Weltschmerz, The Musical

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Weltschmerz, The Musical


Friendly pinko, Animal friend. Far too romantic. I like BG3 too much. Soft boi appreciator. Kind as possible but very pro-guillotine. The secret third thing.

In a near constant state of saudade.

Heavy, heavy anxiety day. Goddamn it....shit to do.
That terrifying moment when you realize you can no longer see well enough to catch the new strawberry blond whiskers that randomly appear. I feel so pretty.
So this is really happening. A Genuine Fascist with ties to the kind of Evil Billionaire they make tv series about is the VP pick for a fascist presidential candidate who is a felon many times over but will get away with it because our supreme court is nearly fully bought and paid for. OK then. ok
This is a....brilliant post, actually.
Amazon spamming everyone like "it's prime day motherfucker, do you want to buy a dropshipped charging cable that bursts into flames? We've got all the best brands: IFLUGIGUU, WAYAZZFFFLI, UNGILITECEH, and more"
the sheer volume of drama on here makes me so grateful that I am a mature, well-adjusted dumbass who can’t keep up
I'm from Appalachia. I have never believed in any of the old magic and superstition from my grandparents or from the area. But Vance got hexes and haints aimed his direction. And I'm not pulling that curse until he breaks.
This was going to be my last book on the 20 day challenge but we need it now. bsky.app/profile/hodg...
If you wanna know why JD Vance sucks ass there is no better place to start.
idk how to explain this but i strongly feel that JD Vance is related to the Hamburglar
It is funny how the line on Bluesky initially was that it was a safe space for you snowflakes blah blah blah and now it’s like “you motherfucker you bought ketchup? Let me tell you how you just became complicit in apartheid” and then a pro ketchup person comes in like ohhhhhhh you did it now dumdum
Are you a fan of all of those guys who are directly responsible for making the internet an unusable dogshit hellhole? Well boy do I have a VP for you.
When the baby thinks ive had enough screen time.
Man I typo so very very much. Sorry all.
This type of breathing is always good advice and is far, far more effective than it appears on the surface. I try for a few times a day, but often fail. Also Happy Birthday, Doc.
It's still my birthday so I'm going to ask you to do me a favour, okay? Stop right now & take 5 deep breaths, as deep as you can, pressing your held breaths down into your diaphragm before releasing. Do it like this: Breathe in for 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds, out for 4 seconds. Got it? Five times
I have REALLY NICE gaming headphones and I realize I am so sensitive to sound I can't control that I will leave them on my head when they are off and not even notice. this are large, full coverage headphones. I am deffo entering my extra weird phase.
lol already tired of my face. Ok then!
Omg...eric found another sweet baby.... We are contemplating bringing home. Maybe. Shit! Our current place is small and i don't want to stress her. I suppose we should wait. But. But loook.
People who like him care about race a lot.
Hey let's check in on Twitter....nope nope nope nope
The trouble i get into when im high and a little existentially terrified.
I rather vividly remember hand-wringing liberals recommending people read Vance's book in order to understand the "real people" outside their "bubble." I remember that a lot. Helped make him famous! Yeah.
Already home from work, stoned, and puttering around the kitchen before I FOTF. Business may be a little summer slow, but sometimes days like this are just so welcome.
JD Vance 2016: Trump is America's Hitler (pejorative) JD Vance 2024: Trump is America's Hitler (complimentary)
I forgot to finish my 20 day book list! I think this is day #17. It's very good indeed. Gives neat perspective. Arousal, the Secret Logic of Sexual Fantasies.
He really is impressively ignorant for man held up as a genius.
Bush the Elder flew almost sixty air combat missions against the Japanese in WW2, John Kerry pulled a half dozen men out of the water and into his swift boat in Vietnam while under a hail of direct gunfire, but tell me again about how giving a thumbs up while under a literal human shield is tough.
Also, you know...Librarians are low key radicals. All information, for free, for everyone.
If you want access to free books, please get a library card. In the US, the more people there are with library cards, the more funding libraries have access to. Libraries provide more than books. They are a community resource. As an author and reader, I support libraries! #books #libraries
I have been cooking up a storm but for some reason the ONLY THING my body wants is a baked potato. So...I have been giving it that. Twice a day, for a couple of weeks. It's been odd, but tasty. I have lost 10 pounds. (perfectly welcome) I think I have found the greatest diet in the world. heh.