Elon Musk's Hair Plugs

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Elon Musk's Hair Plugs


Vegan black belt
Regional Wordle champion
Sell cabbage in Ba Sing Se
Definitely don't look up what covid does to someone with dementia.
President Biden has tested positive for mud butt.
Watching Biden take the stage in Wisconsin and that dude is definitely getting covid before summer is done.
This summer's COVID-19 surge isn't just out west, per new CDC figures out today COVID-19 emergency room visits in Florida have also climbed steeply in recent weeks, and are now near this past winter's peaks covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-t...
Taking apart the cat water fountain pump to clean it out
"Three groups that have prevented humanitarian aid from reaching Gaza – including one accused of looting or destroying supplies – have raised more than $200,000 from donors in the US and Israel, the Associated Press and...Shomrim have found" www.theguardian.com/world/articl...
US and Israel allowed tax-deductible donations to groups blocking Gaza aidwww.theguardian.com Three groups that have prevented humanitarian supplies reaching the Palestinian territory have raised over $200,000
I see why so many boomers love it when the GOP is likely to win. My 401K balance has shot up drastically since the Biden debate debacle. All these people care about is money.
You gotta love his natural blonde hair. He looks so young.
As much as I can't stand liberals, this RNC is showcasing the most vile scum on earth.
If we're lucky he'll be rolling a huge booger around his lips while he's talking. Isn't that his thing?
these are lyrics from a song written by a punk band of ten year olds in 1989.
todays tampon just dropped
This would not have happened if we closed our borders!
Amazon spamming everyone like "it's prime day motherfucker, do you want to buy a dropshipped charging cable that bursts into flames? We've got all the best brands: IFLUGIGUU, WAYAZZFFFLI, UNGILITECEH, and more"
They have such winning ideas like “why don’t we charge people who want to know if that tornado is gonna hit their house.”
The MAGA Plan to End Free Weather Reportswww.theatlantic.com Project 2025 would all but dissolve the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
Any horrific thing that happens to you, no matter how preventable, no matter how unjust, is “god’s will.” No empathy, no human feeling is allowed. The reason evangelical Christianity transforms so easily into mindless, unquestioning, cultish violence is because that’s what it is to begin with.
what an incredible and offensive insult to the family of the man who died
Biden's reelection campaign makes Jimmy Carter's look like FDR.
Poland reports a 60-80% loss on wheat fields French farmers report at least a 25% loss in wheat fields Italy farmers report losses of 80% in wheat fields Romanian farmers report losses of 70-80% in wheat fields UK estimates a loss of 26% compared to 2023 (already down 10%)
this is kind of bleak, but it's interesting to be in Kenya and see people discuss police brutality without ever blaming the victims. there isn't a contingent of loud white people saying Black people deserve it. and it's a relief and allows folks to be focused on the true enemy
After pretending to oppose violence for two days, Trump chose an immensely violent man as his VP. Vance supports a total abortion ban, mass deportations, and fascist violence in the streets. We have to push back, not cower because Trump’s ear was grazed. www.jphilll.com/p/vance-viol...
Vance, violence, and the lie of unitywww.jphilll.com After spending two days talking about god, healing the nation, and “lowering the national temperature,” Donald Trump picked one of his party’s preeminent fascists to be his Vice Presidential candidate...
Remember when Biden said he would cure cancer? That was cool.
Israel has bombed five schools in eight days. Genocide doesn’t stop just because the headlines are taken over by a homegrown Nazi getting clipped in the ear.
Israel strikes five schools in week of ‘massacres’www.aljazeera.com The latest attack on a UN-run school in Nuseirat camp kills 17, wounds about 80.
JD Vance sounds like some shit for ranking and awarding new car releases.
"As someone who knows a little something about getting shot and just generally wearing out my welcome,"
CNN reporting that 50 Cent may make an appearance during the Republican National Convention
If you are paying attention to bird flu, we have gone from counting infected cows to counting infected people