
New Deltapoll figures show the Labour-Conservative crossover point is now *71*.
They partied at the time but I bet the Tories are regretting all the older people they killed off since the last election now.
Where did this idea of older people changing into Tory voters come from? Is it a myth? I am more Socialist than I have ever been and have become more so as my interest in politics has increased.
It’s general not specific. 71 is the age where you are *most likely* to vote Conservative but lots and lots won’t.
It’s also an observed fact - but it doesn’t take into account the pressures that generations endure. Back in the 1950s there was a lot of post-war pressure to conform & not grumble over rations etc - in the 1970s the same boomers came of age & rebelled against their youthful experiences.
Hence the move towards more personal freedom etc that thatcher tapped into. Current generations don’t have those formative experiences & instead see wealth disparity, crumbling services & no ‘trickle down’ effect - so the ‘natural’ move towards Toryism (I.e. protect own wealth) is greatly diluted.
hmm my mil is 83 cant say she will be voting tory
and have just reeled in all my babies and their partners to check they have postal votes. doing my best to make sure we all use our democratic right to GTTO
I also think I'm becoming more radical as I get older. I've never voted Conservative in my life and have no intention of ever doing so.
It’s a well-established fact of psephological history - but it is no longer happening, hence the trend shown in the graph.
71 is apparently the age at which you become more likely to vote Tory than Labour. By a strange coincidence, I am currently 71... But don't even begin to think it!
Don't usually vote for either, but it's a personal mission to keep moving that point to the right - somehow
I shall be at the crossover point exactly in time for the next general election. I have instructed my children to take me on my final ski trip that winter.
Have they done a Labour-Reform crossover? And a Reform-Tory one?
Reform has such a specific demographic it doesn’t crossover with other parties.
Except for the odd Labour MP who migrated to Reform via Conservatives. There must be more in that mould up and down the country. Just in the low hundreds and no more, I hope.
Except for that almost perfect point for point step change with Tories in the polls.
Even the oldies are sick of them, hopefully enough either stay home (Tory supporters) and the rest vote for the opposition parties.
My 80-year-old dad is getting down the polling station to put a cross next to Labour on the 4th. He's voted Tory in the past, but has no intention of doing so any more. He also thinks Fromage is an arsehole
Please thank him from me, and a lot of other people 👏
71 is apparently the age at which you become more likely to vote Tory than Labour. By a strange coincidence, I am currently 71... But don't even begin to think it!
Which is, appropriately enough, the age I expect to check out on. And if it's the age that you suddenly become Tory, I'll be asking for a one way ticket to Switzerland for my 71st birthday
so... only people older than 71 are more likely to vote cons? sorry we don't have this chart in my electoral system
That’s now the core vote for the Conservatives. They’ve lost the youth vote and it no longer comes back as people age.
… if only they hadn’t killed off so many old people during the pandemic….
Born in 1953 and therefore probably wed and starting a family at around the Winter of Discontent. Benefitted from the Right to Buy scheme. Colours their memory of the Labour Party.