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Female, liberal, married & atheist boomer in Oregon with a rescued Great Pyrenees mix. Backyard habitat gardener.
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I still love this place
Reposted byAvatar Gardenermerc
Hey wow as someone with a stutter y’all are not kind At all Do you know what happens when you have the kind of stutter where you swap words? Your brain makes an association in a split second and you go “no, not that”, especially when nervous, and it just blorts out of your mouth.
Reposted byAvatar Gardenermerc
two reasons everyone could do themselves a favor and chill out: 1) we’ve seen an unpopular nominee everyone wants to drop out beat an even more wildly unpopular nominee (2016) and 2) unlike the goons who pretended they wouldn’t vote for trump, everyone’s being honest here
These are tense times, friends, and I appreciate everyone who's keeping a cool head and a kind heart while chatting about politics. I think it's entirely reasonable to feel that Biden should go or that Biden should stay. We all have fears, but there are also limits to what we can predict.
Reposted byAvatar Gardenermerc
I was the only video journalist there all three days. It was basically Project 2025 the conference and no one bothered to cover it outside of extremist reporters and David Weigel.
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Margaret Sullivan, the much-missed former public editor of, on the bizarre collapse of our major media in the face of a fascist, rapist traitor who has been granted full immunity by a thoroughly corrupted SCOTUS stacked with GOP hacks.
The media has been breathlessly attacking Biden. What about Trump? | Margaret The bigger story is Donald Trump’s appalling unfitness for office. He tried to overturn a legitimate election and is a felon
Reposted byAvatar Gardenermerc
I don’t think anyone realizes that it’s not as simple as shoving Biden out and getting a new face. If you’re worried about Biden, Kamala is right there behind him. Maybe our press should step out of the feeding frenzy and write a few articles about THAT.
Reposted byAvatar Gardenermerc
Biden’s anger over Trump lying about abortion is bringing him a bit back to life
Reposted byAvatar Gardenermerc
Boy, I sure am getting a lot of cold calls and texts from recruiters looking to hire OB/Gyns in Southern states… Wonder what that’s about…🤔
Reposted byAvatar Gardenermerc
Lately, journalists have asked if scientists didn't warn us enough, or didn't know how bad climate change would be. Scientists did their jobs. It's fossil fuel companies who lied about climate impacts FOR DECADES. They're to blame for these heat waves.
‘Smoking gun proof’: fossil fuel industry knew of climate danger as early as 1954, documents Documents show industry-backed Air Pollution Foundation uncovered the severe harm climate change would wreak
Reposted byAvatar Gardenermerc
Avatar publisher Will Lewis, one of the metastases of the Murdoch cancer killing democracies worldwide, advised Boris Johnson to delete incriminating images and texts on his phone. No wonder Jeff Bezos wants this stooge to put the fix in for Trump.
Washington Post publisher alleged to have advised Boris Johnson to ‘clean up’ phone during Partygate Covid Sources’ claim suggests advice by Will Lewis, an informal adviser to then prime minister, contradicted instructions to staff
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Reposted byAvatar Gardenermerc
One of the lessons emphasized in the wake of WWII and the various fascist nations was that there was a degree to which lots of people could be lured to support horrible things, that this was a huge risk, and this was why it was so important that we not have politicians & movements doing the luring.
Reposted byAvatar Gardenermerc
Thank you to everyone who welcomed me to BlueSky. Much appreciated.
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Reposted byAvatar Gardenermerc
More than 150 fake local news websites pushing Russian propaganda to U.S. audiences are connected to John Mark Dougan, an American former Marine and law enforcement officer living in Moscow. Dougan fled his home in Florida in 2016 to evade criminal charges related to a massive doxxing campaign.
Russian disinformation sites linked to former Florida deputy sheriff, research A new report from a media watchdog connects John Mark Dougan, who now lives in Russia, to scores of fake news sites.
Reposted byAvatar Gardenermerc
Reminder: these “disclaimers” in an account bio mean, respectively, “the entire purpose of this account is to steal other people’s work” and “we don’t care who they are”. I don’t know why such accounts are allowed here. Don’t follow or promote content theft accounts. They make the internet worse.
Reposted byAvatar Gardenermerc
Reposted byAvatar Gardenermerc
love to listen to Supreme Court oral arguments about fun hypotheticals like “if you have a womb is it possible you aren’t a person” and “should we have a king”
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For Republicans, life begins at conception, but not giving a shit begins at birth.
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Reposted byAvatar Gardenermerc
By the way... we lifted our "no heads of state" policy. 🤐
Reposted byAvatar Gardenermerc
So I had a friend dying in the hospital last week which was really devastating after all these other deaths, but now there's a twist. The hospital told his family he had no brain activity and that it was time to take him off life support. Everyone came to the hospital to say their goodbyes.
Reposted byAvatar Gardenermerc
Over the first three months of 2024, a network of oddly similar and mutually interacting "news" accounts has sprung up on Bluesky. These accounts post almost no original content and instead just link articles and videos and continually repost each other's posts.
Reposted byAvatar Gardenermerc
NEW from Aleja and me: Staffers at agencies of Catholic Charities, the century-old faith/based nonprofit, tell us they’re upping security and fielding threats after becoming a target for right-wing media personalities — and even members of Congress — because of their work with migrants.
Threats to Catholic Charities staffers increase amid far-right anti-migrant (RNS) — Catholic Charities locations have become the target of far-right media personalities, conspiracy theorists and even members of Congress.
Reposted byAvatar Gardenermerc
People engaged in actual electoral organizing are too busy to be yelling at strangers on the internet so that's your clue.
Reposted byAvatar Gardenermerc
I received an email from a to-be-unnamed press outlet asking me to comment—BEFORE the SOTU address—how gaffes during the address would hurt Biden. Really? LOOKING for bad news? They didn’t ask: how might this address affect his campaign? Nope. Just—WHEN he does badly, what happens Unbelievable.
Reposted byAvatar Gardenermerc
But I ALSO know about the secret or suppressed histories of resistance to fascism, real resistance, shit that isn't corporate or performative. It's the through-line. We can and will prevail
Reposted byAvatar Gardenermerc
Biden is just a few days older than he was the last time NYT made this the story. Meanwhile, Trump's business partners sued on allegations that he cheated them. News!!!
Absurd to say NYT wants Trump to win. This is how journalism works. 1. Biden weakness is more novel and thus bigger "news" (professional incentive) 2. Biden stories are of greater interest to NYT readership ($ incentive) 3. Being tough on Biden counters bias claims (prof./$ incentive)