
The backlash from base voters who very explicitly demanded a Black woman as VP (and on the Court) as our “seat at the table” in exchange for our electoral organizing…whew, you are not prepared. But almost all of the white alternatives are, and it’s why they keep saying no.
by choosing anyone other than harris to replace biden should he decide to step aside, the party would be revealing they very cynically chose her as veep for optics without believing she could actually be president.
“you’ll get a seat at the table but you’ll never get to run it” is a helluva message
I don’t know why they think pissing off the door-knockers and canvassing power of the party will end well, but these people don’t understand what they refuse to see
I am losing my mind "stick with Biden or go with Harris" is the open question, anything else is absolute guaranteed disaster what do any of these people think they're doing
they're getting their names in the newspaper and getting reporters to butter them up for juicy quotes to cosplay as party shot callers, that's it, we don't have to pretend otherwise
I’d like it if more people asking us to make them our most powerful public servants showed any interest at all in serving the public Or even in acknowledging us as more than a source of votes or poll numbers or funding
Making it more likely Biden refuses to step down, IMO. What is obvious to me is that these donors are less concerned with Biden’s decline and more concerned with running against this whole administration’s labor priorities. They want a reset.
“We are proud of the Biden-Harris administration, but Biden is too old” is a message you can sell. But not if you skip over one-half of that administration.
It’s like they think we don’t hear the unspoken “and Harris is too… YOU KNOW” that they’re sliding in there
“Biden doesn’t take their calls or wish them happy birthday” may sound like pure egotism on their part. But it also means neither Biden nor Harris is listening to them about policy. They think someone like Whitmer or Shapiro might.
Meanwhile polls in swing states are improving for Biden. He’s up in WI & MI. This is insanity.
PEOPLE ARE GOING TO BE CASTING EARLY VOTES IN THREE MONTHS. they're proposing self-destructive nonsense that's not even logistically feasible!
It's so absolutely wild that people are out here talking about a "blitz" primary. It feels like we've learned nothing, and that is incredibly frustrating.
It's really remarkable and horrifying just how little we seemed to have learned
The ones pushing it are not interested in seeing the democrats win - pretty simple. NYT and WaPo are pushing the “dump Biden” in news and op-eds and the other media (npr,bbc,cbc) pick it up.
Who is doing something. In and out today. Did something happen?
Are they TRYING to get Trump elected?
I love this plan, let's just lean into doing stupid shit as stupidly as we can imagine. We can achieve, in this crucial moment, peak dumbass.
As if Michelle Obama would have anything to do with a Democratic hunger games.
The people suggesting this should be blitzed into the sun
It's stunning how much of America's processes are just "tradition" - nothing really written down. If a president steps down, isn't the vice-president supposed to step up? Isn't that what the position IS? Why can't Harris be the nominee?
That is a really funny article. A lawyer and a venture capitalist are asking rich people for money under the premise they’ll pick the next president, and according to the grifters I mean planners there has been universal support from everyone they’ve talked to with no confirmation or way to verify
And given how the knives are being readied for Harris, I would argue that they don't gain any positives with Biden dropping out, and probably a lot of negatives.
It's infuriating. They want to lose. They figure they'll be fine.
100%. Anyone who doesn't understand this thinks politics is fantasy football and voting is all a game. Do any of these pundits step back and say "Wait, why would the party who wins with Voters of Color and female voters piss off BOTH of those constituencies by leapfrogging VP Harris?" GET REAL.
And really THAT'S only an "open question" in the loosest sense. It's only open if you think there's much of a chance that the president walks back from his categorical DENIAL that there's any such question. I'm not betting on it!
they are all talking out of their asses
well, for starters, the people pushing the loudest for Dems to pick someone other than Biden or Harris are the people who want Dems to lose
“Have fun in the camps” is their retort and ion think they realize how that might go for them.
It's not going to end well in Georgia. Black activists helped give Dems the White House and the Senate. Then Atlanta Dems suppressed votes against Cop City and criminalized leftist protest. Silence from Warnock and Ossoff.
I know a few door knockers who will be there, no matter what.
the unacknowledged and sotto voce misogynoir in white libs and leftists is infuriating. And they’ll come up with a billion reasons they’re not being misogynist/racist, but those reasons only apply to the Black-multi-racial woman.
I was genuinely shocked that anyone even thought that anyone other than Harris should be the candidate. Just the whitest, most patriarchal dude move.
Right?? Can we just have a decade or two where we tell men to go to the video game room, the women are getting things done?
Yessss. And if we can amplify the roles of WOC & LGBTQ+ women (and all intersectionalities thereof) in our implementation, we’ll probably cure cancer, fix the climate, & have universal free repro/child/elder care & a flying car in every garage—er, hangar—in the space of about 5 years.
I think they’ve been triangulated into having to get behind Kamala. You shot their wad with Biden and Hillary. If you now say, “oh but not HER” about Kamala, it will be blatantly clear the problem is not the candidate/leader, it’s you (and you’re a misogynoirist).
She’s also the only reasonable small d democratic choice! All the primary voters for Biden voted for him knowing Harris was his VP, and his replacement if anything happened to him. There’s no good reason to overrule the will of the voters, by the 4k of so delegates. It *has* to be Harris
I feel like I'm taking crazy pills with every plan I read
It just seems to think voters do what they’re told???? The Democratic Party is actually ruled by voters; none of these “none of the above” magical fanfic plays is gonna work — let alone without our consent