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Michael of Barswa
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Half a year ago I wrote a thread about J.D. Vance which nobody paid attention to. Can’t believe this guy might become a VP of USA for real, but this is smth we all should have expected from Trump #ukrainianview
#UkrainianView Remember a comedian who shoot a TV series, in which he played a president, and then he won a real presidential chair in 2019? Here is a story of another guy from Ohio who used a similar strategy to get a chair in US Senate and now blocks military aid for Ukraine. /A thread
Reposted byAvatar Barswanian
hey, probably worth a heads-up: I am seeing Bots & Trolls w/ accounts only active TODAY, showing up in news post replies to bait certain responses so just... you know, maybe keep your wits about you out here, this is bound to be messy use your good judgment and beeee careful!
Reposted byAvatar Barswanian
And seriously, this SHOULD be a boring election. (Most elections should be boring, and short) We have solid, comparable resumes & experience records. The two (so far) new facts are 1) one candidate is now a convicted felon & rapist & 2) that candidate had a close association with a pedophile ring.
I'm also aware in a way a lot of y'all don't seem to be that the media doesn't care WHO the Democratic candidate is. They've got their billionaire bosses calling both for a deregulation president and to make this boring ass election more interesting, all so they can make more money.
Reposted byAvatar Barswanian
53% of all voters, but - hearteningly - also almost a quarter of Republicans.
The most important result in our new national poll of registered voters is that a majority of 53% of all voters believe that Donald Trump and his administration would represent “a grave danger to democracy continuing in the United States,” if he wins the election
Reposted byAvatar Barswanian
Today russia targeted the biggest children's hospital in Kyiv. I don't know what else to say. #RussiaIsATerroristState
Reposted byAvatar Barswanian
We understand this correct? Project 2025 is not fringe on the right. It's just that everyone in the center and on the left doesn't pay attention to evangelicals cause y'all think they're funny and weird instead of wildly fucking dangerous. Project 2025 is dead serious and extremely popular.
Project 2025 is a creation of Evangelicals and it's the core mission of the evangelical right. It's what major evangelical organizations have been building towards for decades. It's not fringe. (I just fact checked a whole book a out this.)
Reposted byAvatar Barswanian
HEY! Today is Side Quested's 2nd anniversary, and I asked to do this ADORABLE art of Robin to celebrate! Happy anniversary to us!!! #webcomics
Reposted byAvatar Barswanian
Should be headline above the fold, lead story on every channel.
I saw this was trending and had to google it "The post alleges that Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee for this year's presidential election, "forced" young girls to "perform lesbian sex acts."
Donald Trump, Katie Johnson allegations: Everything we Allegations from a lawsuit that was dismissed in 2016 are circulating on social media.
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Reposted byAvatar Barswanian
Trans healthcare saves lives. America's trans & nonbinary legislators are calling on the Biden Administration to oppose any attempt to ban puberty blockers, hormone replacement therapy, & surgery for young trans people, and to follow medical best practices as set out in WPATH.
Reposted byAvatar Barswanian
They’re gonna ban TikTok because the KPOP army made fun of his empty rally that got his internet guru fired. The right made one of the world’s richest men buy Twitter because we were bullying fascists and organizing. American journalism has become almost exclusively transcribing tweets.
People are like "there's no point in posting it doesn't make a difference to anything," 8 years after Donald Trump posted his way to the presidency of the United States
Finally deleted Twitter. Held onto my account for so long, as I like to hold onto my username and occasionally things will be shared from the site yet that are interesting. But I just can't anymore. They've got full on Tucker Carlson ads for books of Terfs point of views.
I'm concerned there's an energized push to cause chaos in social media spaces occurring right now.
Hope you're having a fine day.
Reposted byAvatar Barswanian
for a sense of scale, the last time this happened plants evolved not a specific species or something. Literally just Plants
wake up babe new* endosymbiotic organelle just dropped. They confirmed it's more than just symbiosis when they saw it absorbing whole proteins from the host! *100 million years old, but that's new compared to billions-years old mitochondria and chloroplasts
Scientists discover first nitrogen-fixing In two recent papers, an international team led by UC Santa Cruz scientists describe the first known nitrogen-fixing organelle within a eukaryotic cell. The organelle is the fourth example in history ...
Reposted byAvatar Barswanian
“Trump would never do this” “Trump factually did do it during his first term, confirmed by 17 sources” “… okay but people didn’t obey the order so it doesn’t count, Trump would never do it for real” a whole entire genre of news story and op-ed, even now
…but I’m sorry. President Trump already tried to order his pentagon to do it! It’s not hysterics or resistance fan fic, the concerns are rooted in Things That Factually Occurred. Would Trump order the assassination of chuck Schumer? I wouldn’t bet on it. But I don’t feel like rolling the dice
Go into your photo roll or whatever and post the first image that makes you laugh literally out loud
go into your photo roll or whatever and post the first image that makes you laugh literally out loud
Reposted byAvatar Barswanian
i'm getting so, so tired of the doomerism on here, and the press loves covering shit like a horse race instead of explaining fundamentals and what's at play, a job that seems to fall to on here. so here's a thread about why i'd rather be biden — yes, biden — right now
This 4th of July, what are we doing with our Independence in the United States?
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Reposted byAvatar Barswanian
All of your reps, even if they already oppose KOSA. They still need your cover to push against it.
I know we're all tired, but please CALL YOUR REPS. The Kids Online Safety Act is still a super dangerous bill that would censor social media and endanger your privacy online. The GOP supports it because they can use it to drive LGBTQIA+ people off the internet. Please keep calling!