Callie (horse boy)

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Callie (horse boy)

Software Engineer 2 @ Microsoft. #ActuallyAutistic and I complain about video games a lot. Opinions and shitposts are from my cat. ex AWS Games, Wowhead. Adopted, mixed race parentage but white af

Ace/demi, nonbinary, dommeish, dating a guy named Tobey
big if true now ask for three to six resignations
Breaking news: President Biden is finalizing plans to endorse major changes to the Supreme Court in the coming weeks, including proposals for legislation to establish term limits for the justices and an enforceable ethics code, according to two people briefed on the plans.
Biden set to announce support for major Supreme Court The president has discussed the plans with constitutional scholars and members of Congress in recent weeks.
Who knew the future would be riddled with scams? Don’t answer your phone, it’s probably a scam. Don’t buy anything from a major retailer, it’s probably a scam. Don’t be charitable or help your loved ones, it’s probably a scam.
Unpacked enough that I was able to dress nice today :)
That's not a conspiracy tho. It's how stochastic terrorism works. The shooter was an accelerationist that takes in right wing media and decided it sounded like a good idea. Flip the cause and effect and you got it. No conspiracy needed. It's all right in front of us.
I’m not usually into conspiracy theories but I have to admit that the entire shooting thing does feel like one, especially after seeing the Joe Rogan clip where he and Alex Jones talk about how a Trump ass in nation would be Very Good for their cause.
Cat writes a book you can call it a mlemoir
ahhh love love love 🥰🥰
hey dems. just because a fascist has slightly less ear meat does not mean he is not still a fascist.
This is the gender I aspire to be
a second Zendaya in a suit has hit Wimbledon
I’ve legitimately considered not talking about antisemitism on this website anymore and inch closer to that on a regular basis because of how y’all treat Jews here.
No one will ever live up to your standards of perfectionism. Your friends don’t even live up to those standards, they’re just afraid to tell you cause you’ll cancel anyone at the drop of a hat.
this website has “the juice” but unfortunately it’s the juice they found in that sarcophagus in 2018
I am curious how many of you have actually ever quit your jobs for moral reasons because a lot of you seem to have very strong opinions about it. The list of places you can ethically work without compromising your morality on some level is pretty fucking small.
A Tesla in full-self driving mode hit my twin today. The driver was not aware, did not have his hands on the wheel, and did not brake. He hit this mother of 2 going 30 mph before blaming it on FSD getting confused by a train and driving off, as if that explained everything. So now, it's personal.
Bluesky really needs a Discourse Mode where it labels people on different sides of a beef with a different color so you know when you’re about to walk into a pvp zone
Me: Trump is going to make himself a dictator if he wins Facebook Fact Check: This claim is FALSE. ᵀʰᵉ ˢᵘᵖʳᵉᵐᵉ ᶜᵒᵘʳᵗ ʷᶦˡˡ ᵐᵃᵏᵉ ʰᶦᵐ ᵃ ᵈᶦᶜᵗᵃᵗᵒʳ.
I took my drugs for the first time an hour ago and now I’m gonna take a nap
My doctor called in my thyroid meds and I’ve never been so excited to start taking drugs in my life
why wouldn’t something live rent-free in my head? what do you think I am, a landlord?
It's incredibly sad that we've all lost out on such a vital and effective self-promo tool, but simultaneously, it's validating to know that, no, it's not just me. Twitter/X is utterly useless, now. Broken beyond repair.
Break up with your X. – INCREDIBLY BORING
i'm 99% sure no joke will ever top Seymour Butts
My doctor called in my thyroid meds and I’ve never been so excited to start taking drugs in my life
My sister said the cybertruck looks like a Dustbuster and I’m gunna have to give her that one
i think a good scream into the void could fix some of us
the void called, it's filing a noise complaint against reality
I started using a fountain pen with a flexible nib, and I’m obsessed
Like I just don’t have those kinds of spoons
why the fuck do all those bitches on tiktok and instagram spend so much time taking cleaning and laundry products out of the containers they came in and putting them in other containers. who is making them live like this