
NEW: President Biden's doctor releases memo explaining that Dr. Cannard evaluated Biden as part of his regular physical (results of which were disclosed in February) and also treats military personnel with neurological issues through the White House Medical Unit
Brain doc here. Biden has *peripheral* neuropathy, which is one of the many nerve diseases neurologists treat. NYT utterly beclowned themselves. Sulzberger's "POTUS won't sit with me" petulant vengeance will forever define how he is trashing his inheritance.
Oh, but I'm sure the NYT will find some "expert" who will say something about this means yadda, yadda ...
No doubt Sulzberger will find an operative who chooses the reputational harm en route to their professional oblivion.
That was clearly what White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was saying over the literal screaming of the immature White House press corps divas, despite privacy and security concerns even helping them "connect the dots" that the neurologist and medical unit treat military personnel there
Yes. And that letter is as detailed as it will get because HIPAA etc. It’s pretty clear about what Biden’s interaction with the MD was. And why the MD was otherwise at the WH. I’m not sure what else ppl want. This is standard medical rhetoric.
She even said some of that too and CBS's diva started screaming at her
I was so embarrassed by the tantrum during that briefing by CBS's Ed whatever that I thought he was going to get into trouble, only to see CBS News brag minutes later about the "tense" moments in the press room it created and the reaction it got from White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre
Avatar and have talked about how pathetic and unprofessional the White House press corps are but it was worse than I realized
The amount of time and energy people are wasting on this nonsense is astounding. He’s old, yes. He’s not as quick or as sharp as he was when he was younger, true. He gave a crap performance in a debate against another old guy who ALSO gave a crap performance & lied to boot. MOVE ON, AMERICAN MEDIA.
This is better than the earlier terrible responses from her and Bates. But this still does not actually say, categorically and directly, that these visits were unrelated to Biden. It dances around implying as much without ever explicitly making that claim.
"President Biden has not seen a neurologist outside of his annual exam"
That is not "these meetings were not about President Biden."
Cannard has been visiting the White House many times per year since 2012; he's a well-respected physician who is on permanent staff within the broader NCA military med system. And the statement is only unclear if you think the primary doc and specialist were meeting without seeing the patient.
Also, and even if you think that for some reason the neurologist was being consulted by the primary care doctor without the patient being present, maybe keep in mind that Alexander Graham Bell, y'know, existed?
All I'm saying is that if it had nothing to do with Biden, they should have said it had nothing to do with Biden, and it's notable that they didn't.
Walk me through why Dr. Cannard would be having meetings without Joe Biden about Joe Biden at the White House when Dr. Cannard found nothing worrying in his annual exams.
Age. No one denies that the dude’s old enough that he probably should have a neurologist added to his annual physical.
It would be unusual and uncommon for consulting to be done with the patient there, whether that was Biden or whoever else.
As someone under the care of a neurologist, lol. I’m lucky if I can get specialists to consult each other without going through me if there’s a meds issue. Also, when you need a neurologist, you see them, in person, multiple times a year, even when everything is stable.
This is flatly false and wrong. Abundantly wrong. Doctors have innumerable ways to communicate and share charts between themselves. A consultation requires the patient, end of sentence. This is beyond grasping at straws. This is false.
And as a result of this very standard consultation that had to happen at the White House and not over the phone, the President did not meet again with a neurologist. This clearly indicates a neurological issue.
it's not a consult, it's part of the annual exam.
To say that would be to implicate another patient, which jag-offs would then demand be revealed violating that person’s medical privacy. There is no end with goalpost moving malefactors who are only engage in endless ‘I’m just asking a question.’ rage baiting tactics for pure trolling points.
“President Biden has not seen a neurologist outside of his annual physical”
post, have you considered that he meant that president biden just kept his eyes closed during the other neurology consults
Which is not "these meetings were not about President Biden." If that's what they meant to convey, they should have said that.
I think this is overparsing the letter to sustain what was a pretty weak hypothesis to begin with
He's not a fey, he so he can just flat out lie; whether or not he's seeing a neurologist, there's no code here for you to crack and this kind of conspiratorial reading is putting more into the text than will ever come back out of it
lol I always forget this part. Like conspiratorial thinking always requires us to believe that the conspirators get off on hiding all the evidence in plain sight, and like, sometimes they just burn stuff they don’t want people to see.
i am dying at 'he's not a fey'
are you trying to say that the neurologist was holding meetings about Biden without Biden in attendance? because that’s the only logical ground left if Biden has not seen a neurologist outside his annual physical.
Jill & Valerie Biden secretly meeting with Joe Biden's neurologist to discuss how they may most efficiently puppeteer him
Read. The. Letter! Visits to the WH do not equal visits to the President!
You're ignoring the part about the "extremely detailed neurological exams" that found no signs of Parkinson's or any other neurological issues. And that sentence has been publicly available in his health summary since February, not crafted in response to this manufactured non-story.
Are you implying that a neurologist was conducting examinations with a staffer but without the patient present to diagnose Alzheimer’s? Add in a palace coup 25th amendment story and there might be a spot for you at the NYT, lol
I didn't say anything about Alzheimer's. I'm saying the idea that he was talking to Biden's doctor about Biden is not some crazy possibility and noting the White House did not actually deny that.
It’s an extremely crazy possibility that only exists by starting from “Biden is neurologically damaged” and backfilling from there. Or, to put it another way, why would he be at the White House for this. They have telephones
Christ on a pony. This is only true if you ignore everything else in the correspondence. Are you ignoring everything else in the correspondence?
Of course he is, because it doesn’t align with his priors.
(lol he also blocked me)
If only there was some law governing what kind of medical information can be shared about a patient without their consent…. 🤔😶🫥
Can you be more wrong? Biden literally in multiple other parts of country during many of dr meeting at WH. Already documented
I would like a second opinion from Dr. Malarkey
Listen Jack, you hold it right there
Biden White House throwing out Cannards left and right.
It’s going to take a lot of effort to counter the Trump campaign but this is what it will take. If you can’t name the misinfo technique directly (like he should have at the debate), you meet every stupid accusation with “no, actually, it was [potentially harmless thing with supporting data].”