
A central Trump argument for why the 2020 election was "rigged" was that people voted (during a pandemic) in non-traditional ways. Now, its all ok. All those approaches are good options if they enable Trump to win.
Text of post: Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump 12m Today we launched Swamp The Vote USA. Whether you vote absentee, by mail, early in person, or on Election Day—We will Secure Your Vote. JUST VOTE! They are all good options. The way to win is to Swamp Them with Votes!
Weren't they supposed to be draining the swamp? Now the swamp is friend? Why is swamp friend?
Unusual for Trump to undermine a successful messaging campaign in this way. It reads like a bland press release.
He definitely didn't write this one.
Well that's pretty obvious by how it stayed on message and didn't use all caps. SWAMP THE VOTE AND ALSO I'M BEING TREATED VERY UNFAIRLY BY SHREK.
It's unfortunate that they're now realizing their past efforts to discredit elections may make their voters less likely to vote.
I'm beginning to think that this guy actually loves swamps
His ego still can not allow him to publicly acknowledge he lost, let alone how massively he lost in spite of the cheating he had people do on his behalf Biden was right that Trump losing in 2020 broke something in him, he's still trying to pretend he didn't lose. But he lost big, historically big
He ‘lost’ in 2016 by 3 million votes then invented whole cloth the lie that 3 million illegals voted in CA. When he lost the Emmys he claimed the Emmys were rigged. 2020 didn’t break him. He’s always been a loser who can’t wrap his head around the idea that he’s a loser.
Yes, he has always been a loser. And what we learned from this criminal case is he literally paid to cover up something that would have caused him to lose completely in 2016. He's a loser and a fraudster and a criminal and has been for sooo long
It was extra hurtful to the GOP because traditionally they were the ones who used all of those options in the past and Trump poisoned the well there.
Whatever Dick Tracy villain henchman finally got through Donald’s skull on this deserves a bonus and also should go to The Hague
You’d think after all the Drain The Swamp stuff, they’d just… find a different word for this??
"Swamp them with votes" sounds kinda close to encouraging people to vote multiple times, no? Also, he's going to confuse his cultists because he's supposed to drain the swamp, not use it to win elections.
They're only invalid when the wrong people do it (also the use of "swamp" in the slogan they're going with signals that they still think it's corrupt, but corruption in service of Trump is Good, Actually)
They know they have created a problem for themselves. Here’s a GOP survey question from a battleground Congressional district last week. Look at (2).
Jeezus. I will only vote how trump tells me to vote is some sorry ass mind control
They are getting close to drink the Kool-Aid level mind control.
I feel like he’s implying voting multiple times here…
He's not going to be able to unring that bell, unfortunately for him. It's like with the vaccine -- they denigrated it for all over a year, so when Trump tried to tout it as a success, Repub voters booed him, so he dropped it.
Someone should definitely be reminding MAGA that he's not a "pureblood" and will be shedding vax molecules all over everything so they should vote for RFK Jr instead.
Brain Worm v. Vax Microchips. Which Manchurian Candidate would you rather have?
Hey, I thought they were going to drain the swamp? Now swamps are okay?
it was explained to him that keeping people away from mail-in REALLY hurt him.
This is good news for Adrienne Barbeau.
It's always okay as long as it increased Republican power.
The problem is the MAGAts have already embedded in their brains the opposite of what Donald is now saying. They don't believe in vote-by-mail or early voting anymore and it's too late to change their minds.
I wish him the worst on his mail-in ballot initiative. Also, maybe he’s raised tons of cash and doesn’t have legal fees anymore, but idk if he has the structure in place yet to maximize tracking and outreach for this.
Swamp The Vote Repeal The Vote Lock The Swamp True The Steal Stop Her Up
When do they start actively just paying people to vote?
I seriously wonder, is he so unhinged he doesn’t remember he’s contradicting himself, or is he so cynical he doesn’t care? I suspect a little of both, but mostly the former.
His dementia is getting worse. I’ve been listening to the Shrinking Trump podcast on Apple Podcasts or YouTube. Very informative.
A not insignificant reason he lost in 2020 was because he managed to convince his entire base that voting by mail was rigged and illegitimate and mail-in voting was historically a GOP strength. That will never not be funny to me.
"We spent years branding swamp as a negative thing, let's use it in a positive and very different sense in a related branding exercise focused on the same audience."
Credit where it’s due : Swamp the Vote is catchy.
Isn't this an admission that instead of draining the swamp, his presidency was the swamp all along?
I'd also point out that, before the election, the narrative was that they were going to take Trump ballots out of the mail, and after the election the narrative was that they added Biden ballots into the mail. Consistency doesn't matter.
Swamp the Vote sounds like a euphemism for Stuff the Ballot Box. Given their track record, I wouldn't be surprised if MAGA thought that's what he meant.
Swamp them with so many illegal voters they will never get to them all!
"All of the "rigged elections" rhetoric has failed. What do we do?" "Get Out The Vote?" "I'll do you one better!"
Nah. He will talk out of both sides of his mouth on this. His campaign will say vote anyway you can while he rages against any non-day-of voting to cast doubt on the election.
That's terrible branding. 'Swamp' was bad for 6 years at this point.
Irony is still so very much alive. Wasn't he going to drain the swamp too?