
hoo boy gonna be a big fucking thumbs' down from me on LGM publishing breathless speculation about biden having parkinson's based on the speculation of doctors who know good and goddamned well that they can't and shouldn't try to diagnose people who aren't their patients through the fucking tv
i'm not linking to it, but there sure are a lot of arguments from authority that the author (who himself is absolutely unqualified to even evaluate them) would shred to hell if it had been about a topic he knew fuck-all about in a professional context.
Somehow I knew EXACTLY which one of them wrote that article before even going to LGM for a look. Not his first rodeo when it comes to massive Dunning-Krugering of medical matters.
Doctors are infallible! There are no dumb doctors! Or lawyers! I am very smart.
(This sort of thing, coincidentally, is why law professors appointed to the courts should not be evaluating competing historical claims in order to write their policy preferences into law, and one hopes Prof C would see this in a context not of his own)
Was a long term lgm reader and think lemieux and whats his face are the only solid ones to come out of it. Loomis has some really good books but man his writing fell off
I like a lot of Loomis's more considered projects (the book of his I read, his labor history series on Twitter and his graves series on LGM) but when opining off the cuff, and especially on issues of personal preference, he seems to aggressively seek to portray himself as an unlikeable asshole.
Responded to a Lemieux post today with, "I'd click, as I have done for years, but Paul Campos' bullshit Parkinson's story has put a permanent stop to that."
anyway, muting this thread, i've already done more politics posting today than i want to be doing
I thought we settled "don't diagnose people through the fucking television" several cycles ago but I guess not
going to generally agree with exception that narcissism may be something one can tell from a good distance away
i don't know if you can diagnose it in a clinical sense (and i wouldn't try to) but you can spot it as a commonly understood personality trait aside from that
It worked to help tank Hillary.
The psychiatrists decided that in the 40s, I think. But there were heaps of diagnoses of Trump (for obvious reasons).
Yeah this was a real disappointment, and I say this as someone who has frequently reposted Campos's content. I'm starting to think Rofer is the only one there who isn't jumping the shark
lemieux and rofer are fine, i'm less interesting in bickering about whether biden can/should try to win, that's normal intraparty argument stuff, but this one's way, way beyond the pale
Loomis can be.. not great on foreign policy struggles
I miss Steve at well. I only found ohT last month that he had passed away
Loomis is a fucking world-beating dickhead. Just an all around misanthropic prick.
scott, erik and cheryl's posts are geared the most to my interests and tastes
He lost me when he cited the "fact" that Biden's physician (a DO who has family medicine training) isn't competent to diagnose Parkinson's. That was news to my retired family practice doc father, who diagnosed a bunch of Parkinson's. Also, name your sources or GTFO.
that one hit me too. also, the physician’s findings from the annual medical exa said biden had been evaluated by movement disorder specialists. i guess there are neurologists /movement disorder specialists who wouldn’t identify parkinson’s or parkinsonism, but i haven’t met them.
yes, the jackson whmu underreported djt’s weight. but they didn’t call in bariatrics & the chief technician at the scale company to also perform their own eval.
I hadn’t been reading regularly for a long time, but goddamn, what has happened there?
i mean, more or less what you'd expect from a more or less freewheeling blog with a lot of contributors and no real quality control
in 2019 Campos was already, if not on the “Biden has dementia” train, at least at the station yelling about actuarial tables (I can’t remember exactly what he claimed and I’m not going to dig through the archives)
i like LGM and it's stayed pretty much the same, i don't think that contributor speculating wildly is even that out of character that said i don't read it anywhere near as much as i used to bc a long post of "this is really bad & here's why" with no solutions is much harder for me to take now--
--vs "here's a TL of skeets that do bitesize versions of the same thing but maybe some of them will have actionable ideas too"
it does bum me out that blogs are dead. even though like. there's no real upside to running them so i get it
Yeah, for a while I raged about this but I don’t even really go to read them anymore. Google reader dying was really the beginning of the end.
that's interesting, i never used it! but i know a lot of people did
It takes a special kind of brainworms to think Biden, consummate team player, would screw his party over with a progressive terminal diagnosis out of some narcissistic ego trip. That's all I have to say about that.
Have people be watching too much President Bartlett on the West Wing? (eg Parkinsons vs MS)
We're letting him have it in the comments.
yeah i saw he took the time out to tell all of you to eat shit
oh, it's Campos. one of the things about LGM is that they have had a (very) long tradition of having two to three excellent posters at all times
I have a nostalgic fondness for LGM (have I really been reading it for over 20 years jesus christ) and one of my favorite things about it is that every one of them is an unhinged, unreasonable freak about at least one subject area, so there's always some ambient posters' madness around it
except you, of course. you were always a lovely perfect angel. of course.
Me? I never posted there. I find that a couple of them are generally sensual, a couple are good on specific topics ONLY, and some others enhhhh
Never has an argument been made in such detail or with such care.
I see you are aware of all internet traditions
Honestly I was going to work that into my next reply if at all possible. Maybe throw an an 'objectively despicable'.
Campos (who I’ve enjoyed a lot in the last) calling this a “story” he’s “pursuing” as if he were remotely prepared to do so up to journalistic standards is so embarrassing
he's extremely shamelessly trying to play an angle that he hopes a larger publisher will pick up to boost and if i were a contributor there, i'd be mad as hell about it