Janet Yellin' & Screamin' & Cryin'

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Janet Yellin' & Screamin' & Cryin'


unserious moonlight

Always happy to make book recommendations if you tell me two writers you love & what you’re in the mood for. If you'd like signed copies of my books, you can find them at www.bookmoonbooks.com.
We've been using ePothex nasal spray. There are multiple studies that seem to show it helps prevent infection, though I also mask any point I'm with people who haven't tested. The spray is mostly saline, which seems to keep virus from attaching.
And, look, Readercon is an outlier among conventions in that it requires people to mask in most public spaces. I was very grateful for that, and I'm very grateful that they are attempting to track post-con Covid. But it seems real bad out there currently.
Half the people we hung out with at Readercon now have Covid—this'll be a test of whether masking plus nasal spray are enough. Having said that, I did pull my mask down 6-10 times to take a drink of water or eat some fries, so, again, I guess this is a test of whether I ought to have been doing that
Half the people we hung out with at Readercon now have Covid—this'll be a test of whether masking plus nasal spray are enough. Having said that, I did pull my mask down 6-10 times to take a drink of water or eat some fries, so, again, I guess this is a test of whether I ought to have been doing that
A local church here in Salem, Oregon just contacted me and asked me to give a presentation on Project 2025. This is why the Trump campaign and the GOP is trying so hard to distance itself from this document produced by people in the vanguard of their movement.
On Chris Hayes podcast with Jamelle Bouie they talked about a possible reason for optimism: Project 2025 seems to have deeply penetrated TikTok. Anecdotally, my 15 yr old mentioned to me all the counselors she works with at camp have been talking about it and what rights they’re worried about losing
Texas has been under GOP control for 25 years. Every single statewide office held by Republicans. Texas ranks last in quality of life, worst in health insurance. Power goes out often; people die of heat or cold. The infant death rate is rising; women die giving birth. These are features, not bugs.
Anger grows as some senior facilities left without power for days: ‘It’s horrible what the state of Texas is doing’ | CNNwww.cnn.com As Tina Kitzmiller sat inside her sweltering apartment, windows and doors open in the hope of catching even the slightest breeze, she was frustrated and worried for her dog and her neighbors.
on the flaming lips yoshimi tour, wayne ends the night with a giant balloon that says "fuck yeah [city name]" and for us in KC it ruled. in Cedar Rapids the "yeah" popped immediately so it just said "FUCK CEDAR RAPIDS" and our designer said it got even bigger cheers because "it does suck here"
have to admit, i feel like 1 a lot of the time
having encountered a lot of justifications for the electoral college over the years “to avoid cannibalism” is by far the most persuasive
def gives some context to the fact that the congressmen who have publicly called for Biden to step down are moderates who are tight with big money corporate Dem fundraising
Guess my priors have been confirmed at least
Good story about this, how even Democrats didn’t call for gun control after the shooting. Cherry on top: The leaked RFK/Trump phone call, in which Trump briefly muses on how dangerous AR-15s are www.nytimes.com/2024/07/15/u...
Republicans have created a country so inured to gun violence that four days after an assassination attempt the news is back to "should biden stay or go"
Few Lawmakers Called for Tougher Gun Laws After Trump Shootingwww.nytimes.com Unlike after many mass shootings, there has been no concerted outcry from elected officials to implement stricter gun safety measures.
On Chris Hayes podcast with Jamelle Bouie they talked about a possible reason for optimism: Project 2025 seems to have deeply penetrated TikTok. Anecdotally, my 15 yr old mentioned to me all the counselors she works with at camp have been talking about it and what rights they’re worried about losing
Fun fact, Kurt Russell's stunt double in Escape from New York is named Dick Warlock
At some point, y'all are going to have to stop pretending to be surprised that most Silicon Valley VCs support Trump. Y'all can't be surprised every time. No it's not a *vibe shift*. They've felt this way since way before Trump. hachyderm.io/@mekkaokerek...
On a day when a giant multinational union-busting corporation is having a sale I would just like to praise some awesome indie bookstores, starting with copperdogbooks.com where I will be next week (July 23) with Max Gladstone. And poisonedpen.com in Arizona has been awesome for decades (More)
Copper Dog Books | Beverly's Downtown Bookstorecopperdogbooks.com Copper Dog Books is an independent bookstore located in downtown Beverly, Massachusetts, offering high quality customer service to help you find Books, Toys, Puzzles, Games, and more! We also speciali...
Every elected official should have the dude who whispers "remember thou art mortal" in their ear all day, for all the good it'll do, and in the absence of such assassination jokes remain a necessary stopgap.
Dear Media, You keep talking about the Republican show of "unity" at the convention. Where's President Bush? Vice President Pence or Cheney? Senator Romney? And the hundreds of other Republicans who don't support Trump? The show of unity is "unity" among the cultists they let into the convention.
"After she toiled in awful conditions, the employers refused to pay her first month’s salary. She stopped working in protest, so they drove her out into the desert and abandoned her at a gas station, officials said."
Officials have encountered many abuses on Oklahoma marijuana farms: bosses who threaten, beat and sexually assault workers, steal their wages, confiscate their IDs, restrict their movements, and force them to work in dangerous and squalid conditions. www.propublica.org/article/mari...
Jiaai Zeng Died Weeks After Starting Work at an Oklahoma Marijuana Farm. His Family Wants Answers.www.propublica.org Thousands of Chinese immigrant laborers suffer abuse and exploitation in a U.S. marijuana underworld dominated by Chinese mafias. A human rights advocate says: “They have not escaped the darkness of C...
my aesthetic has gradually turned toward “louche wizard”
I was just told that CNN is closing its opinion page. Laying off a brilliant and dedicated staff. It looks like I've published 127 pieces there over the years. Just a brutal decision and a typically short-sighted one from modern media "leadership."
it doesnt matter but I forget if I shared this one already. N o one else will read it anyway. Have a great day.
the real 2024 olympics is the NYT and WaPo race to the fuckin bottom