
NEW: Austin Democrat Lloyd Doggett becomes the first sitting member of Congress to call for Biden to drop out of the presidential race (via Matthew Choi, Texas Tribune)
not sure drawing the parallel to LBJ was very smart tho
Probably not, though I think the "and how that did turn out?" retorts miss the mark. LBJ genuinely was in declining health (he only outlived the next term by two days) but also, his approval rating was 36%. He was not on track to win. And we forget it, but Humphrey came close in spite of it all!
For all the Dems in disarray chaos we remember 1968 as, and that was all very true, it's reasonably likely that Humphrey actually came closer to beating Nixon than LBJ would have if he'd stayed in the race. At least, it's far from a sure thing the opposite is true.
I repeat:
Number of delegates currently pledged to Biden: 3,894 Number of delegates pledged to LBJ at the time he dropped out: 4
totally. Just I would, uh, steer away from the comparison if I were trying to make that point at risk to my career
Yeah, though I also kind of get it with the local connection. But for sure I agree though the comparison invites pointlessly arguing about it and that's a distraction. People don't think of LBJ dropping out that way even if you could argue he actually made the right call.
I think that Doggett views himself as an inheritor of a tradition of liberal democrats representing the Austin area in the house tracing back through JJ Pickle to LBJ as the originator. So the reference might be more of a personal quirk than strategically aimed at an audience.
It was close I remember we didn't hear that Nixon won until the middle of the next day in Jr high science class
If Bobby Kennedy hasn’t gotten whacked it probably would have been fine!
fuck do I feel that is a big case for a lot of things
where do you even start with this statement, jesus
Doggett reps a chunk of blue as fuck, hippy dippy, Austin. He’s, more than likely, shoring up his Progressive credentials.
Of course it's the guy who represents LBJ's disctrict. How did that work out for the Democrats in 1968?
I know you know but it gave us fucking Nixon, Ford and subsequent stagflation and global turmoil only for Jimmy Carter to take the blame for that entire period of shit so we could get to Reagan who has famously fucked our lives up longer than anyone could fucking imagine.
So what kind of fucking idiot would suggest this course of action? Lloyd is outing himself as a dumbass of the highest order.
It’s self serving. If Biden loses, he’s the guy that said it first. If Biden doesn’t lose, he’ll suffer no love lost in his state for playing in to the trope. If they were to change candidates and win, he lead the new generation. If they change candidates and lose, “they did it too late to matter!”🤮
Nobody is following Lloyd Doggett anywhere, and he knows it. He's 77 years old!
It’ll make for a few good tv ads in whatever election campaigns he has left and sadly that’s probably all he gives a shit about. & you’re correct that he’s just a fucking moron.
Doggett was 21 at the time, he might have even been there, he got married the following year.
Lloyd Doggett is either trying to form The Suicide Squad, or maybe the 77 year old is just having a senior moment.
Why doesn’t his 77-year-old ass retire?
Everyone keeps citing LBJs decision to withdraw... which put Nixon in the White House. Why do people keep citing "a decision that caused our party to lose" as a guiding light to follow? Do they even read what they write?
They're even holding the convention in Chicago again. They can reenact all of the tear gassing of protesters. Sadly we're down to 1 octogenarian member of the Chicago 7.
One more bit of evidence this simulation is not only on maintenance mode, but the maintainers have just set the procedural generator to "eat its own tail", leading to both repetition and degradation of data as small errors multiply.
The last week has given everyone brain worms.
Ah good I'm glad we can continue this discourse til November. Dems just love panicking when there's an actual emergency.
Losing the mandate of heaven
Just saw him on MSNBC say something similar. Maybe he was sort of backed into saying that. I was surprised he didn’t just dismiss that outright as an option. He was also sweating heavily so not sure if that subject was making him extremely anxious. His AC may have just been out though 😀
The architect of Biden's 2020 Super Tuesday win is openly floating supporting another candidate. Ooh boy.
He hasn’t called for Trump to withdraw, so this is more urgent? Fuck him.
no thoughts on the content either way - interesting and maybe calculated that it came from a very old man.
Wow, someone almost no one knows. Who’s next? Dean Phillips or whatever his name was?
Lloyd Doggett is either trying to form The Suicide Squad, or maybe the 77 year old is just having a senior moment.
Lloyd Doggett should drop out of Congress
All the replies attacking Doggett are missing the point. He's always been a team player and is very likely not out on a limb here. We'll find out soon enough.
Then do it privately. This bs serves no productive function
It is kind of wild how the Dems have jumped right into forming this particular circular firing squad. It's like the last three years of Biden's accomplishments mean nothing.
Not trying to be pedantic, but haven't republicans been calling for him to drop for a while now?
Unless there is a change, I am not voting. The smug condescension of the Dem leadership will be their demise- they hold the proverbial gun to the head and say vote joe, or else (Trump). Guess what, F it. Table turned - change candidate or I don’t vote (and I am a meaningful minority % to do same).
Biden doesn’t answer questions/give press conf’s for a reason. He’s been a great prez, & the majority, IF they vote, would select a potted plant over DT. But Biden can’t campaign & we’re in a world crisis. We need an articulate fighter against the tyranny of the minority, so something to consider.
Mitch froze up and never recovered. Still in charge. Two parties are not the same.