Eric Boehm

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Eric Boehm

Reposted byAvatar Eric Boehm
I’ve analysed all publicly available information about the man who shot former president Trump and my theory is this: he was a crazy nut who’d gone whackadoo
So *that's* what broke his brain
this picture of Biden looking at a quantum computer is fucking hilarious lmao
Reposted byAvatar Eric Boehm
joe biden must seek out a rare blue flower growing only on the eastern slopes of the mountains in bhutan and carry it to the top of the mountain
Breaking news: President Biden and his senior team said they accepted the grim ultimatum they’ve been hearing from almost all quarters of the Democratic Party — to demonstrate his fitness for office or face a significant effort to force him to step aside.
Biden and aides concede he needs to quickly demonstrate his fitness for Critics have been shaken by his relative inaction to directly address the panic ignited by his halting debate performance last Thursday.
Reposted byAvatar Eric Boehm
Jesus, this is terrible. Just crushing. A journalist shot in the eye by Minneapolis police during the George Floyd protests is dying from her injury, and is now in hospice care.
Please Help Journalist Linda Linda has a traumatic brain injury and needs support for her family and for end of life.
Happy Belated Father's Day! Did you know that your tax dollars help fund a national strategic reserve of Dad Jokes?
Federally funded dad Does America really need a National Strategic Dad Jokes Reserve?
Really nice obituary for David Boaz in today's I could write about the value of liberty for the next five decades and never convey it this succinctly and profoundly
Reposted byAvatar Eric Boehm
"Immigration is America's superpower. Being one of the world's freest and most prosperous places means talented people from all over the world want to live and work here," writes
Immigration fueled America's stunning cricket upset over There's an obvious lesson here.
Reposted byAvatar Eric Boehm
Three days after it was revealed that this guy's license was wrongly listed as suspended due to a clerical error, none of the publications listed here (NYT, WP, NYP, USA Today, BBC, CNN, Fox, MSNBC) have issued corrections or updates.
The viral story about a defendant driving with a suspended license was fake Corey Harris' case should never have been a national news story to begin with.
Reposted byAvatar Eric Boehm
Police in Prosper, TX, celebrating their new MRAP which will protect officers from deadly IUDs.
Reposted byAvatar Eric Boehm
Attendant: Sir, you can’t bring that animal on the plane. Me: He’s registered I have the paperwork Attendant: No, I mean he won’t fit. My Anxiety Elephant: *senses my anxiety*
Good to see some judges treating Qualified Immunity with all the disdain it deserves
hell of a QI case from the 5th circuit.
Reposted byAvatar Eric Boehm
i smell a pulitzer
Reposted byAvatar Eric Boehm
Happy Can-we-inject-light-or-disinfectant-into-the-body Day for all who celebrate.
Reposted byAvatar Eric Boehm
Reposted byAvatar Eric Boehm
day 2 of candy crush regionals is heating up
Reposted byAvatar Eric Boehm
DANVILLE: You get that new bovine mascot for our minor league team? DESIGNER: Sure did boss, real fuckin sexy just like you asked. DANVILLE: what
New Minor League Baseball team just dropped:
Reposted byAvatar Eric Boehm
what lives in a pineapple under the sea?
What I need in life.
Jon Stewart on why Americans shouldn't believe in political messiahs: "If your guy loses, bad things might happen, but the country is not over. And if your guy wins, the country is in no way saved."
Jon Stewart's return to ‘The Daily Show’ was actually pretty When he's on his game, he's still one of the best bullshit detectors in the media.
Biden should avoid reminding voters of how rough the past few years have been, focus on the future, and talk about the positive signals coming from the economy. Above all else, don't make yourself look like an old man yelling at a cloud. In short, don't do this:
Biden's bizarre 'shrinkflation' The White House should stop taking policy and messaging tips from Elizabeth Warren.
The media blamed Facebook for Trump's win in 2016, so Facebook said "okay, we'll stop promoting news." That didn't end Trump, but it has wrecked what little profitability existed in online news. And now "news creators" are mad Zuck did what they asked.
Meta turns its back on politics again, angering some news Meta announced on Friday it would stop proactively recommending political content on Instagram and its upstart text-based app Threads.
I say we put No One up against Donald Trump and see how it goes. It can't be worse than the other primary challengers fared.
Increased immigration can reduce the budget deficit, but the CBO does a poor job of estimating those benefits--and that creates additional hurdles for passing immigration reform My latest, based on some interesting work from the Penn Wharton Budget Model:
How increasing immigration can reduce the And why the Congressional Budget Office does a poor job of making those estimates.
Reposted byAvatar Eric Boehm
Politics in 2024. The GOP has worked themselves into a frenzy over a pop megastar who they're sure is out to get them, something they've made up in their own paranoid minds.
Reposted byAvatar Eric Boehm
"I can't believe Elon didn't step up and act like the adult in the room," says highly paid, widely-quoted Wall Street Tesla analyst in 2024.
Reposted byAvatar Eric Boehm
Ron DeSantis ends his campaign with a fake Churchill quote
I don't know, my dudes. Maybe just learn some self-control?
What could possibly go wrong?
Reposted byAvatar Eric Boehm
The boys and I figured we’d ask ChatGPT to help us solve a clue from the Times crossword.
*nodding vigorously*
Trump's lawyer in DC Cir.: Could Bush be charged with lying to Congress to get us into Iraq? Could Obama be charged with murder for drone strikes? Don't threaten me with a good time, man.