Eric Brown

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Eric Brown

San Franciscan, sports fan, father of twins.
This is an article from anti-Chevron people asking what might happen post-Chevron. TLDR— Executive agencies need to show / prove their expertise; Congress needs to step up and write clearer laws; Courts will be busier. Their biggest worry: Congress will be unable and too much will fall on courts.
Thoughtful, lengthy article about the impact if the Supreme Court strikes down Chevron. The author is anti-Chevron but this is well reasoned.
Constitutional Government After Chevron? – Adam How might the judicial, executive, and legislative landscape change in a potential post-Chevron world?
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einstein sent this to curie in 1911 when she was being harassed by tabloids. it contains everything you’d want in such a letter: (1) your haters are trash (2) you’re a baller, a true queen (3) i have determined the statistical law of motion of the diatomic molecule in planck’s radiation field 🧪⚛️
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Another moment in the grocery store when I’m not sure whether to be deeply ashamed or incredibly proud to be an American. Just look at that innovation.
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I wrote about supervised vs. unsupervised learning, why the latter is so important for LLMs, and how trying to get google's ai thing to not spew nonsense runs head on into deeply thorny complexities of the former.
Supervision and A diagram I found online about distinguishing facts and value judgments. Seems easy enough! For more than a decade the dominant training methodology in...
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When Courtney almost passed out at learning my power bill is currently over $300 a month, I went down a rabbit hole trying to see if solar has gotten any easier to navigate in Alabama. Our laws are so fucked. The power company gets to fine us for doing it. 😩 There is a lawsuit but...
One of the things that pisses me off: clean energy is just so much better for us as consumers as an individual matter. We are (speaking of me and my husband as a personal matter here) getting closer to net zero. This means we pay $80 a year for heat and electricity.
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For all the ink spilled on the current situation at Columbia, this open letter/essay from current Jewish students at Columbia is a must-read. It's obviously only one perspective, but it's a beautiful reflection on what it means to them to be Jewish and, yes, Zionist today.
In Our Name: A Message from Jewish Students at Columbia
“Colonel Mustard, with the candlestick, in the Sex Den”
This is very good. We shouldn’t have to specify gender if there’s no reason to
Guidance will also be to be flexible in accommodating singular “they” in formal writing.
Why does my body want to wake up at 4 am? Ugh.
Canned mackerel is yummy
it’s tuesday and thankfully we were all spared it also being april 1st y’all know the drill by now, show me those brain worms 💕
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An interesting question! My whole thing is trying to comfort the afflicted person rather than elevating the harassment they’re experiencing—unless your own clout and visibility can take the heat off. Reply to Alyssa’s tweets with kindness, elevate her work, report harassment 🫡
I know this isn't directed at me because I'm nobody, but I personally really struggle finding the right side of "speak up/call out" vs. "don't feed the trolls/don't give this oxygen," not only for this but like every chud movement. I'd be interested to know how you parse that tension.
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Somehow, Jesus returned.
Potty shape + Brutalism = Bootylism
Casa del Portuale, Naples, Italy /r/brutalism
Me and the regular group who like my posts
Me and the regular group who like my posts
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It’s so funny how every study shows that ice cream is good for you but this makes scientists mad so they don’t talk about it
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NEW: Trump's attorneys tell NY appeals court that posting a bond for the full ~$464M civil-fraud judgment is "a practical impossibility." They say they have approached about 30 surety companies through 4 separate brokers.
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This is a brutal, delicious takedown. One of the comments says it perfectly: "should I call the police. This was a mugging, in broad daylight. Somebody had ordered a hit. One critic on another. It was ugly. And it didn't stop. As a spectator I felt guilty for not stepping in."
Review | Lauren Oyler thinks she’s better than The provocative critic’s new collection features an uneasy mix of joking and bragging
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Someone I know on Facebook posted this, clearly meaning for it to be inspirational instead of weird and hilarious
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Wins for Oppenheimer and Godzilla Minus One mean this is the first time a movie and its sequel both won Oscars the same year.
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Tonight’s dispatch from Baton Rouge minor league hockey
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RT to kill a British man
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