
“GPs in poorer areas of the country have reported a resurgence of Victorian diseases such as rickets and scurvy caused largely, they say, by nutritional deficiencies. NHS data shows that about 700 children a year are admitted to hospital with malnutrition, rickets or scurvy in England.” Yikes.
The key solution here is to make importing fruits and vegetables more difficult and expensive
Rename them Lancashire sprouts
Austerity killed thousands of disabled people too. All avoidable. All ideological and greed-driven. And no one responsible will see a single meaningful consequence.
But brexit will fund the nhs faine nigel farage promised
And Boris.
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you'd think we'd be'd think. But I've never seen a more docile people than the British. It's astonishing that people here see this and just...put their heads down and do nothing. Baffles me utterly.
This is painful. So easily fixed.
On the one hand yes, on the other I think there's a lot of "only a few more months to an election surely" going around, not thatt hat's a good way to approach anything.
I would like to know where it says in election fine print - "if it's bad, just wait docilely for an election to happen, and then be quiet when it's done until the next election happens."
Oh, it's not there, but the thought that the Tories are going to do anything about fixing anything is a bit of a nonsense. It'd be like Sue shouting at the other T. best to just get rid of them and see what Labour 'might' do. For starters.
No, thanks. I'm too disabled and Black to think Labour is gonna help me - which is...why we are where we are.
That's an entirely fair read of the shit show. While neither (but a full time carer) I'm also short on hope :(
Tut tut, it looks like pain! Oh bother.
jesus fucking christ *jesus fucking christ*
but hey, austerity and privatization right trickle down amirite
Rickets. I once used in an unfinished novel as a throwaway disease effecting people after Mount Rainier blew up, just to show how bad it was. It's not supposed to be happening in freakin' modern England.
One of my beta readers told me I shouldn't make up a disease without explaining what it did, and I had to tell them that it's a real disease, we just don't see it in the First World anymore. So good job, UK!
It's been happening here in Australia in the last few years, to a lesser but still alarming extent. Rickets and scurvy. Absolutely enraging.
It is really striking just how badly things are going in Britain, and how they seem to have been on that track for a long time with no real possibility of change in the future.
we get a general election some time in the near future and I really think we're furious enough to get at least some change out of it, even if not everything
Haven't the Tories fallen behind in the polls?
laughably so, they just won't piss off yet
the austerity will continue until morale improves
Good Frank Turner song about this called Thatcher Fucked the Kids
They had a decent social net and health care. Wasn’t perfect. But it was doing a pretty good job and it has been bloody awful watching the Tories smash it all to shit.
The years of Austerity saw the UK's social safety net shredded as a result of funding cuts. Post the GFC and bailing out the bankers the country faced a choice of tax rises and or spending cuts. George Osborne focused on the latter which is why the country is crumbling and grumbling.
The projected public spending plans required to meet the government's debt to GDP fiscal rule which UK Labour are currently saying they will stick to, indicates further cuts will be required after the general election. Therefore, awful could become truly awful.
Honestly it seems like this is the only campaign ad that Labour would need.
You’d think. Probably end with someone in the government seriously proposing workhouses as levelling up.
About time these starving orphans earned their keep.
If only Labour still existed.
My kid likes to brag about how tall he is and I snarl that he was raised on a full fridge and stable household. It matters.
Every aspect of conservativism is false; every motive for conservative policy vile. Every outcome intended, for the only intention ever is to harm those one sees below one.
Vote Tory get scurvy. And your rivers and sees full of shit. They should put that on the side of a bus.
The only thing that kept me from pellagra or some shit in Thatcher’s England in the 80’s was hitting the stalls for the fabulous cheap produce that the European Common Market provided in abundance. Oops.
Remember when Austerity was introduced in 2008 as a "short term" "temporary" measure in order to stabilise the economy after a worldwide recession? Remember when Income Tax was introduced in 1798 as a "short term" "temporary" measure to fund the Napoleonic Wars?
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You pulling some blatant libertarian bait and switch here bruv?
Not when both things were introduced as short term, temporary measures and both things are still in effect today. (Unless they've been rescinded in the last three hours, I haven't checked the parliamentary records this afternoon.)
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You pulling out the horror of income tax in a discussion about the evil of the rich.
Isn't income tax a tax on people who work, and are more often poor, while the rich get their money flow from investments and inheritances which are not considered "income"?
People with money to spare can immediately "reinvest" their income, which can then be written off against the tax as they don't benefit from it directly. What they then do is "invest" in a company they own, which in return gives them a house, a car, etc. in compensation, paid for by the company.
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It's also an example of the thin end of the wedge, where governments introduce policies which they can then cite as precedent for later, more harmful actions. They know they can get people to accept anything if they say it's only temporary, while fully intending to make it permanent.
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The UK really trying to catch up with America in "not actually being a first world country". Instead this time it's a third world country with a tiara, not a Gucci belt
May the Tories all fall into the Thames.