Gfrancie (Benevolent Siren)

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Gfrancie (Benevolent Siren)

I make dinner & swear too much. I think that's all you need to know. 'Chocolate Cake for Imaginary Lives' published by Deixis Press is available now She/her
Labour members have opened a petition to Wes Streeting. Anyone can sign it. "We, the undersigned, are calling on you to immediately withdraw your support for the ban on puberty blockers for trans young people." #transgender #LGBTQ #LGBT #Labour #trans
There’s a bookstore in my town in SW Virginia with an entire shelf devoted to how much JD Vance sucks and doesn’t speak for Appalachia, which I’ve always had the sense is a somewhat bipartisan consensus out here, so I confess I am curious to see how that ends up playing.
Fascinating. "...the government affirms that climate change is real, that it’s destroying God’s work and that those in the world who reject the truth of climate change need to get on board. The Taliban has asked emphasize during Friday prayers the need for environmental protection.
Taliban tries reconciling science and religion in facing climate Afghanistan’s rulers, cut off from foreign assistance, are tackling climate change on their own while debating whether it is God’s doing or a foreign plot.
I saw this earlier this year and it was a powerful one. My oldest kid was really taken with it.
Empire of Light by René Magritte, 1953
I implore people to look at polling data on abortion in swing states
Lord Byron is a cat who hangs out at our house. A LOT. He has even learned to improve his behaviour by hanging out with us. But I have to say, his owners truly neglect him and his care. He is in terrible shape. I think I may just take the cat into the vet to get proper medical care.
Marc Andreessen and Ben Horowitz to every woman, LGBTQ+ person and immigrant who works in tech: you’re disposable if doing this makes us even more money
I was on a road trip in Ireland with my family at the time. It made us laugh so much that my kids wrote a version of Moana's "You're Welcome" they called Covfefe. (We had been listening to the soundtrack in the car.) My mom who was with us (and is a musician/songwriter) was so pleased.
Remember "covfefe?" Part of the glorious glee involved there was those blessed few minutes where we all thought he'd finally had a stroke on the toilet.
There was a meme I shared with my sister who showed it to our mom and her old lady church friends. (We are talking goes to church every sunday old ladies who knit, go to bible study, and volunteer at the county fair types) And they were laughing at the Trump memes. They hate Trump. Deeply.
I think the phenomenon I've really seen is how many regular people had the reaction of wishing a former president had had his brains blown out on live TV. Not freaks or radicals, someone's mom.
wine mom memes about what would ordinarily be treated like a horrible tragedy...there's something in the air and it isn't good for the Trump ticket
my mom put this in my whole family group chat last night
You can get a lot of people with no football/beer on Sunday. Or the lack of access to IVF. Just assholes getting in the way of a person living their life.
if you’re trying to engage with politically disconnected people about project 2025, identify a specific part that you think will resonate with them. i just told my friend who’s a public school teacher about the plan to abolish the department of education and that got her hooked.
How to combat a rainy summer in England. Surround yourself with colour.
I have often told friends, "Don't murder. Because it is one more thing to tidy."
A middle aged woman after being told have you tried mindfulness by the doctor.
I know some truly wonderful adult converts to Catholicism that embraced a lot of liberation theology and they are out there doing corporal works of mercy like it is going out of style. But if someone is drawn to neo-scholasticism, I know exactly what they are: a fascist.
I say this as a cultural Catholic with 5 sacraments under my belt, and has seen my share of creepy relics; tradCaths are always gonna be fascists. Fuckers were all born after Vatican II and are mad that it happened.
I say this as a cultural Catholic with 5 sacraments under my belt, and has seen my share of creepy relics; tradCaths are always gonna be fascists. Fuckers were all born after Vatican II and are mad that it happened.
incredible how so, so many adult Catholic converts end up being gibbering fascists
Inshallah, Charles al-Windsor, Caliph of Great Britain, will defeat JD Vance’s America. 🇬🇧
He said the UK was on its way to being a nuclear armed caliphate. So he’s making friends internationally as well.
Hillbilly Elegy sounds like a lost episode of Cowboy Bebop
Stop for that cup of coffee. Because the bastards out there don't want you to have a moment of leisure. This pause has more meaning.
I am actually taking some satisfaction from seeing “allies“ be shocked at labours transphobia they denied or downplayed and how all their argumentative weapons have just turned to jelly now the tories are out
Seven of Questions #Photography A man in a banana-pyjama suit in January in a Swansea street, Wales, 2011. Pentax MZ5n and Fuji Neopan 400.
This really stood out during this last heat wave--we've all been melting during the heat, but not one rolling blackout warning. Despite SoCal Edison's best efforts, we are winning!
We've reached a real inflection point with grid battery storage. Given its recent stupendous growth—it was virtually nonexistent in 2020—it's easy to see it filling out the rest of that duck curve before the end of the decade
California Grid Breezes Through Heat Wave due to Renewables, No rolling blackouts or grid emergencies as California continues on path to a carbon free grid. Several strategies, including upgrades to vulnerable parts of the grid at play here, but key enabler …
That Vance is a direct line to Thiel and Andreessen is truly important. Trump wants their money. Thiel wants to sell billions in Palantir contracts to power Trump’s mass surveillance/ethnic cleansing infrastructure. Pence was the Christian Nationalists’ guy. Vance is reactionary capital’s.
Are you a fan of all of those guys who are directly responsible for making the internet an unusable dogshit hellhole? Well boy do I have a VP for you.
JD Vance has a loser stink energy completely invisible to reporters but obvious to any actual human being. his body naturally generates a repugnant chemical compound known as paulryanide