
Ok, I need everybody to read Section III-A of Alito's dissent in the Idaho abortion case. He says - explicitly and specifically - that in cases where the amniotic sac breaks before the 24th week of pregnancy, abortions should be prohibited. HE SPECIFICALLY NOTES THE DANGERS. He points out that...
Avatar and complete bed rest for the remainder of the pregnancy is required; that up to 37% of women with this condition who don't get an abortion go into septic shock; that serious health problems are almost universal... but since only 1%-5% of women die, abortion should illegal there.
He is joined only by Thomas in this section of his dissent. But they believe - genuinely and enthusiastically - that it is better for women be subjected to certain risk of serious health problems; to being confined to bed rest for months on end; and to up to a 5% chance of death, than to abort.
Two of my friends have had this specific pregnancy complication. It was soul-crushing for them. They desperately wanted to have those babies. But the health risks were far too severe, and they had abortions. Alito and Thomas fully believe they shouldn't have had that option. I'm sickened.
Because women are not people to them, merely vessels. UGH.
ONLY 1%? What is their idea? That God is killing them? That we should do medicine as 'leave it in the hands of the Lord.' I can't believe this.
My wife had 4+ months of total bed rest and it was mind crushingly awful. Took years to recover - if she has. IF. The kids turned out but good god the psychic toll of something that sounds so fucking innocuous. "Total bed rest" is like "solitary confinement" and the bed is the cell.
Alito should go fuck himself. And then carry it to term.
Hey, that's Doctor Alito to you, bub
Just a quick reminder: Justices Thomas and Alito ARE NOT DOCTORS! Yet, they’re actually giving medical advice from the bench.
Friend of a friend was in serious jeopardy of having an amniotic breech and had to be on total bed rest for three months. She said that even with her mom moving in and a very supportive partner it was by far the most torturous thing she's ever done.
My goddaughter had PPROM at 22 wks; her choice was to continue the pregnancy. She was kept inpatient for 7 weeks while her baby developed to a weight compatible w/life. It was her choice, it was unbearable & no one should be given power to force an 11th grader into that. These old men are brutal.
This is exactly it to me. I think there's a very good argument to make either choice and no argument to force someone else to do what you want them to do.
Yep. When people talk about being "pro-choice," this is a perfect example. Either choice is completely understandable; the idea of forcing someone into one or the other is reprehensible.
Bed rest for months. I assume they demand that women get paid sick leave while they’re forced to carry non-viable fetuses, right? Right?
Besides, the cruelty, they are so completely out of touch with the average person to even think that two months off for bed rest with no paid leave or insurance is an option.
But simultaneously believe that people (mostly white men) have an inalienable right to carry assault weapons and shoot others in “self defense” if they feel remotely threatened…
The unifying theme here is that they like unnecessary death.
"You only have a 2% chance of dying from COVID per case, so masks should be illegal." You can't deny, they're consistent.
37% septic shock is not a "risk of a serious health problem;" it is a serious health problem.
Again we find ourselves shocked but not surprised. These guys are lunatics. This would be like someone dissenting from Brown v. Board arguing "Sure, African American children get an inferior education but it really doesn't set them back *that* much. They're going to end up menial laborers anyway."
And if they cannot afford bed rest? Is there any social safety net for that? I think not.
Well, it's not Sam Alito's fault if they die after not taking his totally valid medical advice
the country founded on 'all men are created equal' (which was horseshit out of the gate, the guys who wrote it went home to their plantations and slaves) considers a few percent of women needlessly dying, acceptable If the same % of men were at risk... (we all know...)
It doesn't matter what made them so cruel.
So where did these two monsters get their MD degrees...the Torquemada School of Divinity?
Alito starts out with "The Members of this Court are not physicians and should therefore be wary about expressing conclusions about medical issues," and then immediately goes into 4 pages of detailed analysis of the health risks of a specific pregnancy complication at various stages of pregnancy.
Has there ever been a Supreme Court decision where Justices analyze symptoms to independently determine whether they will cause enough harm for a real doctor to intervene? The closest thing I have seen are Thomas's patent decision where he pretends to understand the underlying technology.
When and where did he get his Medical Degree???
At Psychopath U, in the 1650s.
How does this "only 1-5%" rule work when the state deprives other classes of citizens of their life and liberty?
Getting your medical advice from the Supremes is as bad as getting it from Gwyneth Paltrow. Then again, if Alito and Thomas decided to put Goop eggs up their butts, I'd probably watch.