
I have never seen a better example of the bored punditry pretending two ideas cannot exist in people’s heads at the same time than “biden is too old to run” and “I don’t care that biden is too old to run if that’s all you’re gonna offer me”
one candidate is old, the other is slightly younger and a raging fascist psychopath, in this bangor diner, voters don’t know who to choose
I'm sorry at this stage you *literally* have prior experience with both of these candidates being president, if you cannot decide *not* to vote for the fascist one, I really can't help you
And a confirmed child rapist!
That diner didn’t do anything to you
Stephen King is a biographer, not a fiction writer CMV
Just once I want to see an interviewer who responds appropriately to these 'undecided voters', by going, "Really?! You can't decide? Between *these* options, you can't decide? What the fuck is wrong with you?!"
"X percentage of Dems say he's too old to run!" Ok great. How many of that percentage are gonna vote for him regardless tho
An overwhelming percentage almost certainly.
Implicit in all of this is that a lot of political pundits & reporters just dont believe that Democratic voters can actually be sincerely dedicated to voting for their candidates & against Republicans. They believe that that sort of partisanship exists for Rs, but refuse to believe it in reverse.
And... a] are they likely voters, and b] DO THEY LIVE IN A SWING STATE? Anything else is bullshit.
I thought he was too old to run in 2020 and if I could cast a ballot for him today and then stick my fingers in my ears until November I would.
This has been the "bored punditry" election
And it's against Trump of all people. "Not Trump" is about as deep as many people are willing to go when presented with another 4 years of him.
Right? I used to be consumed by politics but these Trump years have changed that. Now, I'm like Steve Jobs but instead of foregoing clothing decisions I no longer have any political decisions to make. Every day, I wake up and say, "no maga, no Republicans."
We really should address the fact that our political pundit class is staffed by people who by and large cannot hold two thoughts in their heads and have the memory of a goldfish.
How about *yes of course Trump lied but there's nothing we can do but accept it*?
Yes, Trump has raped, lied, cheated on his wives, and committed crimes, but God wants him as president to save our country from moral decay. (derogatory--in case that wasn't obvious)
I can't imagine being of the mindset he's a good person. If all of the GOP voters were resigned to vote for him because he was the party's chosen candidate--that would be different. But his fans have convinced themselves he's brilliant and a good Christian.
Both ideas exist in my non pundit mind. Dump Biden for Harris*? Sounds complicated. Elect Biden, then give Harris the keys later? Hard for different reasons. But the outcome is President Harris regardless and I don’t care when. *ditching Harris is suicide IMO.
Has anyone done the comparison with Reagan yet? As in, a man who was barely coherent (or awake) for most of his Presidency, to the extent that it was a worldwide joke. And he still got re-elected.
Conflict is all that matters to them.
Amen. Stupid poll questions render stupid conclusions.
I would guess if you asked Biden he would agree w/his age but has a plausible argument that he's the best candidate.
or whatever gets ratings/clicks