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Dual US/UK techie living in the Netherlands. Technical writer and contagious documentarian by day, bookbinder by night.

My opinions are my own, and do not reflect those of anyone who employs, hangs out with, or is in any other way stuck with me.
As an adult convert, knowing other adult converts who came for the love and compassion, thinking about like half the American bishops and all the abuser priests, I hate this fucking quote.
time to dust this one off. amen.
Just in: Servalan has been informed that she is not Trump’s VP pick.
I have indeed done this thing, and I would recommend that other UK voters do the same. Particularly if you're a cis woman and want to emphasise that you are comfortable sharing facilities with trans women.
Heads up - new MPs have been assigned their Parliamentary emails, so if you want to email them yelling "Trans Rights are Human Rights" , now is a good time. Let them know it's an important voting issue.
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THIS. Biggest thing I remember about childhood was that I was always afraid/nervous. Always. It was constant. Worse when I was around people, even people I knew/liked. There was always fear. Of not understanding, not being understood, doing something “wrong”, not being able to communicate. Always.
Please, please, please learn how to have your autistic child's back. We can help. Thank you, Beth Greene Perera. Original tweet: twitter.com/Old_Snowflak...
As a British voter, I’m going to write a paper letter to my MP about trans rights and how I, as a woman, am perfectly comfortable sharing any facility with trans women. As an American voter, I’m going to call my reps (both D) and tell them I support Biden as the best-positioned candidate.
I would quite literally vote for a comatose Biden over Trump. But after the Hillary ratfuck I don’t believe a word of the Biden narrative. I’m tired of this shit.
An absolutely brilliant choice. This guy walks the walk, and has for years.
For those who don't know: this is James Timpson of Timpson key cutters/shoe repairs/dry cleaners. His company employs ex-convicts and even runs work training programmes in prisons. Genuinely inspired choice.
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So: Joanna Cherry lost. Rosie Duffield won, but in a Labour landslide saw her share of vote reduced. Kellie-Jay Keen got less than 200 votes. Maybe being a highly vocal bigot isn't the vote winner the punditocracy would love you to think?
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The best thing about British democracy is when the actual head of government has to stand in a leisure centre at 5 am beside a guy with a bin on his head to find out if he still has a job.
Good to see conservative politicians saying things like, “The voters have spoken” and not doing an insurrection. Yeah, they’re fractally horrible, but I appreciate this.
Dual citizens: we get the hope and despair twice over.
Anyway, to my fellow UK folks: I hope you've voted or plan to vote in the next hour and a half before polls close. To my fellow Americans: Happy 4th of July, vote in November to help make the US a country more worth being proud of than it can currently be at times.
Your honor, with all due respect, their walls are built of cannonballs.
Your honor, with all due respect, love's the only house big enough for all the pain in the world.
I hate how people will set the world on fire rather than ever ever treat a woman as an equal.
I am, in fact, excited.
Sandman Season 2. More casting. Are you excited? I'm excited.
Random brain phrase after looking at the old place: “The soft misandry of low expectations.”
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A few years ago, Jon Lovett floated a theory that media treats Democrats like protagonists - to be challenged, accounted, and forced to be behave in growth-oriented ways - while the GOP are treated like antagonists - immutable, expected to disrupt, thematic obstacles. Thinking about that a lot.
I don’t recall the NYT calling for Trump to step down after being convicted of 34 counts of fraud and being called by a judge at his civil trial a rapist in the common person sense
Just found out that @chenowolf.bsky.social prefers title case to sentence case and I'm shook. They claim it's generational. I never thought young people were entitled...until now.
It was actually buggy when I was cycling home. I haven't had a face full of bugs for *years*. It's the very definition of a mixed blessing.
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The border America needs to secure is between church and state.
Fitting a dress through the lens of hating my body is hard and miserable. But I guess now I have a dress, and I’ll still have it when this wave of self-loathing passes.
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No we don't! You can't just say this in your headline and then not quote a single archaeologist in the article!
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Tell you what Louisiana, if you wanna do a Christianity in classrooms how about they put this image up?
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Truth Coming Out of Her Laundry Bag to Shame Mankind
Figured out why I’m so wiped out. Tuesday I have a doctors’s appointment about female-body issues and suddenly I feel like I have to suit up to fight the entire patriarchy.
My domino meme goes from “know the lyrics to Subdivisions by Rush” through “set legs on fire” to literally everything in my life from husband and kids to speaking Dutch and living in Europe.
But we can hope that somebody will. sassafrass.bandcamp.com/album/somebo...
I had Anders' photo on my wall as a teenager. I grew up dreaming of seeing that view. I know I never will, but back then it still felt like we might get there. I miss that hope. I am grateful for the dreams, and for the perspective. Fair winds, Anders.
Somebody Will: Teaching Collection, by Sassafrasssassafrass.bandcamp.com 7 track album
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