Mark K

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Mark K

Another machine trying to chew through it
Think anyone will point out the hypocrisy of ranting against big tech, with big tech literally on the ticket and funding the campaign? Can’t wait until Yarvin is chairman of the FCC and they mandate running Urbit in the West Wing
Reposted byAvatar Mark K
If someone told you, "Many of America's top reporters spend a lot of their day in a chat room run by a 'great replacement' believing white supremacist and where many posters are Nazis" you'd be alarmed. That's basically the situation now.
I’ve said this a million times, but I’m genuinely frightened about what Musk’s fascist propaganda network is doing to do to our politics. I really wish someone, anyone, would come up with a collective strategy to get journalists, organizers and elected officials off the platform.
You forgot Poland! Poland being the brand name of the shoe that was thrown at him
Thanks for clearing that up. So if a protest was ordered to be cleared and if pardons were issued, then that would be the legal way to skirt criminal accountability?
Let’s say the President decides to use the National Guard to clear a public protest and orders them to fire. Would that not be immune? Could a soldier ever get an unlawful order?
Reposted byAvatar Mark K
Reposted byAvatar Mark K
Avatar NEW: Rep Joe Morelle (D-NY) “I will introduce a constitutional amendment to reverse SCOTUS’ harmful decision and ensure that no president is above the law. This amendment will do what SCOTUS failed to do—prioritize our democracy”
Also, remember when Trump said he wouldn’t play golf as President? How’d that work out?
Ultimately, the buck stops with Biden. He needs to know better than to talk about golf. The candidate shouldn’t have to rely on a comms team for pretty basic messaging. People care about issues. Not your golf handicap.
I’m also fine with no more hampers and no more wine. Just can’t accept any sort of gift period if you work for the government
It does say it is opt in. I’m hoping that they stick with that policy
Won’t someone think of the woman in her second home looking across the lagoon?!
And if he loses, he’ll just say that was rigged too. So that doesn’t matter either
“Great damage” just isn’t as catchy as “lock her up”
Remember when he claimed he was self funding
Tomorrow it’s going to come out that he has a Punisher sticker on his truck.
And then when it’s “announced” he gets another non stop news cycle. It’s not even a clever trick but people keep taking the bait
Reposted byAvatar Mark K
More details on the Alitos vs. the neighbors story, none of which actually explain the upside-down flag
Was hoping you’d pull a Garfunkel and have a list that you update on your personal website
Man do I wish comedy was legal on this platform
Don’t worry. They’ll tell you.
He mentioned that the Seinfeld episode where the homeless pull rickshaws couldn’t be made today. Ignoring the fact that it absolutely could
A Bitcoin parade. Can you imagine something less fun? Does all blockchain tech just warp the minds of anyone it comes in contact with?
Lisa, I want to buy your rock
Canadian girlfriends and unlimited credit card fees. Populist uprising
Will someone please explain to me again that this is populism?
What Faces are best to crank?
Reposted byAvatar Mark K