Paolo Bacigalupi

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Paolo Bacigalupi

Author of the forthcoming NAVOLA (Knopf, July 2024)

Hugo, Nebula, World Fantasy Award winner. Micheal L Printz Award winner. National Book Award finalist.

Hi Seattle! I'm burrowed in here for one more night. You can find me at Elliot Bay Book Company at 7pm. Tomorrow I teleport to Boston to chat with Kelly Link at Harvard Bookstore.
How delighted am I to have LONG LIVE EVIL on this list! And I confirm’s Sword Crossed is amazing…
Alright here we go! Here are my highlights for the season in SFF/H, including 30 exciting titles I hope you'll check out
30 More SFF Titles to Look Forward to in 2024 - Just a few more dozen upcoming releases to add to your TBR lists...
Mercy! It was tongue in cheek!
Hi Seattle! Wait. Why do you look like Nebraska?
Hi Seattle! Wait. Why do you look like Nebraska?
Andrew, a man who doesn't want to be an earl and is trying his best to not be one, despite what legal technicalities say, is a man of fewer wants. You can preorder The Earl who Isn't, coming July 30, 2024, here:
We have been reliably informed by the airline that all of us have seats for our next flight. Excellence in air travel, people. True excellence.
Hello Blue Sky followers! I know that not everyone is, like, expected to know who I am, and I truly do not expect that. Just in case you missed it, I write romance novels. They have kissing in them.
Lovely event at Powell's last night. And I stayed in a fancy hotel! Now on to Seattle and Third Place Books in Lake Forest Park, tonight at 7pm. Tomorrow, Elliot Bay Book Company.
Love them. Fund them. Support them. Protect them. True temples.
There is never any shame in using the library, and much benefit in doing so. They are the closest thing to an unmitigated social good that we have in these United States, which is why the hard right is gunning so fervently for them these days. A world without libraries and librarians is a poor one.
I'm in DIA waiting to fly to Portland. This is not a picture of DIA. These were flowers along the rec path in Crested Butte. DIA blows.
Saw that changed his display name to note his new book, and someone at my signing said they had no idea I had a new book out with so, yeah, I'm gonna be annoying with my display name for a bit because, well, I put years into this 😆 I'm gonna play a little
I think about this a lot now
And then when I thought I couldn't be more amazed, the bookstore owner and her daughters baked a cake. It was red velvet. It was fabulous. I felt ridiculously loved. Thanks to everyone at Townie and CB for such a lovely evening!
Great event in Crested Butte last night. So many friendly faces. And they made custom wine labels!
Great event in Crested Butte last night. So many friendly faces. And they made custom wine labels!
- Who can vote? The Final Ballot is open to all Glasgow 2024 Members. This includes: Attending Adult, Young Adult, and Teen Members; Online Attending Members; and WSFS Members. 2/6
There is ONE WEEK LEFT to vote for the Final Ballot of the 2024 Hugo Awards, the Lodestar Award for Best Young Adult Book, and the Astounding Award for Best New Writer. If you want to vote, check this out! 1/6
The heck? Both Esquire and the NYT have put out "best books" lists, and THE FIFTH SEASON is on both! Is there a holiday coming up or something? Anyway, yay! Esquire's is SFF-specific (#4) and the NYT's is this-century specific (#44).
The 75 Best Sci-Fi Books of All See if your favorites made our expanded list.
Words to live by
Anyway, always feel free to ignore random "advice" from people on the internet.
I'm delighted and stunned that Esquire Magazine has included The Calculating Stars on their list of the 75 Best Sci-Fi Books of All Time. It's a good list, too! It's got a mix of books that I know and love and ones that are new to me.
I think in every lit scene you have writers who want to help others, and writers who see every other writer as a threat. What the genres to tend to have is both an institutional memory and (relatively) strong genre-specific organizations with the goal of helping their members and others.
I feel like (and admittedly, this is purely gut instinct) genre authors are typically more open to helping lift up their peers than more purely literary types are.
My week at has ended! Thanks to my amazing students for one of the best workshops I've ever taught. I read 100,000+ words of their new writing in five days and it would've been impossible if the stories weren't so good. I'm so grateful to have been a part of this.
When vicious fights break out inside progressive spaces, you may want to ask yourself "who benefits?" And: "Are the loudest voices who they say they are?"
People who get upset when they get blocked for being an asshole always remind me of my “friend” John, who I hung around with as a kid. John, in retrospect, was a dick who treated me badly, but I was an insecure kid so I hung out with him anyway. /1
Drove over Cottonwood Pass yesterday. Today I'm in Crested Butte reading and speaking at Townie Books. Tomorrow Paonia. Then on to Portland on Monday.
On July 23, I’ll be in conversation with at Copper Dog Books about his new book, A CURSE OF KRAKENS. Come on by!
If you or any of your peeps are up Massachusetts way or thereabouts, and I would love to see y’all at Copper Dog Books in two weeks. We’re discussing A CURSE OF KRAKENS but will sign any and all of our books. Let folks know, eh?
If you’ll be in San Diego for Comic-Con International, come out and join me at UC San Diego Park & Market and UC San Diego Bookstore for two big events! These are both free to the public (no badge required), and the team behind them have some amazing things in the works. Join us!
It used to be a truism that a mayor who couldn’t get the streets cleared after a snowstorm would lose their next election. Is that not operative when local and state governments can’t get the power on after a hurricane, in a heat wave?
Houston deserves a much better electricity distribution In brief: Today’s post offers some thoughts about the need for a reckoning with power distribution in the greater Houston area, and greater resiliency given the conditions we regularly experi…
Very good reading! #booksky
Thanks to Christy at the 1st 3 links for the worldwide digital of Smoke & Ashes. (Tony bk3) Available world wide at A although this link is .com Amazon: Kobo: Barnes & Noble: