Veronica G. Henry

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Veronica G. Henry

I read and I write. My stuff: Bacchanal, The Quarter Storm, The Foreign Exchange, The Canopy Keepers (Book 1 of The Scorched Earth Duology).
Tune in to our conversation between Beating Hearts & Battle-Axes editor and contributing author about influences, inspiration, and process behind Brent's story for the anthology! 7PM EST on our Backerkit page:
My Readercon schedule below. Come say hi 👋
Couldn't agree more. If you love the Lady Astronaut universe as much as I do, this is for you.
It makes me very happy when my friends succeed - this project funded! - but, you know, you can help this friend in particular succeed EVEN MORE, because there are awesome stretch goals:
Silent Silent Spaces is a collection of short stories from Mary Robinette Kowal's award-winning Lady Astronaut series!
Thought my course had sold out but nope! Just Eventbrite being weird! So there are still spots available for my horror-writing class starting on July 7.
I will be teaching another round of my 4-week horror writing seminar for Atlas Obscura! Every Sunday starting July 7. We talk all things horror, starting from idea generation to workshopping a pitch or outline.
Thrills & Chills: Horror Story Writing With Nino In this four-part seminar, trace the roots of the horror genre and begin crafting a story of your own. Course Description The horror genre is a funhouse mirror, offeri...
One of the things I was most surprised to learn during my research for The Canopy Keepers and A Breathless Sky was that livestock are a huge contributor to greenhouse gases. Denmark is the first country to tax farms for their gassy residents:
Gassy cows and pigs will face a carbon tax in Denmark, the first country to do Levels of methane have increased particularly quickly since 2020. Livestock account for about 32% of human-caused methane emissions, the U.N. Environment Program says.
How cool is this! #TheQuarterStorm and #TheForeignExchange included in this list amongst some impressive company. Get your copies now. 🙏
It was lovely to wake up and see the first three stretch goals have been reached! So...what's next? MORE stretch goals of course! There's still plenty of time, head over to the link in my bio to choose your reward tier.
An easy way to support your public library is to make use of it—even if only to visit. We keep (anonymized) statistics not only on circulation totals but on attendance & visits and even on patron-staff interactions. Big numbers please trustees and municipal/county administrators. 📚
ok i have another quote tweet prompt. what's something, big or small, related to your job or hobby, that most people don't know that you would like to have them know? it can be a concept, a piece of history, some vocabulary, or something else.
Tor Nightfire is running a Goodreads giveaway (6.10-7.1) for ARCs of my debut novella THIS WORLD IS NOT YOURS, a queer sci-fi horror family drama set on a sentient planet!
Got up to pee and bought this book. 😂 It's on said at Audible right now and is narrated by the tremendously talented Robin Miles who I think I would listen to reading a phone book but this looks far more interesting.
Check out Sandra's very cool new project for creatives with too much on their plates!
Cover reveal for Structuring Life to Support Creativity! I'm so excited that I get to make this book happen. Funding will open mid-June and you can sign up at this link to be notified as soon as the project launches:
My debut novella, THIS WORLD IS NOT YOURS, comes out from Tor Nightfire this September. And now it has its first review! You can preorder it here!
This. 👇
As it gets increasingly harder and harder for us writer-types to reach new audiences, much less our existing audiences, I remind you that if you've read a book of ours (like, for me, BLACK RIVER ORCHARD) and liked it, it'd be swell if you left a review somewhere. That way we don't die in the abyss!
Signal-boosting because Fiyah does good work and this seems like a particularly fun theme.
Hey Folks, #FiyahLitMag's subs open up June 1st with guest editor Kerine Wint themed: SPACEFARING AUNTIES. Send us: Women-led stories as fleshed-out protagonists. A wide spectrum of women- queer, disabled, etc. – NO “Strong Black Woman ™" Guidelines:
Couldn't agree more.
Full stop, Ghost Dog: Way of the Samurai is one of THE BEST Forrest Whitaker movies you will ever watch. If you haven't seen it, you have messed up at watching movies.
Look. I care about climate change a lot. I'm close to a single-issue voter on the subject! But we have GOT to stop worrying about what are, in the scheme of things, rounding errors. I hate, hate, hate this kind of personal-responsibility climate stuff, it's deeply counterproductive.
So something really amazing is happening: my novella Even Though I Knew The End, which originally released in hardcover is getting a trade paperback release! And there is a USA only Goodreads giveaway if you want to enter.
Book giveaway for Even Though I Knew the End by C.L. Polk May 17-Jun 16, Enter to win one of 5 free copies available. Giveaway dates from May 17-Jun 16, 2024. Enter to win a trade paperback copy of EVEN THOUGH I KNEW THE END b...
You start to notice the strangest things while you're researching a novel (I'm working on the follow-up to The Canopy Keepers, titled A Breathless sky). Looked down on my afternoon walk and spotted these babies. Anyone have any idea what they are?
Brian Blade & The Fellowship Band have somehow managed to pull off sad and hopeful in the same track. Part of this morning's research music.
Body and Shadow - Brian Blade & The Fellowship Band · Song · 2017