Mark K

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Mark K

Another machine trying to chew through it
Reposted byAvatar Mark K
Reposted byAvatar Mark K
Avatar NEW: Rep Joe Morelle (D-NY) “I will introduce a constitutional amendment to reverse SCOTUS’ harmful decision and ensure that no president is above the law. This amendment will do what SCOTUS failed to do—prioritize our democracy”
Reposted byAvatar Mark K
More details on the Alitos vs. the neighbors story, none of which actually explain the upside-down flag
Reposted byAvatar Mark K
People are on Twitter complaining that Alex Jones is being let back on Twitter. Why?! You know what that platform is by now. You either agree with how they have chosen to run things, or are complicit in continuing to engage there
Peter Thiel’s errand boy, Blake Masters, announced his campaign for Congress in Arizona while the Maine shooter is on the loose. He’ll probably recommend reading his manifesto if he left one
Can’t lie, Jenna Ellis crying in court gave me a good chuckle
Reposted byAvatar Mark K
Shoutout to the time paulg shat out some dumbfuck idea for his new project for Solving Social Media Forever and I politely informed him we'd proven it didn't work 20 years ago and pointed him towards the 20 years of scholarship on it, so he blocked me
These dudes are slowly realizing that their entire class of people were a product of zero-interest-rate financial chicanery rather than any kind of innovation or technology, and are going more and more insane as that environment falls apart.
Reposted byAvatar Mark K
That site is owned by someone who has made his views clear about what views should be promoted or suppressed, and *you* engaging there is *part of why others go and engage there*.
Reposted byAvatar Mark K
A thing that bums me out about AI discourse is that there are incredible scientific applications for it and it’s used all over the place *for the good of humanity* for example climate change modeling (and many other areas!) and as usual the tech bros have just fucking ruined it and turned it evil. 🧪
Reposted byAvatar Mark K
The Boebert stuff just reinforces that she --her entire mind, psyche, personality and intellect-- is frozen at a ninth-grade level.
Reposted byAvatar Mark K
Reposted byAvatar Mark K
End of feed.