
Putin's puppet can have a tall glass of shut the fuck up.
the latest Snowden leak: his brain from his ears
But he's right in the sense that I'd vote for a random wad of cat hair and oreo crumbs from deep inside my couch before considering a narcissistic nepo-ghoul who casually murders people in developing nations with vaccine misinformation as a hobby.
Whose entire family have repudiated him.
Things I would vote for over RFK jr: - couch detritus - literally any goldfish - mysterious clump of damp twine - piñata full of wasps - stained mattress in the woods
 - half can of flat Dr. Pepper - discarded bandaid lying on a public bathroom floor
I would sooner vote for his father in his current condition before I cast a vote for that worm-eaten wanker
Out of those, piñata full of wasps, damp twine for vp. Though, I do like goldfish. This is hard.
I’d rather go to the ER late at night and lick the floor.
"Literally any goldfish." *Best Morgan Freeman voice* That one actually made me laugh. But seriously, who thinks RFK Jr. is actually a good candidate? There hasn't been a serious Kennedy worth considering since his DAD, and well... We can thank Sirhan Sirhan for putting the kibosh to that.
I’d draw the line at the bandaid but all the rest of the candidates seem legit to me.
I am truly sorry, but my brain created an image of Francie and Fergus fur all wrapped into a ball mixed with oreo crumbs and I think I have to lie down now.
Is Snowden so disconnected that he doesn’t understand how ridiculous he sounds?
No. He's a Russian asset.
Generally speaking, I like your posts. I simply don't understand the "Russian asset" hate on Mr. Snowden. That's too Mike Pompeo/John Boltonish a take. Hate on Obama for stranding him at the Moscow airport while Snowden was headed to Cuba or Venezuela.
He literally lives in Russia, what in the actual fuck are you talking about? The dude is an explicit Russian asset.
He accepted Russian citizenship in 2022. September of 2022. I'd definitely call that evidence of poor judgement...
He also fled to Russia in the first place, which never sat well with me or anyone with a lick of sense. I mean. Jesus.
There were warmer no extradition countries
Wild Snowden got to largely skate but Manning got everything thrown at them
There was weird shit where he got laid up on the run and it was implied he HAD to go to Russia but yeah no No. I'd do time in a US prison before I'd run to an enemy like Russia.
I can accept him choosing Russia over many years of solitary in the us prison system but it doesn’t mean I take anything he has to say now seriously
He was headed to one of those warmer countries, I think Ecuador, and passing through a Russian airport when the US canceled his Passport. At point he was stranded. I don't remember how many days he stayed in the airport but he eventually decided Russia was his best option. Continued
I didn't know that part 😳 Which is weird?? How could I miss Putin - Snowden
He's got a common failing to Libertarians. Often blind to some areas of reality yet able to squint at times and actually see some things with clarity.
his leaks were important but his politics have always been libertarian garbage
Part of me always wondered: did he let the "prestige" of a somewhat mediocre Oliver Stone film about him go to his head?
No. He is and has been for a long time, a Russian asset.
Okay, fair, but I always somehow sensed that he had something of a massive ego as well in some capacity. Like, because he blew the whistle on the NSA, he's the "American Intelligence Expert" on everything. (I only guess though, I don't pay much attention to him if I can).
I think so too, but I also pay as little attn as possible. I mean, I like whistle blowers...Reality Winner did everyone a solid.
TBF I don't think he was a Russian asset. My opinion was that he was probably a patriotic whistle-blower, but we drove him to Russia & thus he needs to cooperate with Putin for his very survival.
Survival my ass. He would've served time, maybe for life but probably not that long. He went to China, then Russia. Snowden's a goddamn traitor. I'd like to see him apprehended and executed if he ever sets foot in a US allied country.
That's so obviously the case. People are embarrassing for thinking otherwise.