
Here’s a miracle solution: stop fuckin doing it
I once again have to point out that the majority of people A) Don’t really understand what Generative AI even is, and B) Really don’t care about it, either. These tech moguls are setting the planet on fire to push a product onto a public who doesn’t even want it.
AI and Crypto. Since Silicon Valley types don’t like the outdoors, let’s all just live in a Judge Dreddian city/hellscape. Where they have all the money, sorry crypto.
Ironically, pretty sure tech mogul weirdos would get judged harsh and quick — probably while still buzzing on slowmo
Hey, most of us Silicon Valley folks do not care about crypto. That's the interest of every Uber driver I get when travelling.
Same assholes behind cryptocurrency, then NFTs, then this horseshit. None of them really know anything nor care about anything but “how do I make money with all these fucking video cards”
Yup, and in every case these are also top down power plays vs. customer driven. They wanted to replace world governments with themselves via currency (crypto), they wanted to create artificial scarcity (NFTs), they want to replace workers / strengthen oligarchy/monopoly (LLM)
Look, Crypto and NFTs collapsed and the Metaverse flopped right out the gate because it already existed for like 30 years and everyone who cares doesn't want a sterile FB world. The tech bros NEEEEEEED something to hype up for Investor money! (/s)
Those of us who know what it is are sometimes also utterly against it being foisted on everybody because we know it’s: 1. Utterly untrustworthy 2. Non-deterministic (not good for any tool) 3. A plagiarism machine
"Entire Town Experiences Brownout as AI Engine Works Overtime to Perfect Image of Three-Eyed, Four-Breasted Mermaid"
They’re already paying bitcoin farmers in Texas to stop during heat waves. I bet it becomes a lucrative thing to pause your data center for state cash.
there's got to be a better way to structure energy markets...
Oh, no, the energy market in Texas isn’t structured to deliver electricity, but to make a small group of people rich. That’s why they bought pols to sever us from the national grid and they (and the pols they bribed) made millions from failing (and killing) us in the recent blizzard. Privatization.
Man, it’s like soil banking subsidies. Do those still exist? Where they pay farmers NOT to grow stuff.
“But we HAVE to make the slop generators, we just HAVE to—“ No the fuck you don’t! And if you keep saying it, the only thing you’ll actually have to do is give me all your money and assets under threat of [FILL IN THE BLANK]
Delete facebook from the internet..AI bot traffic goes (-99%)
I'd argue that Xitter has far more bot traffic than FB currently does.
I dont do X cuz musk is a feckless p.o.s.
I keep shooting myself in the dick and balls with expensive hollowpoint bullets. i am praying for a miracle solution.
Years ago I remember seeing a Far Side style cartoon that feels painfully apt: A cop at a crime scene. A meatgrinder with a huge pile of hamburger under it. A human arm sticking out the top of the grinder still holding the handle. Cop: "That's the most determined case of suicide I've ever seen."
oh yeah that was a Gahan Wilson cartoon from the '70s
There's a general idea that if your hardware is idle it's not making money. That was definitely not the rule but ever since cloud computing and crypto mining it was always about uptime, now they just think there's money on the end of everything they compute.
I got yer miracle solution right here!
Why can’t our tech lords just ask their genius AI systems how to solve this? 😄
If stupidity got us into this mess, why can’t it get us out of it?
By golly one day using stupidity as a fix is gonna work! (just need a lil bit more VC money of course …)
More like, "You say your wonder bullet can come up with a solution to everything? Then fix this?"
👍🏽 exactly!! That would just spotlight the bare facts: this shit isn’t intelligence and cannot think.
this is how you talk about a problem gambler who just put rent on the table, not billion dollar companies
Their version of “the rent on the table” is the rest of us; our planet, environment, lives.
[Customers frantically trying to find a way to disable a product] Companies: We simply have to keep ramming the product down their throats
It’s the orphan crushing machine dilemma all over again
Just like with carbon footprint, fomo is pushed on to individuals to watch out for, when its presence in corporations is what's most harmful.
I found the miracle solution!
"Some say improbable" has big "so you're saying there's a chance" energy
Reading tech news feels like a Monty Python sketch, but all the new software has "AI" in them instead of spam.
I'd say canned spam has more value.
Here's another miracle solution: take some of the water needed to cool those stupid things, and pour it directly on top of the computers housing the AI.
Techbros: These socialists wanting government regulations to protect workers’ rights and the environment just aren’t serious, realistic people! Also techbros: A miracle new energy source to power our obscene AI will arrive *any day now* 💥
I remember when the head of one of these companies said they need trillions of dollars of investment and a miracle source of cheap, clean energy to make "AI" a profitable, sustainable thing. And apparently nobody but me seemed to interpret that as an admission it simply won't work.
Certainly not with the overblown autocomplete tech they’re all pushing.
From AI to colonizing Mars to climate change, these guys are always looking for miracle solutions when the obvious ones are staring them in the face.
Techbros: "After decades of complaints we've finally asked the AI how to solve climate change." AI: "Turn me off and regulate capitalism." Techbro: "...Uh-oh, it's just speaking gibberish. Sounds like it needs more investment money!"
Sadly coinciding with an accidental discovery of ACTUAL artificial intelligence, I see.
Techbro2: "This AI needs more power, it's malfunctioning"
But then the regular people would benefit!
And we can't have that.
Regulation. Make it illegal until they can do it sustainably.