DJ Mac

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DJ Mac

ATX. Recovering nihilist. Dada not Data. Groucho not Karl. Libertines not Libertarians. Conscience not Con Art.
Norwegians are secretly perfecting V-24. It’s the future, Bob. Ingebrigtsen, Warholm, and Blummenfelt are the alpha testers for the Summer Olympic team. The Winter team’s been on it for years. And then there’s Magnus Carlsen…
Change the focus, ffs. The Epstein documents just dropped and Trump is all over them & this reignited interest in the alleged rape of then 13-year old Katie Johnson. Dems spend some of that donor $$$$ on nonstop national attack ads. What’s worse than senile grandpa POTUS? Pedo great-uncle POTUS.
But to your point, Carter brought in the monetarists and was steadily lowering inflation by the time of the 1980 election.
IMO more than anything, it was OPEC quadrupling the price of gas in a few years’ time because of the US role in the October War. (Nixon was consumed by Watergate at the time and it was Haig of all people who took the lead there.) It was like 2020 on psychedelic steroids.
But it was incumbent Jimmy Carter who was perceived as weak and ineffectual because he handled the Iran hostage crisis with restraint, as opposed to Gaza-ing Tehran. John Anderson splitting the left-of-fascist vote. Serious inflation. And if the October Surprise was a real thing, serious ratfuckery.
Absolutely. Dean was holding a pep rally and trying to scream above Led Zeppelin. They sabotaged General Clark because he wore a sweater campaigning in Vermont in winter and somehow that was outrageous. And so we ended up with Kerry and Edwards, whose scandal seems incomprehensible post-Trump.
I also remember when Reagan clearly exhibited signs of dementia for 5 minutes during a debate and everyone pretended it didn’t happen. My friends and I watched it live and thought, well game over, Mondale’s gonna win. That was an interesting lesson about the “liberal” media.
He was literally in Bill Barr’s custody. Trump was Epstein’s running buddy for a couple of years. Since the POTUS can now do anything, Biden should unleash the intel agencies on that connection and the Democrats should make nonstop ads about it. Also on Trump being the worst bankrupt of the 1990s.
If the leaked internal polling is (a) for real (it appears to be) and (b) at all close to reality (who knows?), then you’re correct, and Whitmer, Buttigieg, and Newsom fare even better. Worth a hard look at these numbers, because apparently Dem insiders are.
Leaked Polling From Democratic Firm Spells Disaster in Swing States For Kamala Harris, Gretchen Whitmer, Gavin Newsom, and Pete Buttigieg “polled ahead of Biden in every battleground state."
He’s well-known in Texas. He’d be a national figure if Texas was a blue state. I get the feeling he’s speaking for a cohort of Democrats who either have aspirations for higher office that he doesn’t or are more vulnerable than he is. Based in Austin, he’s safe until the Republicans outlaw democracy.
He led the Congressional Democrats opposing the Iraq War and caused the Republicans to go apeshit gerrymandering the state to try and get rid of him. It didn’t work because the Republicans ran right wing Latinos against him I his his newly majority-Latinx district but the people had his back.
Repeatedly encouraging his audience to read the Declaration of Independence is especially weird, given that they’re trying to install a monarchy, and with a mad king to boot.
Active service members supported Hillary over Trump by greater margins than the general public in 2016. As with the economy, Democrats are the counterintuitive winners on the issue (maybe because Democratic messaging is typically focused on institutional instead of constituent concerns).
Unfortunately, exactly the scenario he was hoping for happened Thursday night.
This was the debate where Reagan had his own dementia moment and the only person to talk about it in the media was Jesse Jackson on SNL. Ron Reagan Jr. believes his dad first showed signs of dementia 3 years into his first term.
Sundowning. (Yeah I’ve seen the post-debate non-zombie Joe footage.)
So many times, but this painting (“Shotguns,” John Biggers) and the Orange Show changed my spiritual DNA.
I don’t care much for the NYT’s Best Songs of 2024 (So Far), so I created my own. There’s some overlap, but usually it’s songs like “16 Carriages” that are undeniable. Let me know what I missed and what i should have omitted.
The 40 Best Songs of 2024 (So Far) Our critics select 33 standouts from our weekly Playlists — and seven more tracks they had missed.
I first learned about it from a Katherine Anne Porter short story and when I asked my parents about it they didn’t know what I was talking about, even though their own parents were young adults when it happened. The WWI generation survived so much and talked about it so little.
They’re largely unworthy of reflection, let alone reverence. The list is topped by 4 weird demands from a violently jealous skydaddy who, it should be pointed out, orders you to weekly honor a holy day that even Christians themselves don’t keep. Just post Wheaton’s Law and be done with it.
“The Texas Legislature is the national laboratory for bad ideas.” - Molly Ivins (And she said that like 30 years ago, when a Republican candidate could still lose a gubernatorial election for telling a sexist joke.)
Seriously, how does that compare to the needs of Bitcoin miners? How insensitive. It’s like the 1990s again, when all the small town losers were whining about desert shrimp farmers, who of course should have had priority.
I’m going with the Civil War to explain current US politics. Trump is trying to win it for the Confederacy.
The worst of a bad lot.
It would save a lot more than that, based on the experience of our peer nations, who have much smaller consumer bases and far fewer resources. To say nothing of the turbo boost in entrepreneurship and productivity we’d experience with the freedom it would allow our citizens and small businesses.
Blech. So sick of this metaversal multiversal retreading of tired pulp. It’s bad enough we have this aversion to consensuality in our civic life. Election results disagreeable to you? Change the ending. Facts of slavery hurt your feelings? Change the ending! It’s not history, it’s mystory!
Replaced the Buffalo grass in our courtyard by killing the old grass (mostly weeds, really) by covering it with sheet cardboard topped by cedar mulch and then top soil, which I then sodded over. Never been the guy to evoke lawn envy before, but it’s a very satisfying Dad feeling.