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Why does anyone care about these old dudes’ handicap?
Interesting development: arc furnaces can substitute used cement for lime, simultaneously recycling cement and recycling steel. This would significantly reduce emissions from new cement or lime production *at zero additional cost* to the steel recycling. Sounds like a win/win/win
Cement recycling method could help solve one of the world’s biggest climate challengeswww.cam.ac.uk Cambridge engineers have developed a method to produce very low-emission concrete at scale – an innovation that could be transformative for the transition to net zero.
www.sltrib.com/religion/202... anyone methodological flaw in the study: they tried to find younger people via Facebook and mailers. The cross tabs on this likely has a large MoE.
www.sltrib.com/news/politic... this man has no business serving in any form of government.
NY state courts handily cutting his bond amount the same day his bribe from Jeff Yass comes though. awesome
Inflation is out of control
Now that is an employee benefit I can get behind.
Because the captive press refuses to call Paul Manafort a money launderer, much less reveal he pled guilty to conspiring with a guy spooks say is a Russian spy, here's a comparison between him and the guy James Comer built his impeachment around.
Most cyberpunk image you'll see in the real world this month. You may enjoy the alt-text, which provides context. Not that this image isn't glorious sans context...
Sunday March 15, 2020. The president declares a National Day of Prayer. Meanwhile, supermarkets are eerily bare, something most Americans have never seen.
Judge Kaplan denies Trump's request for temporary stay of $83.3 million judgment for E. Jean Carroll. "Mr. Trump's current situation is a result of his own dilatory actions. He has had since January 26 to organize his finances...yet he waited until 25 days after the jury verdict."
The point—the whole point—is that Trump refused to let it be decided at the ballot box. After the ballots were in, after the court cases were over, it was finally decided in a desperate and bloody struggle in the tunnels under the Capitol. The Constitution says there are consequences for that.
The year is 2044. 98-year-old Donald Trump is the Republican nominee for the 8th straight election, each of which ends with enraged supporters murdering more people in the streets. Ah, but the only solution, liberal law professor warn, is to let him do it again. slate.com/news-and-pol...
HANOVER, N.H. (AP) — Dartmouth basketball team votes to unionize in historic step toward forming the first labor union for college athletes.
Please bear witness to the most perfect flower (Japonica camelia) I’ve ever grown. 🌱
States’ Rights is an American political philosophy that means states are allowed to be more authoritarian than the federal government, but cannot be more liberal than the federal government
Remember that DOJ sought expedited review of this issue from the Court last year (skipping the circuit courts). They refused and punted it to the DC Circuit, which took months; then dilly dallied all this time after the DC Circuit’s decision, before finally issuing a grant. It’s pretty transparent.
After being frozen for 18 years, do embryos need to register for the draft?
The fake panic over shoplifting was about putting in locked shelves to cover for understaffing
Take Trump National Golf Club near Washington D.C. and donate it to the United States National Parks Service to act as the new extension to Arlington National Cemetery. Arlington is running out of space.¹ And this is what we do with the Virgina land of insurrectionists.²
"You know I'm something of a human trafficker myself"
He's not legally allowed to run a university. He's not legally allowed to run a charity. Now he's not legally allowed to run a business in New York. Yet he wants America to put him in charge.
If I were any Democrat running for the House, I'd note that the House GOP's only accomplishment in the majority was letting this guy remove their Speaker because this guy didn't like the ethics investigation in the statutory rape charges against him.
Witness Told Feds She Was Paid for Sex Parties With Matt Gaetzwww.thedailybeast.com The Ethics Committee is investigating Gaetz—and has text messages between the congressman and a woman who claims she had sex with Gaetz at parties she was paid to attend.