Tony Somogyi 🟢 🇺🇦

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Tony Somogyi 🟢 🇺🇦

Father, grandfather, humanist, life long Democrat, Physician, with wide ranging interests in literature, science, art and nature.
Too many of them are taking too much in AIPACBux™. Here in PA I know my Senators and Congresscritter are all recipients. I don't know of any Senator, aside from Sanders, that isn't. The Squad in the House don't, and for their trouble AIPAC has been dropping big money trying to primary them out.
The challenge is to choose 20 books that greatly influenced you. One book per day, for 20 days. No explanations, no reviews. Just covers. 15/20 #booksky
The challenge is to choose 20 books that greatly influenced you. One book per day, for 20 days. No explanations, no reviews. Just covers. 14/20 #booksky
Billionaires aren’t just supporting Trump for the tax cuts. As Peter Thiel once admitted: “I no longer believe that freedom and democracy are compatible.” Make no mistake: The goal of American oligarchy is to tear down democracy itself.
I love the myriad ways my fellow New Yorkers find to use our cityscape to celebrate convicting TFG.
Já vos disse que adoro NYC?
Dear Lord. Imagine being the poor hapless schmuck who had to write this headline for, knowing that you're surrounded by actual New Yorkers who in fact don't have total fucking amnesia.
Peder Mørk Mønsted
It shouldn't be harder for someone who's served time and expressed remorse for a single crime to get a fast food job than it is for a remorseless criminal convicted of 34 felonies to ascend to the highest office in the land.
This is terrible news! Sadly not surprising, though. UArts has been teetering on the precipice of bankruptcy since I went to art school in the 90s. Great animation and graphic design department. This sucks.
The University of the Arts is closing June 7, its president The university notified its accrediting commission that closure was imminent.
“If they can convict a president for breaking the law, they can convict anybody!” Right, that’s the whole point. Our laws actually apply to everyone. Congrats on just now figuring out how that works.
Remember when the most important issue was civility in politics because restaurant workers politely decline to serve Sarah Sanders and now everyone targeted by Trump or his cronies needs private security and we don’t talk about civility much anymore
Trump supporters try to doxx jurors and post violent threats after his On social media and web forums, users called for jurors, judges and prosecutors to be killed after the former president was found guilty on 34 felony counts.
Amid Israel’s ongoing bombardment, conditions in Gaza are “worse now than ever before,” said Samantha Power, head of the U.S. Agency for International Development. At least 36,224 people have been killed in Gaza since the war began, local health officials say.
Gaza conditions worse than ever, USAID chief says, as Rafah invasion Efforts to deliver aid to Gaza have been hampered by Israel’s military operations in Rafah, the southern city where over 1 million Palestinians were previously sheltering.
On this day 103 years ago the Tulsa Race Riots began, & would last days. In this piece from "The Crisis" of the time, W. E. B. DuBois wrote: "Do not forget Tulsa... Black Tulsa fights! It fights mobs with firearms..." Alt4me
The purpose of this behavior of course is the same as that of organized crime: to prevent any future convictions by intimidating jurors with the threat of violence and harassment
Remember when the most important issue was civility in politics because restaurant workers politely decline to serve Sarah Sanders and now everyone targeted by Trump or his cronies needs private security and we don’t talk about civility much anymore
Trump supporters try to doxx jurors and post violent threats after his On social media and web forums, users called for jurors, judges and prosecutors to be killed after the former president was found guilty on 34 felony counts.
Rudy's professional responsibility
NEW: DC board on professional responsibility recommends that Rudy Giuliani be disbarred: "No prior disciplinary cases involving frivolous litigation are remotely comparable to this case." Case goes next to DC Court of Appeals for final judgment.
hell yeah
I am finally here, hopefully for good. Sticking with Twitter, which makes me bi-social.
Mirrors The New Yorker's profile of Mark Burnett. We can talk ourselves blue about Fox News and Facebook, but "Donald Trump, the competent, intelligent, and successful businessman you should listen to" is largely the invention of the ostensibly liberal entertainment industry & NBC, specifically.
Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. on Thursday turned down an invitation to meet with Senate Democrats to discuss what the lawmakers called an “ethics crisis” at the Supreme Court following reports of two politically charged flags displayed outside the homes of Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr.
Chief Justice Roberts declines to meet with Democrats on court Democratic Sens. Dick Durbin and Sheldon Whitehouse proposed a meeting after reports of politically charged flags at the homes of Justice Samuel Alito.
Just be direct: "I'm a constituent and I want to urge the senator/representative to back Rep. Raskin's plan to force the recusals of Justice Alito and Thomas."
I'm going to record an audio version of this and stand outside Dick Durbin's house blaring it on a boombox until he finally decides to hold a goddamn hearing.
Read this, share this, write your representatives and senators to demand they back this.
It sure would be comical if Samuel Alito had recently published an opinion in which he expressed strong feelings about flags and wrote that passersby viewing a flag flying over a building would naturally assume the flag conveys some message on the owner's behalf
Right, this is the perfect issue for the top Democrats on the Judiciary Committee to take the lead. Nadler would go for it, but Durbin is the one with a majority who could actually call hearings.
When you get right down to it, no major party had ever nominated a mob-connected, publicly adulterous, serially bankrupt, openly solicitous to foreign powers grifter like Trump before. Twice. We've been in new territory since 2016 and it only starts looking familiar again when he's gone. Maybe.
Yes, a former president has never been found guilty in a criminal trial. A former president has never been found innocent in one either. We’re in new territory here.