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Gamer, geek, former grad student, composer.
The honest truth is that the GOP platform is wildly unpopular with the majority of Americans and they are primarily able to hold power through gerrymandering, voter suppression, and wildly unequal seat distribution in Congress.
Hard not to just roll my eyes and make a wanking motion when people screech about political violence not being ok this time, when I and most of the people I know were subjected to shitloads of political violence the whole time he was in office.
Yeah, I think it's fine to just not have any sympathy for someone who wants me and my kid dead.
So many people need to Have a Damn Seat this morning. Starting with people screaming "Americans, do something!"
Pro-tip: if your graphic design is going to use an image of a police officer, use one from Tom of Finland's comic catalog. It will make the right people smile.
For goodness sake stop sharing those stupidly obvious clickbait op eds. Are you new to the Internet or something? Hate media works because you enthusiatocally share the damn stuff, just stop. Stop! These people are of no importance, their opinions only matter because YOU share them. Stop ffs!
Haven't even made it a page through various feeds, and my anxiety is spiking. Might be time to nope (further) out on social media.
Wait, Lower Decks was canceled, too? :(
Holy shitballs, NYT. Holy. Shitballs.
"National Plan to End Parkinson’s Act" signed on July 2, 2024 (this is not mentioned in the NYT reporting)
Thinking of Aaron Swartz and the miscarriage of justice in light of this announcement.
Nothing is sacred anymore.
Can someone recommend a good podcast about the Karen Reed trial? I was...left wanting by the Boston Globe/Crime Writers on crossover. (WAnting in a bad way. If you say a personality...has merit, then I'm reminded of this line:
I award you no points and may God have mercy on your funny movie quote from Billy Madison
Avatar One interesting podcast would be about "Autism parents." Holy crap, do they go down the pseudoscience rabbit hole quickly.
Hey remember when Utah launched a carelessly thrown together form to report trans people in public spaces? New snitch line is up, but requires a Utah IP address to submit. Would be a real shame if a bunch of people used VPNs to fill it with useless data again.
wake up bluesky a new utah snitch line just dropped (you'll need a vpn if you're outside utah for this one)
Hotline Form |
Oh no this is awful. Was a sweet and funny guy.
I'm so glad I don't have to have a relationship with my mom's new family... (Mostly cops.)
"Have you considered never speaking to them again?" is excellent advice too infrequently given, IMO. And I don't mean a temporary, punitive "silent treatment." I mean accepting that the world is full of people you're simply better off not putting energy and time into, and cutting your losses.
Occurs to me that this is also the plot of Dune
Rich guys who have never had actual problems should never be allowed to do hallucinogens because it always confirms their pre-existing belief that they are divine
Ever have one of those days where, no matter what you say, it's just the absolute wrong thing to like everyone?
All this plus after the years of Trump and covid, it's a population of lowkey traumatized, broke, exhausted people who are barely hanging on emotionally and are in the habit of using their what leisure time they have to roll up in a blanket burrito on the couch and order delivery chicken fingers.
Movie theaters are competing with every other way Americans can spend their (rather limited) free time and disposable income. They compete with streaming, gaming, the entire internet, TV, sports, sports gambling, shopping, reading, jigsaw puzzles, cannabis, and sleeping. I think we're all tired.
That's twice this morning that I've tried to log into one account with the credentials of a completely other account.
If you refer to Chicago as "Chiraq," I'm not going to listen to the rest of what you have to say.
Was wondering where this went. I actually liked it. :(
Oscar Mayer Sandwich Spread (circa 1952-circa 2015): a mélange of creamy, spreadable meat, made primarily of bologna, mayo, pickles, onions, peppers and various spices, sold in a tube. "Great on crackers!" per the label.
Heads up Bluesky, this is Carol Hamilton, an individual on Twitter who is screenshotting our posts here and pasting them on Twitter/X for her largely anti-trans following. She has targeted myself, a trans man, people from Counter Hate Speech Aotearoa and people from the Disinformation Project.
Bummed this season is the last for ST: Discovery. I loved it because it wasn't Star Trek. SNW has grown on me in the 2nd season, but it's very much a reboot of TOS.
The Have Nots vs The Have Yachts: Your reminder that teachers can only deduct up to $300 worth of teaching supplies on their taxes, which are necessary to do their jobs, while CEOs can write off their private jets and yachts, which are not necessary to do theirs.
Avatar Hey, was he there when you were? :) Oh wait, '86 graduate. Nevermind!