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Digital artist, library aide, working on learning how to make games.
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need more everett true comics imo
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I finally timed milkweed pod foraging season right! Fried up a couple small pods as a test and they’re really good :9
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haha go fuck yourself
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Comics of the mid-14th century! Here's a straightened-out, lighter version if you wanna check out more details... ( h/t @lizzzs.bsky.social ) I hope most now find it obvious that this is the same art form as the latest X-Men—not an easy sell when I wrote Understanding Comics in 1993.
Early European sequential art. "Thirty Bible Stories," mid-14th century, anonymous Veronese artist (Museo del Castelvecchio, Verona)
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In which Shen reads romance
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this is your regular reminder that disability justice has to be a thing because our society is thoroughly imbued—sometimes invisibly so—with ableism that devalues disabled lives. even though anyone of any community can become disabled at any time.
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"Oh, Susanna!", Stephen Gammell
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If you see this, post a (weird) bird.
If you see this, post a bird.
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An author with multiple credible SA allegations wrote the foreword for my book and is prominently on the cover. I believe the women and I feel sick.
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This photo is pure 2024.
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This but unironically.
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Happy July 4! I celebrated freedom by sketching mini-house dioramas at the local Ikea store, don't judge me.
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It's Take Action for Libraries Day during #NationalLibraryWeek! 📚🗳️📣  Pledge to: ✅ Get Informed ✅ Register to vote ✅ Be ready for all 2024 elections Don't forget to communicate to your local, state, & national lawmakers to support the essential role of libraries in our communities! #KentuckyLibraries
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This made me laugh (again) 🥬
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When an article says "some scientists think" then remember this: I, a scientist, once thought I could fit a whole orange in my mouth. I could, it turns out, get it in there, but I hadn't given sufficient thought to the reverse operation.
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You: Please act normal; you need these people to like you. Me: OK! People: Hi Me: There aren't any horses in the currently-accessible regions of Tyria in GW2 and no one knows what happened to them or why they're gone but there are some lore tidbits about them existing very recently in Kryta and t
You: Please act normal; you need these people to like you. Me: OK! People: Hi Me: We literally domesticated and then abandoned pigeons and now they don't know how to live if not alongside us and they can't even build proper nests but we reject them and call them pests when they stick around and
Really hoping the shit I've been hearing about Neil isn't true, like as far as I've seen it's only been one news source's podcast and someone said one of the people who ran it was related to Boris?? I guess I shouldn't be surprised because a lot of celebrities turn out to suck, but god damn dude
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A hopeful and thought-provoking read. <-- my review from late last night when I felt I had nothing left in me but sleepiness so you can trust I really mean it
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These absolute legends at Wellington House 🫡🏳️‍⚧️
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Put colors on this old piece. Totally ripped off this image but tbf, its an awesome behind the scenes pic.
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