
i think of some y'all are being entirely too naive about the type of coverage harris would get
see also:
I agree that Harris has significant weaknesses as a politician but this is an incredibly ugly way to put it. Also: A centrist candidate choosing another centrist as his running mate — still not the left's fault! Leftists hate Harris, that's actually one of her weaknesses.
How is this any different than the MAGAs yelling that any job held by a woman or minority (let alone both) means they are unqualified and only got the job because of their race and/or gender?
it is extremely worrying because I don’t think Biden can survive the kind of coverage he’s getting, and if the Harris coverage goes this way too that’s basically a wrap
can we readjudicate dukakis
and by that i mean, i was in the second grade that year, so i feel like i'm more qualified to talk about 1988 than 2024
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The Times is trying very hard to put their thumb on the scale. If it were anyone but Trump against Biden they'd be guaranteed to succeed. But Trump, Dobbs, and 2025 are big weights to counter.
We *just* saw what they did to Claudine Gay!
A whole piece about the rambling of Biden and Harris during speeches that says nothing about Trump’s total incoherence in his speeches. Wild.
A) yes, 100% B) in the short term, though, a headline like this might be more helpful consolidating Dem support behind Harris than harmful to her.
yeah, she sucks big time, but conservatives hate her for reasons that only make themselves look worse and the left hates biden enough that elevating her feels like a win. she'll continue to drop bizarre one-liners with baffling tonal shifts bc she doesn't actually care abt anything, but it's fine.
it's very wild to me that like the ppl who hated her and called her copmala are now thinking she is like 2008 Obama levels of electability. i thought she was a better candidate than ppl gave her credit for, but now the same critics are crowning her.
and like rufo and the fucks on the right have been attributing any success at all by a minority to affirmative action or CRT. like how many ppl on the right are going to say she is an affirmative action choice and say a ton more awful things about her.
the media will flood the zone with any minor issues and continue to dress up anything trump says.
I will say though that only speaking on domestic policy a Harris presidency would be relatively good if it mirrored what Biden did. like more radical left than Obama or Clinton
This is my concern. There isn’t enough time for Harris and the Dem leadership to counter the onslaught of what’s to come not just from the GOP but a shittastic national press that has their finger on the scale for them.
How are they bringing Jill into this??
She’d be taking up another white job. Oh the horror!!!! amiright
The people who think Harris would do better than Biden have absolutely refused to watch the meltdowns that happen just about any time she gets near a mic. Call it a panic attack, fancy benzos we can only imagine, or just straight up android chatbot malfunction, it won't play well.
This race is up to Dems. If we unite, we win. If we don’t, we lose.
Her description of Harris is something else. I get that there are some people that might have issues with her but this isn't that. "Almost as painful as listening to Kamala D. Harris try to ground her thoughts in sentences."