Peter Jacobs

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Peter Jacobs

climate science (paleo, modern, future); public understanding of science (consensus, conspiracy theories, pseudoscience)

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Bruh they are paraphrasing not just fascists but THE fascists
This truly embarrassing garbage is why I unsubscribed from the NYT.
Reposted byAvatar Peter Jacobs
What we’ve learned is that the Times doesn’t “do serious journalism” so much as it “writes about things in a serious tone.” So when the news becomes too crazy, it migrates off the pages of the Times, where it can’t really be described without changing that all-important inside-voice tone.
It’s weird that the last few years have involved having to wrestle with the NYT and CNN being full of shit while People and Teen Vogue of all things are doing their job for them
The purported role of bullying in mass shootings has been exaggerated in a number of high profile cases, stretching all the way back to Columbine. That isn't to say it's never a factor or wasn't a factor here, but a lot of people probably assume it's a much more common factor than it turns out to be
so far i have seen accounts that the shooter was bullied a lot, bullied sometimes, and not bullied much. i think this is just what happens when you ask people what high school was like for other people
Reposted byAvatar Peter Jacobs
amplify this not unverified reports until we know more
There are people on the other site unironically expressing outrage that Biden did not attack his crowd for chanting 'Lock Him Up' who were also sharing "Go Kamala! 'Lock Him Up' sounds even better coming from a Prosecutor" tweets like a day ago. It's incredible.
Trump is literally a convict that ain't a painting, it's a photo
Anyone else hear the rumor that the Heritage Foundation / Project 2025 guy said BTS are untalented and overrated? Sure hope all the BTS fans migrating over here don't get upset by that and try to like call a bunch of attention to how bad it is or do a ton of Get Out The Vote organizing or somethin 🤔
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“Febrile Neurotics Who Love The Narcissism Of Small Differences And Targeted, Moralizing Pile-Ons” not really a viable foundation for enjoyable online community, at least if you’re not a febrile neurotic.
Reposted byAvatar Peter Jacobs
There’s a whole subnormal subculture of people on here who are obsessed with running people off the site. The vast majority of the time they fail (as, one senses, they do at nearly everything in their lives). But they’re very happy when they succeed. /1
Reposted byAvatar Peter Jacobs
I have just interacted with someone who, when I informed them H5N1 was infecting American dairy cattle, went “China must have done it” and I can not with this person
Reposted byAvatar Peter Jacobs
Nate silver is just doing a Glenn Greenwald speedrun TBH.
The implications of ostensibly respectable media trafficking in social contagions based on little or no high quality evidence simply because they are popular among certain elites (trans panic, inflation, crime, pandemic origin conspiracy theories) are incredibly concerning to me.
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Pamela Paul is back on her bullshit, stream MP instead
Highly recommend this Maintenance Phase two-parter. Part 2 spends most of the runtime explaining why the Cass Review is so shoddy. Pamela Paul of course doesn't if the work is shoddy since it provides a wedge she can lean on to reinforce the point she wanted to make regardless.
"Rapid-Onset Gender Dysphoria" Part 1: The Cooties Theory of Transgender Identity - Maintenance Thanks to Jules Gill-Peterson ( and Julia Serano ( for help researching this episode and Evan Urquhart and Parker Molloy for fact-checking!Support us:Hear bon...
The last NINE consecutive pieces written by Jonathan Chait are attacks on Biden. Hard to believe we finally discovered something he feels as passionate attacking as public schools and trans kids, but I guess that's where we are.
When people wonder *when* the NYT got so bad, I like to remind them that their hiring of a guy who spends his time promoting Pielke & Shellenberger or getting angry with people for not giving enough props to Bush & Cheney was supposed to be balance against their even worse guy on climate (Tierney).
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Reposted byAvatar Peter Jacobs
In retrospect, maybe it wasn’t the best idea to run with an Alex Berenson scoop without some research and fact checking first.
Reposted byAvatar Peter Jacobs
imagine how much great art could have been created if we took a fraction of the money spent on getting computers to make shitty art and gave it to actual artists
Reposted byAvatar Peter Jacobs
NATO Summit in DC As Ukraine War Rages NY Times is on it 1) Biden's age didn't come up, but don't forget it 2) NATO leaders watched POTUS. Must be his age. 3) Biden did well, but it doesn't count 4) This doesn't matter. Remember the debate? Not a non-issue, but weird way to cover an int'l summit.
Cleverest Little Boy In The Room syndrome is a cancer. So many people care more about whether they look 'savvy' than they do about the actual fate of their fellow citizens and future generations, despite or perhaps because they are closer to centers of wealth and power than the average person.
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basically every element of this is fraught and there are no good options. the number of people pretending to be certain about the best move is obscenely high.
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No one involved in climate science or advocacy "needs to acknowledge" that mass extinctions result in new life millions of years later. They know that! They're trying to reduce human suffering, they're not confused about how geologic time works.
The Awkward Truth About The disappearance of species is destructive, but it’s also one of the most natural, creative forces on Earth.
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A lot of folks who supposedly analyze politics for a living are just like…not good at it?
Reposted byAvatar Peter Jacobs
What’s fun about the New York Times is you can be like wow a new low but then you remember the war and everything else
Reposted byAvatar Peter Jacobs
I wrote the most comically insane villain possible for that episode, to sell the con, and he's just baseline CEO in the early 2020's.
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I can't tell you how often it's the case that when I look for historical antecedents to some weird sounding phrase in an official document from the Trumpist GOP, that search almost always leads me to obscure fascists from the American past like Gerald Smith, Conde McGinley, or Pete Peters.
A total lack of internal coherence or consilience with respect to extant evidence is only a problem for normal empirical inquiry. What we're seeing with the NYT and others is not that.
I don't even understand the theory here. Biden has Parkinson's and they know he has it but they're not giving him the known effective (for a time) treatments because...? If this were about Parkinson's then carbidopa / levodopa would ameliorate symptoms quickly and he could campaign more effectively
Reposted byAvatar Peter Jacobs
Section 1 of the 2025 Mandate for Leadership (aka Project 2025) is entitled "Taking the Reins of Government". Hard to imagine a left-wing political roadmap claiming such a thing in writing, and it not resulting in complete media apoplexy. Let's take a look.
The NYT is laundering insane right wing hit pieces during an election, please stop me if you've heard this one before
NEW: President Biden's doctor releases memo explaining that Dr. Cannard evaluated Biden as part of his regular physical (results of which were disclosed in February) and also treats military personnel with neurological issues through the White House Medical Unit
Reposted byAvatar Peter Jacobs
Thinking about all the actual newshounds who spent their living researching and investigating corruption and how many lost their jobs in wave after wave of media layoffs while watching the NYT pour a small fortune into having 20 different people rehash the same argument every single day.