Dr. Fade

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Dr. Fade


Classicist, writer, that sort of stuff. I post about my dog and video games and TV. Find me also at:

[email protected]
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This is a fantastic essay which I am glad to have read.
Oh, it turns out I figured out what to do with all of my anger! It’s a huge, free essay on whiteness and boundaries and why I spent all of yesterday bopping white liberal racism on the head. www.patreon.com/posts/108254...
Racism, Transphobia, and the Bluesky Brigade | Kaitlin Byrd - GothamGirlBluewww.patreon.com Get more from Kaitlin Byrd - GothamGirlBlue on Patreon
Damn that's a good essay. This bit really got me: "We have been the original thinkers on liberation because we were held in chains. Our work quite literally freed us."
Reposted byAvatar Dr. Fade
As a philosopher, people ask me about "the good life." I usually tell them that I don't have a normative guide for the good life except that any version of the good life must be lived in community. Turns out that I was wrong. The good life is a life lived with cats. That's my normative guide.
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My coworkers at Constellate are conducting 45-min user interviews via Zoom to learn how you use computational techniques and data in your work. Open to all disciplines (humanities, social science, STEM, data science, etc.). Participants receive $40. Interested? Sign up: calendly.com/grace-cope/t...
How do you use data or text analysis? - Grace Copecalendly.com Thank you for signing up to participate in Constellate's user interviews! We are eager to learn how you use computational techniques and data in your work.Examples of projects and workflows we’re inte...
Eh. There's a /lot/ of properly ancient and classical Latin that'll meet their standards. And if they do teach Catullus, it's the less obviously sexual love poems, the ones complaining about the decay of modern morals, etc.
It's interesting to see different perspectives on this stuff! I just don't have much to contribute beyond what I've said before.
I am /also/ resisting the urge to apply to a remote editing position with a Christian book publisher whose ideal candidate is 'familiar with Biblical languages,' for which I've got, like, 50%? Sigh.
I believe the way I phrased it is that I am "not currently active in the Christian community."
Today's complaining-about-jobs thread starts: I saw a really /interesting/ writing gig that was right up my alley--doing research and putting together instructional guides on various topics for people to learn from--and discovering on next click that the company is all "We <3 AI! Shiny, shiny AI!"
Also got a nudge about applying to a Latin teaching position at a gender-rigid school that wants a "practicing Christian", and sent them a polite note that I am not currently practicing, thanks--mostly to keep myself from being tempted to try to fake it for the sake of teaching Latin.
This is exactly why I keep sighing and scrolling past all the "copywriter" positions LinkedIn shoves at me. Given what modern advertising is generally like, I do not think I would do well in that field!
It really does! Especially with people who seem even more offended to be blocked by someone who /doesn't/ know them, in a "but how can you judge me if you have so little evidence?" way. If they view it as a violation of default social expectations from a (micro) celebrity... Huh.
Adverb does not feel as emotionally supported by shark sheets as he was by his stuffed shark.
He is now on shark sheets and leaning against a rainbow pillow, but it turns out rainbow plush isn't as supportive as shark plush either. There are a lot of dramatic sighs coming from over there, and many a pointed look.
--OH. This explains much, suddenly.
I am working on a theory that the outsized emotional reaction to blocking is because it is a violation (/illumination) of the parasocial relationship. In an actual relationship, a sudden and one-sided severance is generally understood to be a Really Big Deal, only used in egregious cases.
Ha, that's the exact second example I thought of. "Give every man thy ear, but few thy voice," says the man giving long-winded and contradictory advice to his son before a trip. It's a joke, guys! It is a JOKE!
"Girls Against God" is such a slow, dreamy, string-backed, _intensely threatening_ song. I love it.
Part of what I love about fireworks shots like this is how they contrast the dark sky and skyline below; it lets me see that lovely background in a way that the same shot sans firework wouldn't.
Her tail is so much fluffier than I'd realized!
...I admit I love some periodic good bracing sub-zero (freedom units) weather. Like, I wouldn't want to do hours of work in it, but it's /satisfying/ to take the dog to the patio, draw a breath, and have the air hurt in my lungs all the way down.
I had a cat--a weird little dilute tortie--who was obsessed with water. Not just cat fountains or faucet water or licking the water off shower doors, like normal cats, but ALL water. I once gave her and her sister a flea bath, and spent half my time keeping her from drinking the fleadip water.
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As someone who went to Yale for undergrad (before Vance), they literally had completely free receptions/workshops to teach anyone who wanted about wine & cheese, precisely to try and level that playing field a bit. I'm not saying there wasn't a lot of snobbery & assumed expertise in general, but...
I too was the first in my family to attend law school and interview with fancy firms, and managed not to be weird about water options at dinner and, like, silverware
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having now watched 3 election cycles close up, am convinced that the modus operandi for a certain genre of liberal is not just to make up a guy, but to make up 2 guys, one who is always wanting to be a nazi and must be bribed away & one who is the stupidest person to ever live & starred in memento
I think a big mistake liberals make is constantly making up an imagined "normal voter" in their heads to triangulate their opinions around. NO! What do YOU THINK? What do THE PEOPLE YOU ACTUALLY KNOW BELIEVE?
I still love the moment I discovered that "you cannot kill me in a way that matters" came from Tumblr shitposting about fungi.
It's wretched. Summers are wretched. We should outlaw them.
I wish I had a reaction image in my folder for how much I hate the sun, because as it is all I can do is nod grimly in commiseration.
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The Morning Monty wants to know how his grandparents plan to spoil him today
As it says in the classic comic: "You were gone forever. I counted."