Mary Lynne Dittmar, Ph.D.

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Mary Lynne Dittmar, Ph.D.

Chief Gov’t & External Relations Officer @Axiom_Space, founding CEO @xploredeepspace. Policy influencer, cat companion, hiker, feminist. Occasionally grouchy as I recover from a tricky knee replacement surgery.
If interested, here is a better reasoned view of SCOTUS on immunity than a lot of other opinions out there. (I would snarkily add that the failure to provide any guidance as to re what constitutes “official” is going to keep lawyers employed for decades.)
It’s that movie again….a July 4th tradition…. gets me every single time.
Happy 4th of July / Independence Day! A good day to read the Declaration of Independence which explicitly rejected despotic, authoritarian rule and asserted a new idea: The founding of a nation w/government deriving its just powers from the consent of the governed.
Today is the first time I’ve been able to sit on the porch with my coffee, 3 weeks after a tricky total knee replacement surgery. Hannah joined me for a bit but is now signaling her desire for me to return indoors to feed her. Some things never change! 😹 #Caturday
because i recall seeing biden doing public events throughout the winter and spring months. so what, specifically, did jaime harrison and the DNC do to hide biden?
It’s so cool that cities are like “pweeease only turn your AC on if you’re actively dying and don’t go below 79 🥺🤘🏻💗” while the AI nobody asked for is slurping up the power grid to make 1 image of a girl with 5 tits
John Moore, virologist/immunologist from Cornell Weill Med in NYC and I take the NYTimes to task for two opinion pieces on #COVID earlier this month. Both pieces are examples of "science opinion", where non-experts weigh in on topics beyond their ken.
“The New York Times” Is Failing Its Readers Badly on A pair of shoddy opinion pieces proves that the paper is letting its audience down and undermining the fight to improve our knowledge of the virus.
Hi , just letting you know about Jasper, who is clearly INNOCENT, and his hooman Carmen. Please help spread the word and thank you!
This disabled veteran thought she would have to just let her kitty go when she found out he needed surgery to remove bladder stones, because she has no social media presence. I told her that I did, & could get her the help he needed.
Jasper & I met Carmen in the waiting room of the ER where Harpo got his echocardiogram. She's a disabled veteran struggling to get the care she needs from the VA, jus...
Help Jasper and Carmen.
This disabled veteran thought she would have to just let her kitty go when she found out he needed surgery to remove bladder stones, because she has no social media presence. I told her that I did, & could get her the help he needed.
Jasper & I met Carmen in the waiting room of the ER where Harpo got his echocardiogram. She's a disabled veteran struggling to get the care she needs from the VA, jus...
Jonathan Last is right, as usual.
This is so important, and yet almost impossible to make people care about. I have a friend who runs a federal agency (sub-cabinet level) and is doing a terrific job, making excellent progress for stakeholders, but “Govt Agency Succeeds” is not a story that gets published.
Some reduce the 2024 campaign to a contest between two old men, but it's a choice of two slates of federal appointees who'll impact your life in a million ways. Biden has staffed executive agencies with excellent choices who are doing good work. Trump will empower an army of Stephen Millers.
Gone home to glory for Juneteenth. Rest in power to the 🐐
Judiciary appointments and agency staffing are two huge reasons I’ll be voting for Biden despite the many, many issues I have with him. Both have impacts way beyond a presidential term & often have life or death level consequences. I’m not voting for a person, I’m voting for a path.
Some reduce the 2024 campaign to a contest between two old men, but it's a choice of two slates of federal appointees who'll impact your life in a million ways. Biden has staffed executive agencies with excellent choices who are doing good work. Trump will empower an army of Stephen Millers.
This kind of argument about schools is a classic sign of authoritarianism. It’s the opposite of how officials who value individual rights and free society should speak about education.
An essential read from the former research manager of Stanford’s Internet Observatory, on how spreaders of misinformation (people who have been deceived) and disinformation (people who know they’re lying) view even *labelling* a post as misinformation as censorship. More … 🧵
Done and best wishes to you and Olive. ❤️
Please help if you can. This week has been full of AWFUL, for both of us, really, but her prognosis is actually great if we can pay for it. She's such a freaking gem and she's all I've got in the whole wide world.
Help Me and Ms Olive Kick Cancer's Ass, organized by James This is Ms Olive, an absolute miracle of a dog and she has a *very* treatable ca… James Anderson needs your support for Help Me and Ms Olive Kick Cancer's Ass
Today, June 6th, we commemorate D-Day, the Allied invasion of Normandy that tipped the scales against the Nazis in World War II. On this day, we remember that the fight against fascism, authoritarianism, and dictatorship is in our blood as Americans, and the fight didn't stop on September 2nd, 1945.
Hannah basking in the sun on a cool Saturday morning here in the foothills of the Blueridge Mountains. #WNC
The American Cemetery at Normandy (photo from when I visited in 2022). #ForAllWhoServed #MemorialDay
Happy THREADS Day to all who celebrate!
I keep saying it: The inability of people to comprehend the world around them has functionally severed the link between governing and elections. For a large group of people, literally nothing matters but the movie they're playing inside their own heads.
Harris Poll: 56% of Americans wrongly believe US is in recession--and most blame Biden: 49% believe the S&P 500 stock market index is down for the year (up ~24% in 2023 & >12% this yr) 49% believe unemployment at a 50-yr high (it's been under 4%, a near 50-yr low). 📈sociology polisky
Majority of Americans wrongly believe US is in recession – and most blame Exclusive Harris poll for the Guardian shows 55% believe economy is shrinking, in troubling sign for president’s re-election bid
I call this one “Hannah in the morning”. 😻 #Caturday
Prior to the introduction of the measles vaccine in 1963, it killed more than 400 Americans per year, with children being the most vulnerable. Due to childhood vaccination, deaths from measles were nearly entirely eliminated in the US in the 1990s. The rise in antivax rhetoric is killing children.
It's heartbreaking in so many ways. "A young child has died of measles in Ontario, marking the first death in the province from the highly contagious virus in more than 10 years, a Public Health Ontario report confirms. The child, who was under the age of 5, was not immunized against the virus"
Child under 5 dies of measles in Ontario: A young child has died of measles in Ontario, marking the first death in the province from the highly infectious virus in more than 10 years, a Public Health Ontario report confirms.
"After taking office & examining 100s of pages of curriculum, Gore was shocked by what she found—and didn’t find. The pervasive indoctrination she had railed against simply did not exist. Children were not being sexualized & she could find no examples" of CRT. Former allies started threatening her.
A GOP Texas school board member campaigned against schools indoctrina… Courtney Gore, a Granbury ISD school board member, has disavowed the far-right platform she campaigned on. Her defiance has brought her backlash.
Driving around a bit this evening, taking in the sights as I prepare to take my leave of #DC for a couple months of personal time off - was so lucky to catch this beautiful glimpse of the Monument at sundown!