Forrest Norvell

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Forrest Norvell

secure direct messaging:

they/themself. nonbinary/agender

friend to all. 百合、アニメ、百合アニメ。 computers if you must.
There are all these people on Reddit who seem determined to like GoHands animes and I'm like, why. why do this to yourself do you like motion sickness
Twilight Out of Focus – Episode 1 a beautiful little romantic short film that combines filmic artistry with well-executed character beats.
The Biden team seems to trust him to speak with a teleprompter. They don't seem to trust him to speak without one. I'd bet they're right: he can't be trusted to speak coherently in public without a teleprompter. I don't think you can come from behind in a presidential campaign with that handicap.
Idaho delenda est
This is one of the most dystopian signs I've ever seen. Republicans are quickly turning this country into an unrecognizable freakshow.
man, I should draw her again
1000% unnecessary, but if it gives Ikeda-sensei some additional comfort in her old age, I guess it's not an unalloyed evil.
It was announced that a "Rose of Versailles" #Anime Film Adaptation is being produced by Studio MAPPA Scheduled to premiere in Japanese theaters in 2025 Source:
there are emotions other than surprise
All the “How are you surprised by all this??” posters, congratulations on being the best and the smartest, it must feel incredible to be able to anticipate bad things but not have any emotional reaction when they arrive
Fancy Tutelina "Tufted" lass exploring Harold, my bird-shaped bottle opener 💜 🌿 🕷️ (picked her up for science, as a rare species record for a new location, and because I found her snacking on a trap-jaw ant which is an interesting prey record)
The funny thing about this post is everybody in the replies making up some kind of person who likes Gavin Newsom so they can get mad at them. Almost nobody wants to claim him or admit to liking him.
the most bizarre thing is the number of people i see in my tiktok comments go to bat for gavin newsom as the savior of the democratic party
it's a commonplace by now but it bears repeating: respectability won't save anyone. you don't have to _like_ the "weirdos" and "perverts" but you do have to recognize that the fash don't think you're any better.
and even if someone thinks "well I don't like/look at porn so why should it be a priority for me?" it's important to remember that when christofascists say "porn" they also mean age-appropriate comprehensive sex education, media with queer/trans people in it, and picture books about gay penguins.
I know smut may seem like a frivolous thing to be upset about, but crushing it is part of fascism. Controlling all forms of sexual expression is fascism. Only allowing certain kinds is fascism. Smut peddlers are always canaries in the coal mines.
It's highly ironic, and I do appreciate this, because I am very bad at life. You'd think I'd welcome a chance to do less of it.
I've said this before but mortality sucks and someone needs to do something about it. As a fifty year old in the midst of an extended midlife crisis I am a single issue voter and my issue is fuck death
For the uninitiated, Cyberdog is an underground rave clothing/accessories store that has existed in its own remarkably unchanged aesthetic of extremely “cyber 1999” for 30 years. It has expanded since my last visit, they now have a kids section AND a cyber dildo basement! Don’t ever change, Cyberdog
Had a rare day off to just wander around London aimlessly. Took in some street art inspo off Brick Lane, discovered a tiny book shop inside a canal boat, and finally reached the android guardians who stand at the hallowed gates of cybergoth Valhalla.
we live in an age in which we have near limitless storage for data. unfortunately at this time we must erase all works of culture to make room for the infinite sea of machine slop
It is what some older iteration of me would have called "a king hell bummer" to see charismatic posters describing major violations of trust by other charismatic posters and to see completely ingenuous replies saying, "good thing you'll never do that!" and "good thing we have people like you!"
this is an extremely valid reason to never host your conference in a state that can opt out of life-saving medical procedures for people who are pregnant. All professional societies should take note. 👇
If there is one thing I wish people understood about AI it’s that getting it to understand the notion of “things” is such a hard problem and is so far outside our current capabilities that we do not even know what the precursor steps would look like.
It’s so weird how having more wealth than you know what to do with just completely erases your humanity. Our ape brains don’t know what to do with too much bananas
…you could afford a packet of Boston Baked Beans in 1982. Which is kind of weird… I mean Boston Baked Beans are.
Not just saying this because I'm nonbinary (but not not saying it because of that): anybody who uses "sir" or "ma'am" on a social media site is some kind of pest.
That didn’t take long. They’re always so laughably self-righteous and whiny when you recognize them for digital flotsam.
where do the himbo and she-himbo fit into this typology
a square is to a rectangle as a bimbo is to an oaf
Yuri technology has advanced considerably since I was a child.
Another new shoujo fantasy running in Yuri Hime is Princess of Cathedral by Koruse. You've probably seen manga about amnesiac mechanical soldier girls before, but this one is less manic pixie war criminal and more a mystery and quest story. I love the detailed & clean art in this one.
anyways, for yuri day you should consider reading "sorry, but i'm not into yuri" (悪いが私は百合じゃない). it's cute, and silly and there's lots of girls touching other girls in ways that get increasingly comedic and or heartfelt as it evolves.