively The “three pillars” are crumbling.
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This is not good. We're going to pay companies who claim to be making "clean hydrogen" but cause emissions to go up. Sigh. Good piece about bad news by
The Hydrogen Tax Credit Rules Are Effectively The “three pillars” are crumbling.
Is there an explanation for why political journalists are so horny for a Trump win catalysed by an assassination attempt
The wagging tails and proud bragging about providing fascist imagery for a white supremacist movement is just particularly stomach churning. These people are really letting us know how they think and feel.
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She really said, “Retire, bitch.” (The “bitch” isn’t stated but is strongly implied.”
A senior House Democrat says efforts to replace Biden at the top of the ticket have stopped because, “We've all resigned ourselves to a second Trump presidency."
Trump rally shooting upends congressional Democrats' crisis over Biden's Rep. Dean Phillips said it would be "unpatriotic and unprincipled" to focus on anything besides the shooting.
There's a lower-stakes but similar thing in Australia where they frame crappy, pointless spats on climate as "climate wars" and do horse-race journalism around that instead of meaningful assessment of the issue
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Dipping back into Twitter to lurk on assassination stuff and truly, from the bottom of my heart, unless you have massively curated lists, no one in media or politics should be microwaving their neurons on there.
I should be supporting Spain and not England, right?
I say this as someone who keeps a British passport hidden away in a shame wallet
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I feel so bad for people in Houston, man
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