All chickens are beautiful

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All chickens are beautiful

Swamp-dweller. Chicken tender. Duck botherer. The trees don't need me to speak for them.
The word "Gaslighting" is not a synonym of the word "Lying". "Gaslighting" is an interpersonal abuse technique used to force a victim to only trust and rely upon their abuser to determine what is *reality* and to force the victim to distrust their own physical senses and memories.
okay it's time for a prompt post: respond to this post with a correction to a common misconception about something you know a lot about. if you feel like it, boost your response. (please use a kindly tone about it, otherwise i, your prompt curator, will get anxious.)
wine mom memes about what would ordinarily be treated like a horrible tragedy...there's something in the air and it isn't good for the Trump ticket
my mom put this in my whole family group chat last night
We here at The Doctor Demento Show would like to express our sincerest apologies for today's program. When we invited Tom Lehrer on the show, it was in hopes of having a frank and honest exchange of ideas about local avian fauna. The last thing we would condone is hate speech, and as such, his comme
Marc Andreessen and Ben Horowitz to every woman, LGBTQ+ person and immigrant who works in tech: you’re disposable if doing this makes us even more money
This summer I will be supporting the Mongolian Olympic team because this is their uniform and it is a thousand times better than anything Nike has ever made.
Big Rock Candy Mountain is such a cute song, all lemonade springs and hens laying soft-boiled eggs, then at the very end he's like, "yeah also we hang capitalists up there."
The responsible thing to do is stow the speculation and stick to the facts of this incident, which is that Donald Trump has added one more sign of The Beast to his resume.
I’ve made a lot of jokes about the J.D. Vance sparkling water story from Hillbilly Elegy, to the extent that it probably sounds made up, but you owe it to yourself to read the real thing if you haven’t
A sidebar to this: Something that comes across in Crusader kingdom history is that any influx of new people from Europe is all like: "YESSS! WE ALL HATE THE HEATHENS RIGHT?!" And then are shocked when some Templar takes them aside and is like: "Calm tf down. They're cool. They make nice bread."
time to dust this one off. amen.
time to dust this one off. amen.
Vance is, you guessed it, an adult Catholic convert
What Biden really means is that he’s opposed to political violence that disrupts the political violence the state enacts—such as his genocide, crackdowns on dissent, or incarceration of migrants—and the normal operations of the state, even if such operations include the election of a fascist.
Biden says he’s opposed to all political violence. But the state performs immense violence every day just to maintain its legibility as a state—borders, policing, even law creation, all of these are violences, acts of force. The state is constituted and maintained by political violence.
At this point, I might vote for that guy if I thought he'd actually follow through on putting the big paper commentariat up against the wall.
Discworld QOTD, from Men at Arms
Discworld QOTD, from Mort “He'd been wrong, there was a light at the end of the tunnel, and it was a flamethrower.”
England's football problem is one of philosophy The assertion "It's *coming* home" means that, while it can get exponentially closer, football can never *arrive* home, as that would render the initial premise incorrect Basically, Xeno's paradox, but with more flags #punditry
It’s true and she should say it.
Please stop referring to chickenshit politicians as “quislings”. Quisling was a fascist who sought out Nazi support for a coup d’etat not a coward who rolled over to save his own skin.
The Democrats!
"This changes everything" No, it doesn't. Jesus Christ, grow a spine.
RIP to Dr Ruth. and no one can top the tribute to her currently up on Billy Idol’s insta story.
the "violence shook this previously peaceful white christian nationalist rally railing against the vermin tainting the blood of the country" stories are going to destroy me
*funding and arming an ongoing genocide* It is morally unconscionable that my opponent, who will end democracy and usher in the end times, got his ear nicked by a shitty marksman yesterday, this violence is not what america is about
Daily bunny no.2548 comes for us all
Yeah maybe you should be thinking about how Israel has infinitely fewer electoral votes than Michigan, Joe!
The ultimate indictment of Biden is that he is most lucid in his steadfast conviction in the genocide he is perpetrating in Gaza. He knows exactly what he is doing there, if nowhere else.
Today I stand in the presence of immortality #ea-nasir