James E

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James E


"We confess to a great partiality for Gravesend, ungenteel as we know the confession to be, for does not Gravesend form a portion of the Cockney Paradise?" 🇵🇸 From the river to the sea. He/him
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Oh my god. The got distracted about Magic The Gathering cards.
Incredible stuff.
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Can't imagine why the private train companies think gradual renationalization is a bad idea. Totally baffling to me. Totally.
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The Bear but it’s about a huge bear on top of someone’s head helping him cook
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Thinking about the Blues Brothers and how the police sending out hundreds of cars and a full urban tactical deployment to arrest two guys who disrupted a Nazi parade hits very differently now.
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Particularly like this newspaper front page, which ranks the Trinity nuclear test as at least the 14th most boring story of the day and certainly well below the important news of "Power Service from Elephant Butte"
It's fine to split infinitives. It was always fine to split infinitives. That "rule" was made up by some dickheads who thought that as it's impossible in Latin it should be banned in English
okay it's time for a prompt post: respond to this post with a correction to a common misconception about something you know a lot about. if you feel like it, boost your response. (please use a kindly tone about it, otherwise i, your prompt curator, will get anxious.)
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Factoid doesn't mean little fact, it means erroneous fact that is repeated so often that it is believed to be true so the idea that factoid just means a little fact is itself a factoid
okay it's time for a prompt post: respond to this post with a correction to a common misconception about something you know a lot about. if you feel like it, boost your response. (please use a kindly tone about it, otherwise i, your prompt curator, will get anxious.)
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i love this so much! i love how they're saying sounds i've never heard in my life and out of nowhere "is the day unlucky?" i could go back in time and ask somebody "is the day unlucky?" and they'd know exactly what i said
norse and old english were mutually intelligible languages. movies and TV portray them as if these people couldn't communicate easily, but norse grammarians at the time talked about the anglo-saxons speaking a dialect of norse. here's two norse & old english scholars demonstrating
A Conversation in Old English and Old Norseyoutu.be Were Old Norse and Old English really mutually intelligible? Jackson Crawford and @simonroper9218 set out to test this often-asserted statement as best as th...
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I do like a good Ministry of Works sign
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it's my absolute favorite holiday of the year when the entire U.S. news industry turns itself into a giant blogspam affiliate for a single massive billionaire-owned retailer with absolutely nobody in any position of editorial authority thinking that's in any way unethical or gross
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you know what, everyone should just take a minute and go watch Casablanca. Have you seen it? It's pretty good. You'll finally get all the references.
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a thing that fucking sucks on here is that people have gotten so used to the dunk-quote as a way of life is that every day people who AGREE WITH ME will quote-tweet things I post and, again, AGREE WITH ME in language that is incredibly insulting
Neat day, online
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Hey, it's that guy who wouldn't be an MP if the Labour party hadn't decided they'd rather a Tory won the seat than a Muslim
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update: they did not know what a butler actually was and were using it as a stand in for “ha ha you have to look at my butt”
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I am begging people to block and report transphobes and racists instead of screenshotting them and showing them off to everyone like a weird bug they found by the roadside.
I was just thinking this earlier. The blocklists are all gone, and people have stopped blocking the bigots themselves, and just gone back to replying to them instead, putting them onto their followers’ skylines.
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Labour to absolutely lay waste to the UK for refusing to give Jon Ashworth his seat back
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the yoga instructor tells me to engage my core. i toggle the swtich and feel my power levels rising. core engaged. plasma vents at 34%. within minutes my shoulder mounted turbo canons will be armed. namaste.
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The world is chaos but please enjoy this road sign from the Scottish Highlands which exudes the ‘fuck-it that’s close enough’ energy I aspire to get me through the week
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Folks it gives me great pleasure, the greatest, to introduce the man many people are talking about as the greatest vicepresidennel 'pick' of all time - Pickman's Model. *PATRIOTIC MUSIC plays in a minor key. From the wings lopes a blasphemous cannibal DOG-MAN on back-jointed legs, daubed in gore*
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New commission: a Muppet version of John Carpenter's THE THING featuring Kermit, Gonzo, Beaker, and a Yip-Yip! Mixed media on 9 X 12" watercolor paper. #MuppetMonday
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Congratulations, you are now a gnome.
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