Coffee Porter Jr.

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Coffee Porter Jr.

“From the number of imaginable cities we must exclude those whose elements are assembled without a connecting thread, an inner rule, a perspective, a discourse.” -Italo Calvino, Invisible Cities (transl. William Weaver)

header by MV, quoting Waikiki Wanda
a “sticker mule” is someone paid to collect and distribute stickers to our customers. it’s named in reference to the 2000 mules who stole our elections in 2020
I usually talk in sports metaphor about this stuff but at this point I think the best analogy for polls is the Library of Babel from the Jorge Luis Borges short story
538 has listed a couple of US-house polls from MI this afternoon pointing in completely opposite directions. In MI-7, the district Slotkin is leaving open (Sabato’s Crystal Ball has as toss-up), poll has the R up 7. But in MI-10, currently held by R John James (SCB has lean-R), poll has D up 6.
Donald Trump is running out of time to drop out of the race
no greater sign that it’s big donover, imo
Like, Strickler went *on the record* to say that he told Senator Heinrich that he won't get any $$$ unless he denounces Biden- so now, Heinrich CAN'T do that! Because it'll look like he's just doing Strickland's bidding!
adam schiff has done more than almost any other elected to convince people that he’s bought and paid for, he should have gotten his ratfucking out long before this story about rich donors dropped
Imagine saying “Biden is not subject to a vote of the wealthy” as a bad thing
Sucks to suck, i guess
of course he also recommended it for American Prejudice Month
Maybe THIS will be the dumbest thing I read today: Florida’s education commissioner announced Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice as a book of the month to “highlight the importance of American pride.” Can’t make this stuff up. H/t
finally someone puts in writing “we’re voting early because we’re concerned the Ohio law fix doesn’t actually fix it *and* we have other states to worry about” so people [not naming names] can’t just go “Ohio isn’t a problem, silly Dems; you don’t need an early vote”
The DNC has confirmed that the Rules Committee meeting on Friday (I'm a member) will not fix a date for a virtual roll call, and that no virtual roll call for the presidential nomination will take place before August 1.
“oh by the way this is at the presidential level only, downballot it’ll look like pre-Reagan levels of ticket-splitting.”
"Sure, despite Trump being worse and more racist than he was in 2020 he gets unprecedented, post-LBJ levels of Hispanic, Black, and Youth votes and despite Biden's policy platform resembling McCarthy's Nightmare at this point he wins the white senior citizens, why the fuck not."
I live in the NC Triangle region and you should attempt to drive a freight vehicle through the Gregson Street Overpass
Let's have some fun on Bluesky tonight! Tell me where you live and one thing everyone should do in your city! #flythefriendlysky
will admit I did not expect the interpretation “ah he’s totally gonna step down you guys” but in hindsight I should have
people are gonna thumb their nose at this but I’m glad he’s pushing back on the rumors that he won’t retire because he hates her or whatever
Sir, the question was, is this your handwriting?
I can’t believe this is a real quote from Trump sitting down with Bloomberg. I saw it on Twitter and figured it was a joke.
people are gonna thumb their nose at this but I’m glad he’s pushing back on the rumors that he won’t retire because he hates her or whatever
“Folks, it's because of you that I am president and Kamala Harris is vice president. And by the way, she's not only a great vice president. She could be president of the United States." —Joe Biden at the NAACP convention today
congrats to that dog on replacing Joe Manchin
obvious push poll, look at the questions before this one: 1) Are you satisfied with the direction things are going on this planet? 2) Given the opportunity, would you have sex with hot space aliens? 3) Would you have sex with hot space aliens who could reproduce with humans?
*LATEST POLL: 48% OF AMERICANS WILLING TO RAISE HUMAN-ALIEN HYBRIDS (sponsored by the Committee to Colonize Earth, 501c3, Mammoth, UT)
if it’s all the same to everyone else, I’m enjoying how we accidentally elected Bernie Sanders and I hope we re-elect him
Breaking news: President Biden is finalizing plans to endorse major changes to the Supreme Court in the coming weeks, including proposals for legislation to establish term limits for the justices and an enforceable ethics code, according to two people briefed on the plans.
Biden set to announce support for major Supreme Court The president has discussed the plans with constitutional scholars and members of Congress in recent weeks.
I thought AI Appreciation Day wasn’t until Septuuuch €7rd
Just got an email about celebrating AI Appreciation Day. FUCK NO.
I would simply have a statue that stays in one piece and my works beside remain. RIP to Ozymandias but I’m different
I will never forget the interview, shortly after Ozy Media Inc. was formed, where Carlos Watson said he named it after the poem, because "the lesson you take from [Ozymandias] is that you have to dream big." So that's why liberal arts education is important.
Republicans should be treating Trump the way Democrats are treating Menendez. Democrats should be treating Biden the way Republicans are treating Trump.
here’s how Tammy Murphy can still win
A replacement senator could be named by NJ Gov. Murphy (D) today, for people concerned about what this means. Here's NJ law:
I am mentally rotating a median voter
Pollcels malding at new data, vibechads remain concerned but loose
Biden discussing w/ Holt the grounds that Cannon had thrown the Trump suit out on just that morning, and how it was tied to Clarence Thomas' concurrence the week prior is another one of those "dude knows his weeds" moments where I'd love to hear Trump answer the same question — about his own case.
can’t even make the “is Ron Johnson unfit for office” joke because I do believe that
Meanwhile over at the Republican convention
this is a delightful picture. when zooted I’m both of the people in it
you know how in Letterkenny the skids play a game where they draw straws and the guy with the short straw has to run into a field while getting shot at by the others
'GOP CONVENTION BEGINS AFTER ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT' is a chyron that made me think "another one?"
This whole excerpt tells you multitudes about our current political moment.