Dodj. E. Cur

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Dodj. E. Cur

Weirdo, freak, furry not-quite-trash, occasional doodler, part-time streamer, full-time lounger, they/them. Very much over 18.
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🔮 I will be randomly posting my old rattos today in a bid to feel better here is Velma enjoying a once in a lifetime candy corn treat :3
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Show me a digital artist who has never tried to punch-zoom in a paper sketchbook by habit, and I’ll show you a LIAR (Btw it’s me, I’m that artist. Just now. Haha derp 😅)
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Soulslike gamers just let people play the game how they enjoy it without putting them down, level: impossible
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Soulslikes should have a pacifism run option where if you dodge enough of a boss’ attacks they eventually just give up
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Redwall lied to me about summer. Where are my fizzy strawberry cordials? HMMMM? Where are the honey sweat rolls, dripping with great dollops of whipped butter? This is bullshit
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Me sneaking my boyfriend in through the kitchen window at 1am
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R/relationships: I (ageless, genderless) have fallen in love with a bald starship captain (49m). We love each other, but it seems like all we do lately is argue. I admit, I have made mistakes, and try to make up by bringing him to exotic places, but I feel he is unnecessarily
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awwwwwwww am clearly the chosenest one 🥹🥹🥹
This is something I've been genuinely scared to say because of how socially expected face-sucking is. There are such better ways to show affection too! For e.g.; hugging puts you in ~full-body~ contact... but then everyone says, "if you feel that way about someone let them dribble in your mouth."
why the hell is kissing and making out hot like it's genuinely disgusting and provides little to no real benefit besides strengthening the immune system maybe??? and yet.... it's super popular for millennia across cultures. It's a ubiquitous human feature. WHAR
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why the hell is kissing and making out hot like it's genuinely disgusting and provides little to no real benefit besides strengthening the immune system maybe??? and yet.... it's super popular for millennia across cultures. It's a ubiquitous human feature. WHAR
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[texting] friend: *asks me a question i don't want to answer* me: sskkkkk i skkkkkkkksks sor ry skkkkkkskss tunnel sksk brea skk ng up friend: you cant just voice to text like youre going through a tunnel me: ... skkkkkk
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Low tea with the rats, no question.
You can have high tea with the princes and queens or you can have low tea with the rats and the gnats, these are your only two choices.
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Just saw a fireworks shack with the slogan FIREWORKS YOU CAN “TRUST” and guys, look, I know you think quotation marks mean emphasis, but they don’t, and your sign is a perfect example of why people need to know that
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Chronic illness life: Have a little sulk as you organize all the things you don't have the energy to deal with. Spend your morning tidying so you can effectively vacuum. Run out of energy to vacuum. Spend a couple hours breathing, trying to rest and regain enough steam to clean more.
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I am not immune to crying at the Van Gogh episode of Doctor Who
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french knots on the prowl
Inside you are two wolves and, c'mon, who are you fooling? You think we don't see the fur? The ears? The tails? And watching you trying to walk on two legs is adorably hilarious. You're safe here; ditch the people costume and be the wolves you always really were.
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Can we please go back to the time when we didn’t have to log into the fucking television set
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It really is a weird symmetry that this year the UK elections are the 4th of July and the US elections are the 5th of November.
Yeah?! Well... w-we didn't even ~want~ the U.S.! you can keep it! Florida looks like a wang and Wisconsin smells of cheese anyway! Just playing around, happy 4/7 to my American friends, no hard feelings. =p
All I'm saying is that in a post-apocalyptic situation I'd do whatever it takes to survive, up to and including cannibalism but whenever I mention it everyone looks at me like I'm a monster eager to eat human flesh, am I really that bad? "Right... I actually meant any questions about this company."
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Your new Trail Guide! 🦌
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To clarify this for the Americans: Rishi is a posho fuckrat, wealth beyond wealth, he probably eats quail stuffed with caviar with a side of lobster foie gras every day for lunch. He said 'sandwiches' because he thinks it's what the povvos eat all the time
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mooncake assumes her new role as baby pillow
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