
The number of people who have replied to either argue or bemoan that “MAGA doesn’t care” like that’s the voting bloc we have to mobilize is going to make my brain melt out my ears like taffy on a warm summer’s day
“They want to eliminate national parks” is a very simple way to get just about anyone on the Stop Project 2025 train. Are there much more glaring and life-threatening goals of P25? Yes but even your most bigoted cousin does not want to see the parks system sold for parts.
no but you’re so right because there are so many things like parks and roads and water that low-info voters like snd would hate to lose but don’t think of as “political” so they don’t trigger the same instant polarization as if you try to talk to them about healthcare or libraries
Yep! Because the goal would be activating low-information voters who don’t realize just what weird little freaks most of the GOP has become.
and because it comes from a published plan in their own words it can’t be spun as just like, “well, this is what the hysterical woke left that’s burning down all our cities says but they’re just exaggerating to make the right look bad”
I feel like the trick with Project 2025 is exactly the same as the WGA strike. little snippet screencaps going viral all over normie social media that make some shocking thing you had no idea about instantly digestible to anyone regardless of their information level or background
i was thinking i could make a collection of these (graphic design IS my passion (actually i’ve worked on some really successful visual design for covid awareness etc, millions & millions of views & got into higher offices) i need help with the research tho if anyone wants to team up??
i don’t have the energy to connect the dots but i can whip up designs eg i think it’s important to have a counter for the claim that trump doesn’t know about it or whatever lie du jour
Note this, too:
I think billboards highlighting each chapter of Project 2025 placed in specific locations. For example the chapter on gutting military benefits should have billboards on highways near big military bases. Plans for destroying Social Security have billboards all over in Arizona and Florida.
I would absolutely love to help with this. Let me dig into my research schedule and see what I can do
Amy this response you’re getting is so exciting
Happy to jump in. Underemployed brand strategist and consumer researcher. Digging into docs and pulling out the highlights is my specialty, making them palatable to a variety of audiences is my gift.
Avatar -- I'm a journalist and a lawyer, so I've done lots of research and would be glad to be of help, if that's the kind of research that would be helpful. Also, I'm an excellent editor. And I also reposted your appeal so that someone more apt than me might see it.
Would love to help- I do project management work, so happy to help with coordination. Also good at primary source research and happy to pour through text if that's the great need, too.
Just make sure you put page numbers, or section/paragraph numbers, on the cards/memes/what-have-you. So that when GOPsters says, “Nuh-uh!”, you can point people to the source, chapter and verse as it were. Also, make them available as stickers.
if you can find a way to bring the making porn illegal to the forefront, the Rogan/Barstool set could at least be convinced to stay at home. 100% a gettable demo with the correct messaging.
Hi! I am a early career journalist and I’d love to get involved! 🙏 love the mission
Illustration and Graphics are my passion too; I was literally thinking of doing this, but to be honest going through the black hole of fascism that is P2025 sounds so daunting... So I don't think I could help with research unfortunately :-/
Following so I can see and post these when they come.
I’d love to help out with this if you need people.
I am here to cross post to other platforms and amplify. And if I come across people who can do the hands on research help I’ll send them your way.
I'd be happy to do whatever I can to help!
Do you need data scientists? Or people to slog through the report?
From my experience as a phone poller for ACA when it was new, explaining it really plainly (a way to get more affordable insurance, it fits better in your monthly budget) worked way better than literally anything else. You can hear people’s eyes glaze over if you talk about American healthcare.
there were so many people who would respond to polls about individual aspects of the plan like “oh yeah that’s good I want that” but would then say “oh no that’s bad” if you just asked them “do you like the ACA” the “Obamacare” branding took up all the oxygen in the room (as designed)
I know only too well. Having just lost my job and looking at ACA again. Oy.
Like say... "do you like knowing the weather this weekend? No more! Project 2025 eliminates NOAA so say good bye to reliable weather forecasts!" "do you like sea otters? No more! Project 2025 eliminates NOAA so say good bye to sea otter homes, marine sanctuaries!"
I don't think most people know that all their local weather news, including companies like Acu Weather and phone apps, get their information from NOAA. They are just using the data we paid for and running their algorithms. They will lose their raw data if P2025 is realized.
It appears to be working that way based on the FB and Instagram posts I've seen this week. Small snippets or easily digestible lists being shared by my more normie acquaintances.
I found this posted over on FB. I can't copy/paste from the image & re-typing it all is too much, so if there's an alt-text bot to pull it, that would be aces.
do you by any chance have some of those WGA images handy, to look at? i only vaguely recall them
The Dems should be rapid firing all the main plans from 2025 now, seeing what 2 or 3 stick, then hammer those until November. Put the GOP on the back foot for once. They don't know what to do there.
Yeah, you're not going to convince the lunatics with giant flags on their trucks, but your Fox News-watching relatives who will vote for anyone with an R next to their name might stop short at selling off the national parks and defunding every public school.