Dustin Brooks

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Dustin Brooks


Retired, Atheist, Socialist.

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How to troll an evil empire.
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Still honestly baffles me that police can get away in public with saying like "these kids were up to something NEFARIOUS they were carrying GAS MASKS" motherfucker, who was carrying the gas?
Third best part of this is the amount of equipment that the college students are carrying which is very specifically used to *protect them from ways that cops will try to hurt them*.
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“While participation is optional, legislators fear that the TSA’s implementation will condition Americans to view government-operated facial recognition as normal. If the tech is seen as normal, then other agencies could easily implement it without question in schools, parks and roads.”
Facial Recognition Software Used By TSA Is Useless And Dangerous: Senatorsjalopnik.com Legislators fear that the TSA will condition Americans to view facial recognition as normal
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According to this story from the Washington Post, roughly 500 Tesla workers were laid off following Elon Musk's abrupt decision to lay off Tesla's electric vehicle charging team. #EVs #ElectricVehicles #Tesla #charging Gift article from my WaPo subscription: wapo.st/3UU5KOJ
Tesla retreat from EV charging leaves growth of U.S. network in doubtwapo.st Tesla’s retreat from EV charging is a blow for the whole U.S. network, which relied on Tesla superchargers.
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The US claiming that "Treating starving children is a priority" in Palestine makes my blood boil. If the govt is seriously concerned it would stop aiding the MF's that are starving them. Just sayin'...
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After being stuck in a lagoon for weeks, a young orca dubbed "Brave Little Hunter" finally escaped at high tide, swimming over a sandbar blocking the entryway that connects it to the wide open expanse of the Pacific ocean.
Brave Little Hunter is free: Baby orca escapes lagoon for open seaswww.washingtonpost.com The 2-year-old calf had been trapped alone in a Canadian lagoon, prompting a weeks-long rescue effort. Now she must find her pod.
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students being taught how to create barricades and other ways to disrupt active shooters and then using those techniques when attacked by the cops who wouldn't protect them from shooters when they were children is so poetic and so american
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The kitty tv is foggy this morning.
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“Tell it to Earth. Tell it to Earth” may survive as the most iconic corncobbing quote of all time
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WILD-EYED HYPOTHESIS: Elon knows NHTSA is going to regulate Autopilot/FSD out of existence, sending Tesla's already-plummeting margins negative, so he's pretending to go all-in on self-driving in order to blame regulators for killing an American success story.
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Using your gun as a flashlight isn't the excuse you think it is.
The gun fired 🤔
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"Is a hippopotamus a hippopotamus or just a really cool opotamus?"🦛 Mitch Hedberg
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MedSky🧪 #IDSky A highly pathogenic avian influenza A (H5N1) infection was identified in a dairy farm worker in Texas. This pathogen has been reported in multiple dairy herds in several states. Read the report by Dr. Timothy M. Uyeki of @CDCgov and others: www.nejm.org/doi/full/10....
Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Virus Infection in a Dairy Farm Worker | NEJMwww.nejm.org A highly pathogenic avian influenza A(H5N1) virus infection was identified in a dairy farm worker in Texas. This pathogen has been reported in multiple dairy herds in several states.
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I have fun invoking the name of karma, but it's not a thing. Far too many horrible people live their lives comfortably and to its natural conclusion. It's why I find justice to be important NOW and not wait on time to solve it. Thanks for reading a post no one asked for.
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My kids: why do you get to limit our screen time when you look at your phone all day? Me: while I generally support your right to free expression, your current statements are having a chilling effect on our discourse and making me feel unsafe
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We need to DEMAND Double pasteurization now 🤦‍♀️ before this gets any worse along with better controls on providers doing the pasteurization/refrigeration at its inception🤦‍♀️ Not to mention more/better controls on transport refrigeration to retail sites 🤦‍♀️ this could be a nightmare for the dairy industry
Latest USDA research suggests there has been transmission of H5N1 avian flu in US dairy herds for the past 4 months, and isolates show some adaptations for mammalian hosts www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1...
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He’s just a smol bean and paying him 15 billion instead of 50 billion for making that car that falls apart would be like a second 9/11 happening
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I paid way too much in tuition to Columbia to give a fuck that the admin is sad they have to fix broken windows. Columbia has a $13.6 billion endowment and charges nearly $70,000 in just tuition and fees. I don’t give a fuck about your property damage. I give a fuck about human rights.
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Colleges across New York with encampments protesting genocide in Gaza are under siege by cops while Senator Schumer prepares to invite the architect of the genocide to speak before congress.